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Posts posted by Badgermordakin

  1. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP

    [11th of Great Harvest, 138 S.A.]

    [July 22nd, 2023]


    ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚠᚠᛁᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛁᚨᚱ


    ᚨ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚨ ᛒᛖᛏᚱᚨᚤᚨᛚ


    The halls of Yemekar have been besmirched with the blood of the dwedmar. Kinslaying by the hand of a one Torsun formerly Goldhand. Bring us his head and you will be rewarded greatly. 250 mina for either Torsun Goldhand or Rylanor Goldhand. 500 for both.






    Lord Justiciar of Urguan

  2. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP

    [1st of Malin’s Welcome, 137 S.A.]

    [July 13th,  2023]


    ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚠᚠᛁᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛁᚨᚱ

    An Inquiry for Witness

    ᚨᚾ ᛁᚾᛩᚢᛁᚱᚤ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛖ



    Recently, it has come to the High Courts’ knowledge that an incident of possible vigilantism has occurred within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan between that of one of the Frostbeard clan and a Barclay. Naturally, we will be holding an investigation into this manner and would like to see justice come from whatever may have illegally occurred in this particular instance. As such, the Courts would like to encourage any witnesses to come forth so as to give interviews on the events in question so that Dungrimm’s justice might occur. Please seek out any of our magistrates or the Lord Justiciar himself.







    Lord Justiciar of Urguan

  3. Quote

    The First Party:
    Garedyn The Emerald,
    The Grand Kingdom




    The Second Party:
    Garrond Frostbeard




    Terms of Oath:
    I, The King’s Axe,
    pledge myself to uphold justice in the name of the Grand King and Kingdom
    To uphold the justice of the courts and to slay those it has deemed to be deserving of death
    To protect the Grand King and Kingdom in the face of injustice.




    Date of Oath:
    21st of the Deep Cold, S.A 135


    This oath has been approved and written into the book

  4. Da Dammazavos'rum Kron

    ᛞᚨ ᛞᚨᛗᛗᚨᛉᚨᚡᛟᛋ'ᚱᚢᛗ ᚴᚱᛟᚾ


    Deep within the libraries of Urguan, there sits upon a pedestal a tome both ancient and sacred to the Dwedmar. Kept under constant guard both day and night by the legion of Urguan, whilst the book itself is kept shut using powerful runic locks. It is none other than the most honored, Book of Grudges.




    The Book of Grudges is a most ancient and sacred book tying its origins back to the forefather of all dwarves, Urguan himself. This great tome serves as an eternal recording of the wrongdoings committed against the honor of those of the Dwedmar. These grudges are held secret and safe, while many might have heard of them very few have seen the contents of this tome. 


    Any who have infringed upon the honor of the great dwedmar shall have their names written for eternity within the tome until such a time when a settlement has been met and their grudge may be stricken from the tome.


    Any and all grudges approved in this book must be approved first by the relevant authorities in accordance to the Laws and Articles of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


    In this section, one might find the list of lesser grudges within this ancient tome in accordance to new Urguani Grudgelaw.





    The Wronged:


    The Assailant:


    The Wrong:


    Date of Wrongdoing:


    Terms of Settlement:




    OOC Disclaimer: The Book of Grudges is locked away under constant guard. In no way should you be able to see it, or anything written within, unless you were admitted into the vault. To be admitted, you must be a dwarf of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan who has been explicitly given access by someone who has the appropriate authority. This means if you are a banished dwarf or a wanted criminal or anything of the like, you would not have access to any of the grudges written into the book. Please RP accordingly.


    Active Grudges



    The Wronged:

    Darinndrabor Blackroot

    Belgrum Starbreaker

    Wilhelm Ireheart

    Urist Ireheart

    Morul Irongut

    Balek irongut


    The Assailant:

    Orenian General Alren Denurem and Sir Arcues reine


    The Wrong:

    Insults made against Darinndrabor Blackroot and his kin. Failure to apply proper strategy, leading to their near-defeat at the hands of the infernal scourge, prior to Dwarven intervention. Their near-defeat at the hands of the Infernal Scourge nearly leading to the death of Balek Irongut. Refusal to offer thanks to the Dwarvish party which rescued the Orenian retinue.


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    8th Of The Deep Cold, 1778


    Terms of Settlement:

    An official personal apology from the general and the knight.
    Or 7k minaes.




    The Wronged:

    Clan Irongrinder


    The Assailant:

    Clan Grimgold

    The Wrong:

    The slander of the good name of the Irongrinders via the mistaking of Grimgold colors and Grimgold actions for that of the great actions of Clan Irongrinder


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    1 SA.


    Terms of Settlement:

    The payment of 500 mina, the changing of the Grimgold colors, and a public apology.




    The Wronged:

    Clan Grimgold


    The Assailant:

    Clan Irongrinder


    The Wrong:

    Accusing Clan Grimgold of stealing their colors 50 years after they voted to approve Clan Grimgold to the council under said colors. Choosing to resort to legal trickery to make money off of fellow Dwarves. Accusing Clan Grimgold of disrespecting the name of Clan Irongrinder, even though no action or words were ever taken against or towards them.


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    18th of Amber Cold, Year 1 of the Second Age


    Terms of Settlement:

    An apology for accusing Clan Grimgold of disrecpect to be delivered before the Council and 500 minae in compensation for attempting to demand the same over a supposed slight, claiming it happened now when they approved the colors five decades prior when the Grimgolds were first brought into the Clan Council.




    The Wronged:

    Lord Atandt Irongrinder


    The Assailant:

    Oliver Renault and Joseph Brandt


    The Wrong:

    Mismanagement of troops and men directly leading to the stabbbing of Lord Atandt Irongrinder while he was working on a boat at Tor’Sjorvath. 


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    Year 45, of the Second Age


    Terms of Settlement:

    The extradition of the men responsible and 500 minas.




    The Wronged:

    Darek Irongrinder, Clan Irongrinder


    The Assailant:

    Unknown  woman,

    Tall with orange eyes and white hair


    The Wrong:

    Insulting Darek's craftsdwedship


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    19th of Sun's Smile 50 SA


    Terms of Settlement:

    The purchase of a warhammer from Darek at a marked up price. Or the extermination of her bloodline.





    The Wronged:

    Thalgrim Goldhand


    The Assailant:

    Bakir Ireheart


    The Wrong:

    Dishonourably luring Thalgrim Goldhand into the Ireheart Clan Hall without informing him of the true intent of the meeting, then goldcasting Thalgrims right hand. 


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    116 S.A


    Terms of Settlement:

    That Bakir Ireheart apologise for his deceit, and that his right hand be removed and then goldcasted.

    The Wronged: Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


    The Assailant: Ulfric Frostbeard


    The Wrong: Undermining the clan, insulting Bakir, questioning the honor of Clan Ireheart, deception and running from an honor duel.


    Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A.


    Terms of Settlement: A duel to the death or a debearding



    The Wronged: Thalgrim Goldhand


    The Assailant: Lilliana of Talar'Nor


    The Wrong: Insulting Thalgrim's honour, calling him a Iblees consorter with the result of negatively impacting his business dealings. 


    Date of Wrongdoing: 24th of the Amber Cold, Year 133 of the Second Age.


    Terms of Settlement: Lilliana's slanderous tongue shall be ripped out and goldcasted. 


    The Wronged:

     Thromdrick Irongut

    The Assailant:

     Garedyn Mossborn

    The Wrong:

    An insult to his honor by offering a meaningless position as recompense for his desecration of Dungrimm's justice to satisfy the proposal of one Jorvin Starbreaker in addition to multiple sustained insults to his honor over the period of Thromdrick's time as Lord Justiciar of Urguan.

    Date of Wrongdoing:

     8th Malin's Welcome, 147 S.A. (Sept 21st, 2023)

    Terms of Settlement:

    The public apology of Garedyn Mossborn and his resignation from the position of Grand King of Urguan.


    Struck-Out Grudges




    Original Post





    To make things a lot more clear and avoid confusion with the new grudge laws, this and the Book of Minor Grudges post shall serve as the new book of grudges posts. Also the old book of grudges is about 3 years old now and getting kind of bloated so it's always nice to have freshen it up every once in awhile. Plus I am a rep farmer, give me rep.


  5. Da Dammaz’hattr Kron

    ᛞᚨ ᛞᚨᛗᛗᚨᛉ'ᚺᚨᛏᛏᚱ ᚴᚱᛟᚾ


    Deep within the libraries of Urguan, there sits upon a pedestal a tome both ancient and sacred to the Dwedmar. Kept under constant guard both day and night by the legion of Urguan, whilst the book itself is kept shut using powerful runic locks. It is none other than the most honored, Book of Grudges.




    The Book of Grudges is a most ancient and sacred book tying its origins back to the forefather of all dwarves, Urguan himself. This great tome serves as an eternal recording of the wrongdoings committed against the honor of those of the Dwedmar. These grudges are held secret and safe, while many might have heard of them very few have seen the contents of this tome. 


    Any who have infringed upon the honor of the great dwedmar shall have their names written for eternity within the tome until such a time when a settlement has been met and their grudge may be stricken from the tome.


    Any and all grudges approved in this book must be approved first by the relevant authorities in accordance to the Laws and Articles of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


    In this section, one might find the list of major grudges within this ancient tome in accordance to new Urguani Grudgelaw.





    The Wronged:


    The Assailant:


    The Wrong:


    Date of Wrongdoing:


    Terms of Settlement:




    OOC Disclaimer: The Book of Grudges is locked away under constant guard. In no way should you be able to see it, or anything written within, unless you were admitted into the vault. To be admitted, you must be a dwarf of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan who has been explicitly given access by someone who has the appropriate authority. This means if you are a banished dwarf or a wanted criminal or anything of the like, you would not have access to any of the grudges written into the book. Please RP accordingly.


    Active Grudges



    The Wronged:

    The Dwedmar Corporation


    The Assailant:

    The Imperial Treasury, specifically Peter Sarkozic


    The Wrong:

    failing to repay a loan of 20k mina


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    The Past


    Terms of Settlement:

    40k mina or alternatively the head of Peter Sarkozic



    The Wronged:

    The Race of Urguan and all his Descendants

    The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    The Grand King of Urguan

    The Legion of Urguan

    The Clergy of the Brathmordakin

    Clan Irongut

    Clan Starbreaker

    Clan Ireheart

    Clan Grandaxe

    Clan Frostbeard

    Clan Goldhand

    Clan Treebeard

    Clan Irongrinder

    Clan Emberhorn

    Clan Blackroot

    Clan Grimgold

    Clan Metalfist

    The many other Clans of Urguan, both Common and Exiled.


    The Assailant:

    Demonkind as a whole, of the Infernal variant in particular


    The Wrong:

    Theft of the Hammer of Urguan, Father of Dwarfenkind


    Date of Wrongdoing:



    Terms of Settlement:

    The return of Urguan’s Hammer

    The arms of ten thousand Demonkin as retaliation

    The utter annihilation of any and all Demonic beings from the face of the mortal plane, from now until the End Times


    Let it be declared before the Gods that this grudge stands to be inherited not only by my successors, but by any Dwarf who dares call himself a Monarch from now until the end of our race, or  the End of Times, whichever comes first.

    Narvak oz Urguan

    Yoth da Keznol nar Brathmordakin

    Justice will be done





    The Wronged:
    Danika Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan

    The Assailant:
    Dunan Grandaxe

    The Wrong:
    Assault, Partial-Blinding and Mental Trauma caused by assault

    Date of Wrongdoing:
    7th of Malin's Welcome

    Terms of Settlement:
    The removal of Dunan Grandaxe's eyes, and the hand used to harm Danika Goldhand, to be cast in gold and hung upon the Goldhand Clan halls.





    The Wronged:
    The Brathmordakin and their Mortal Servants, Da Kirkja Dverga.
    Elder Clan Starbreaker

    The Assailant:
    Azdromoth and his mortal servants, the Azdrazi.

    The Wrong:
    Desecration of the Temple of the Worldmaker, and the Shrines of the Ancestor-Gods, the Brathmordakin.

    Date of Wrongdoing:
    72 SA.

    Terms of Settlement:
    The Eradication of Azdromoth and his servants.


    The Exile of Azdromoth and his servants from the territory of the Grand Kingdom, the Heads of those responsible for this vile act, a formal apology issued by the Arch-Dragon himself, either delivered in person or through his foremost mortal servant, and compensation in the form of a treasure of irreplaceable value from the Hoard of the Arch-Dragon himself, delivered to the High Prophet or the Godslayer by the Arch-Dragon himself, or his foremost mortal servant.

    Let it be known that should the High Prophet of the Brathmordakin, or that Jorvin ‘The Godslayer’ Starbreaker fall in battle before the grudge is fulfilled, the task of seeing this grudge crossed out shall fall to their successors and next of kin, from now until the End Times. Let it be known that should those responsible for this heinous act fall in battle before they may be brought to justice, the heads of their successors and next of kin will suffice in their place.


    The Wronged: Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


    The Wronged: Clan Ireheart


    The Assailant: The Vale 


    The Wrong: Betraying Urguan, leaving the dwarves to fight alone as they were sieged by the Mori. Insulting Clan Ireheart and insulting the honor of two former Grand Kings.


    Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A


    Terms of Settlement: The ear of Mirven and her spouse, a payment of 1k mina and a barrel of Netherite ore.




    The Wronged: Tundo Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan.


    The Assailant: A Mogg Companyman and the Mogg Company. 


    The Wrong: That he did accost, rob and debeard Tundo Goldhand without provocation.


    Date of Wrongdoing: Two years past. 


    Terms of Settlement: That the Companyman shall part with his head, to be gold-casted. 



    Struck-Out Grudges




    Original Post





    To make things a lot more clear and avoid confusion with the new grudge laws, this and the Book of Minor Grudges post shall serve as the new book of grudges posts. Also the old book of grudges is about 3 years old now and getting kind of bloated so it's always nice to have freshen it up every once in awhile. Plus I am a rep farmer, give me rep.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Druidism or more specifically in this case, Druidic Communion is the most essential and first thing every druid needs to know and have. The MA for this only comes after an important and often lengthy time spent in a dedicancy, performing tasks related to the duties of Druidism. Additionally, they must have an attunement, something that can be awfully taxing depending on the type of person undergoing it. With communion Druids can listen and interact with the voices of nature around them. These gifts are given by the Aspects, making the magic a Deific magic and is typically used for the protection of nature and the "balance". These voices and gifts are difficult to understand and use at first but as time goes on and lessons are given they become much easier to filter and understand.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are three subsections of the base level Druidism: Communion, Control, and Nature's Infusion:


    Communion is the "bread and butter" of any Druid's functioning and the most important thing at their disposal. To use any other ability a druid must first connect through communion. This communion allows them to communicate with the nature of flora and fauna surrounding them in a symphony of voices. This is awfully distressing at first but over time Communion becomes easier as druids learn to hone their abilities in listening and communicating back with communion.


    Control is a more request based subsection. Control abilities lie more in a strong voice in nature not "commanding" it per say but more of a request made of the nature surrounding them. Control abilities like Surge allow druids to more directly influence nature and its role as opposed to just listening and communicating with nature.


    Nature's Infusion is a slightly more freeform and creative branch of the magic where one might use their gifts to direct certain energies into various things like items or other Druids. This still requires the use of communion though, as do all three of the branches.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




    Wulff closes her eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath as she begins to reach out for her gifts from the Aspects. As the energies begin to flow through her, her breathing calms, slow and deep so that she might reach out to the small seed. As she opens her eyes, they grow a bright yellow, clearly, her communion with the seed has begun. 


    [!] As the 'ame feels the connection strengthen she reaches out more, urging the seed and guiding its growth with the energies she breathes through her.


    [!] And with that, the seed begins to unfurl, quietly and slowly reaching out to take root in the dirt beneath and grow into a small berry bush from the 'ame's urgings.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




    Wulff sits above, casually balanced upon the branch in the tree overlooking Dworfo "Alrighty! Todeh we are gonna learn te focus ye senses upon th' voices and move past th' hums. This is ye first lesson 'nd ah know it seems like ah lot now, but this 'elps with th' headache. Ah promise!" the 'ame shifts around on the branch a bit, adjusting her grip and sending a small shower of leaves down "Okeh, first things first, Ah need ye te calm yerself. Breathe in, Breath out. Meditate for ah bit"


    Dworfo does as instructed, putting his fingers up in small circles as he begins to meditate


    Wulff nods along, watching her student and speaking more quietly "Good, ti, now keep that up, quiet an' tranquil"


    Dworfo continues the meditation, sitting and listening to the calming sounds of the nearby brook as it trickles across the land.


    Wulff takes note as Dworfo reaches a deeper meditation, choosing not to speak as he finishes up in the task.


    Dworfo's breathing becomes deep and relaxed as his meditative state that concentrates upon the hum in the back of his head.


    Wulff continues the lesson, much more quietly so as not to disturb Dworfo's state "Okeh, now focus on th' hum, try te open up your connection to th' nature around ye. Expand ye thoughts, ye mind, ye senses."


    Dworfo's face constricts as he tries and opens up his connection to the sounds of nature, fully hearing them and prepared for perceiving nature.


    #LOOC: BuffBadger: Oop hang on! You need two emotes to open your connection up to in at Tier One


    #LOOC: DworfoNPC: Oh sorry! Void that last emote, I'll fix it.


    #LOOC: BuffBadger: No worries!


    Dworfo's face constricts as he tries to open his connection, beginning to sense the greater sounds of nature around him.


    Wulff nods along, watching intent as her student progresses through the familiar motions.


    Dworfo continues on, fully opening his connection to nature, primed and ready to perceive all the voices around him


    Wulff grins excitedly "Yes! Yes! That's it! Now listen! Perceive, look, dance, sniff! Whatever it is ye see take it all in! This is th' first step into bein' ah true druid!"


    Dworfo ohhh's and ahhhh's at the new sounds and sights as his communion fully opens, even if just for a small radius "Woah... this is amazing! Thanks mentor!"


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If I saw powergaming or had someone mention to me that a student of mine was indeed powergaming, I would first politely inform them of their mistake and explain why it was wrong and how it might improve. I would do my best to ensure they do this until it might become evident that it is done on purpose in which I would provide a final chance before either dropping them and informing staff members.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP

    [8th of Snow’s Maiden, 135 S.A.]

    [June 28th, 2023]


    ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚠᚠᛁᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛁᚨᚱ


    ᛟᚾ ᛗᚨᛏᛏᛖᚱᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚠᚢᚷᛁᛏᛁᚡᛖᛋ


    In a great act of cowardice it appears that a one Ulfar Starbreaker has fled Dungrimm’s justice and now acts as a fugitive of High Crimes against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Such cannot stand in a civilized society of dwedmar. As such, a public warrant of arrest shall be issued for the sake of the safety of King and Kingdom. Any who bring him in for trial, preferably alive, shall have the eternal gratitude of the dwedmar. Ulfar Starbreaker is known to be dangerous with many golems to protect him from such acts and has exhibited signs of tagum, beware any confrontation. Ulfar can be described as a Cave Dwarf, ashy in skin and is known to have golem limbs. Proceed with caution. Any who have knowledge on the whereabouts of Ulfar are strongly urged to come forth with such information as he is now known to have committed many crimes and shall be brought to trial. Should Ulfar be reading this, please come forward peacefully and return, clemency will be given should you prevent the shedding of more blood.






    Lord Justiciar of Urguan




  8. Quote

    The Wronged:Githaic Goldhand


    The Assailant: Sigrun Ireheart


    The Wrong: Punching Githaic magically in the back, launching him across the throne room. Agreeing to the retribution of a magical punch and then backing out.


    Date of Wrongdoing: 6th of the Snow’s Maiden, Year 135 of the Second Age.


    Terms of Settlement: Two hundred minas or a magical punch on the back



    This grudge has been approved and written in the book

  9. Quote

    The Wronged: Thalgrim Goldhand


    The Assailant: Lilliana of Talar'Nor


    The Wrong: Insulting Thalgrim's honour, calling him a Iblees consorter with the result of negatively impacting his business dealings. 


    Date of Wrongdoing: 24th of the Amber Cold, Year 133 of the Second Age.


    Terms of Settlement: Lilliana's slanderous tongue shall be ripped out and goldcasted. 

    This grudge has been approved and written in the book

  10. Da Baraz Kron

    ᛞᚨ ᛒᚨᚱᚨᛉ ᚴᚱᛟᚾ

    Deep within the ancient libraries of Urguan sits a pedestal, quite familiar to that of the Book of Grudges. Revered and gilded, that which is holds is kept under guard at all times, day and night by the legion of Urguan, and the pedestal itself is kept under locks crafted from the greatest locksmiths of the Kingdom. For it holds the great and honored Book of Oaths.

    Premium Photo | An ancient book filled with runes and symbols sitting on a  pedestal in a candlelit room

    The book of oaths, while not new in law is now new in creation. It serves a similar purpose to that of the Book of Grudges but in serving to record Oaths rather than Grudges. This book shall serve as an everlasting record of any dwed who may commit to treaties and bindings with provision of the courts and the government so as to make official record of any and all agreements made. The contents of the Book of Oaths are kept secret to the rest of the descendant races, with only a handful of non-dwed ever having laid their eyes upon it.


    Those honorable Dwed who wish to have their agreements bound by law and recorded in an everlasting record will have their names written into the Book of Oaths, and will not be crossed out unless both sides reach an agreement to strike their oath from record. Should these oaths be broken it is considered a first-degree offense under Urguani law, so oaths should not be taken lightly.


    For an Oath to be approved, both parties must be entering in willingly and with full control of their mind and senses.



    The First Party:

    The Second Party:

    Terms of Oath:

    Date of Oath:


    OOC Disclaimer: The Book of Oaths is locked away under constant guard. In no way should you be able to see it, or anything written within, unless you were admitted into the vault. To be admitted, you must be a dwarf of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan who has been explicitly given access by someone who has the appropriate authority. This means if you are a banished dwarf or a wanted criminal or anything of the like, you would not have access to any of the oaths written into the book. This post is meant to serve a similar job to the book of grudges as I noticed we have a provision for it in law but not an actual book. Please RP accordingly.


    Active Oaths:


    The First Party:
    Garedyn The Emerald,
    The Grand Kingdom




    The Second Party:
    Garrond Frostbeard




    Terms of Oath:
    I, The King’s Axe,
    pledge myself to uphold justice in the name of the Grand King and Kingdom
    To uphold the justice of the courts and to slay those it has deemed to be deserving of death
    To protect the Grand King and Kingdom in the face of injustice.


  11. Quote

    The Wronged:


    The True Sons & Daughters of Tungdil


    The Assailant:


    The Bastard Grimgold Clan


    The Wrong:



    The Grimgold Clans repeated attempts to lie and claim the lineage of Tungdil through fabrication of the existence of ‘Theodoric Grimgold’ as his son, in spite of a lack of evidence of this person in either the Gilded Tree or any other official dwarven record. 



    Alaric Grimgolds shameful attempt to usurp the Goldhand name at a meeting of the Grand Senate, while still favoring the name of a common clan over the honored Goldhand name, therefore levying a great insult upon the Aurokanar.



    Alaric Grimgolds attempt to slander the good names of various family members of the Goldhand Clan, as well as his blatant attempt to manipulate the honored Conan Goldhand, and past Clanlords through his lies and deceit.


    Date of Wrongdoing:


    The past two centuries. 


    Terms of Settlement:



    That the Grimgolds must henceforth abandon any pretensions of connection to that ancient gloried name, accepting that they no longer have association with the Goldhand Clan nor shall the word gold have any place in their clans name. Any Grimgold with the exception of Alaric Grimgold shall be permitted to approach Clan Lord Conan Goldhand to join the Goldhand Clan, with their own seperate lineages verified by Torsun Goldhand, keeper of the Gilded Tree. 


    That Alaric Grimgold must swear an oath to Clan Lord Conan Goldhand to never attempt a usurpation of the Lordship of the Goldhand Clan in the future, and to acknowledge the supremacy of the Elder Goldhand Clan over the common Grimgold Clan. 



    That Alaric Grimgold must apologize for his deceitful actions and pay a weregild of 2.5k Mina as compensation for his slights or else his helmet shall be removed and slanderous tongue ripped out, both goldcasted to be put on display in the Clan Hall of the Aurokanar. 

    This grudge, having been fulfilled, has been stricken from the book

  12. Quote

    The Wronged: Clan Ireheart


    The Assailant: The Vale 


    The Wrong: Betraying Urguan, leaving the dwarves to fight alone as they were sieged by the Mori. Insulting Clan Ireheart and insulting the honor of two former Grand Kings.


    Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A


    Terms of Settlement: The ear of Mirven and her spouse, a payment of 1k mina and a barrel of Netherite ore. 

    This grudge has been approved and written in the book

  13. Quote

    The Wronged: Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


    The Assailant: Ulfric Frostbeard


    The Wrong: Undermining the clan, insulting Bakir, questioning the honor of Clan Ireheart, deception and running from an honor duel.


    Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A.


    Terms of Settlement: A duel to the death or a debearding

    The Wronged: Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


    The Assailant: Thalgrim Goldhand


    The Wrong: The insulting of Clan Ireheart, Bakir's sons and the constant slighting of Bakirs and the Clans honor and role. Finally, for giving Clan Ireheart his word and then breaking his word in full display of the clan. 


    Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A.


    Terms of Settlement: The Debearding of Thalgrim and an item requested by Clan Ireheart containing the apology of Thalgrim Goldhand

    These grudges have been approved and written in the book

  14. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thromdrick Irongut


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sulieronn Ashwood-D'Avre


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  15. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thromdrick Irongut


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Briga Irongut


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy (A+W)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  18.    OOC

        ((MC Name: BuffBadger))

        ((Timezone: EST))



        What is your name: Thromdrick Irongut

        Why seek membership to the Mages Guild: I am a practicing mage of many years and the clan father of the Irongut clan of Dwarven void mages. I was a teacher to one of your order and have now decided to seek it out myself. I always am happy to seek out other mages in this world and desire to interact with more, particularly in these... trying times.

        What arts, if any, do you currently practice: Air and Life Evocation

        What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance: Adeptus Majoris

        When should you be contacted for an interview: I am free at just about any time. Especially stone Tuesdays and Thursdays, send a bird.

  19. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thromdrick Irongut


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ursus Grandaxe


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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