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Posts posted by Badgermordakin



    An orcish runesmith imbuing an object

    Forged and created by the first runesmith, these core runes serve as the very foundations of runesmithing, often the first ones taught to a novice runesmith. They have held their place in the most masterful of crafts and are known to all well-studied runesmiths. The runesmith’s arsenal of runes are made up of Rune Carvings, your traditional runes carved into items and objects; and Rune Casts, a newer form of runic magic serving to temporarily inflict the effect of a rune into an area of 3 blocks radius.


    Rune Carvings



    This rune expands the range in which an item can function, doubling it from its former characteristic. Such a rune might make a potion bottle feel lighter, an arrow whizz out its bow’s string with unprecedented speed, or a wizard’s staff teem with greater energy.

    • Doubles the range in which an item can be used

    • In cases where this rune is carved into things that already increase the range of an item’s effects (e.g. Arcane foci) the original range is quadrupled

    • Can be carved into large built firing implements (e.g. canons, trebuchets, etc.)

    • Requires player signature



    This rune serves to create a greater force in which projectiles might fire from their respective firing implements. Such a rune might make its item wear much faster, strings fraying or rust growing.

    • Increases the force from which a fired projectile hits with up a “level” (e.g. bow firing with power of crank crossbow, crank crossbow with the power of arbalest, etc.)

    • This effect can also be applied to magical projectiles from enchanted items. Apply logically (e.g. Fireball wouldn’t benefit from this, but an earth spike would)

    • Refer to Techlock for forces of respective weapons

    • In cases where unsure, merely double the original force

    • Requires player signature



    This rune doubles the area of effect of the item in which it is carved into. Such a rune might make a potion more unruly as its contents fight against their container or a druid's staff hum the sound of nature louder.

    • Doubles the area of effect in which an item effects (e.g. a 3x3x3 area effect now affects a 6x6x6 area)

    • In cases where this rune is carved into things that already increase the expansion of an item’s effects the original area is quadrupled

    • Can only be used with item effects that affect an area (e.g. Tanglefoot potion, Air Sweep, Druidic Cleansing etc.)

    • Requires ST signature



    This rune doubles the time in which the effects of an item last. Such a rune might make the item last far longer without rusting or blunting.

    • In cases where this rune is carved into objects where the objects duration has already been doubled the duration of an item’s effects the original duration is quadrupled

    • Can only be used with item effects that have a duration in which they last (e.g. Cat’s eye potion, Terrestrial Conjuration etc.)

    • Requires Player signature



    This rune serves to maintain the concentration of those who use items that it is carved upon. Such a rune might draw an observer’s eyes to focus intently on it, strangely entranced by its image.

    • Allows a spellcaster or anyone else who needs to maintain concentration on an item’s effect to keep that concentration when they otherwise would have lost it (e.g. getting kicked in the head, punched in the face, tripping over, etc.)

    • Can apply to casting implements that increase concentration to maintain concentration when casting magic with them (e.g. druidic staves, wizard’s wand etc.)

    • Does not negate any ill effects done to the user, merely allows them to maintain concentration/charge through an instance that would normally break concentration

    • Can only be used ONCE per combat encounter before runes need time to recharge

    • Requires player signature



    This rune serves to channel the bearer’s anima to strengthen the craft of their prosthetic, creating a more powerful object than previously known. Such a rune will make its bearer’s prosthetic able to wield more strength than it previously was, enabling a greater craft.

    • Allows a prosthetic craft to become just under a “level” stronger (e.g. enabling an elf to have an arm with the strength of just under that of an orc)

    • When unsure of the next level, just double strength.

    • This strength applies ONLY to the prosthetic into which it is carved, the rest of the body is not strengthened. You would still find difficulty lifting heavy things as the rest of the body is not built to bear such weight

    • The person bearing the prosthetic MUST have a greater soul from which the rune can draw anima from to power itself

    • Requires ST signature


    Rune Casts



    This rune serves to increase the strength of the armor of those who stand within, increasing its capabilities against those who seek to breach its confines.

    • Increases the strength of the armor of anyone who stands within to slightly above the level of steel and below bluesteel

    • This rune has no effect any armor that is already stronger than steel (e.g. carbarum)

    • This runecast only affects the runesmith’s allies and themself

    • This rune has no effect on Thanhium due to its anti-magic properties



    This rune serves to decrease the strength of the armor of those who stand within, decreasing its capabilities to allow enemies to breach its confines more easily.

    • Decreases the strength of the armor of anyone who stands within to just below the level of leather

    • This rune has no effect any armor that is already weaker than leather (e.g. cloth)

    • This runecast only affects the runesmith’s enemies

    • This rune has no effect on Thanhium due to its anti-magic properties



    This rune serves to decrease the size of spells and potions that land within it. Any potions or spells that land within would find their areas of effect halved.

    • Halves the area of effect of spells and potions that LAND IN the rune

    • In cases where halving makes a decimal (e.g. 3 block radius being halved to 1.5 blocks) round up (e.g. 3 block radius being halved to 2 blocks)

    • Only effects spells/potions with areas of effect



    This rune serves to increase the size of spells and potions that land within it. Any potions or spells that land within would find their areas of effect doubled.

    • Doubles the area of effect of spells and potions that LAND IN the rune

    • Only effects spells/potions with areas of effect



    This rune serves to decrease the energy of those who stand within it. Any within would find that what would once be easily handled by them has now become a laborious task.

    • Gives the equivalent of voidal weakness to those within this rune

    • This runecast has no physical effect on voidal mages

    • This runecast only affects the runesmith’s enemies

    • Doubles the fatigue spellcasters gain from casting spells while within this rune



    This rune serves to increase the energy of those who stand within it. Any within would find that what would once fatigue them greatly now only does so a little.

    • Halves the general fatigue gained by doing actions when within this rune

    • This applies to other effects such as spells that aim to force fatigue onto a person

    • Halves the fatigue spellcastors gain from casting spells while within this

    • This runecast only affects the runesmith’s allies and themself

    • Can be used to justify casting more spells than would normally be possible by spellcasters




    BuffBadger - Primary writer

    XxEnderking - Secondary writer

    _RoyalCrafter_ - Secondary writer








    This write is meant to serve as the first runes to be used for my latest Runesmithing rewrite and should not be approved unless it is. It is my intention with this write to provide a base set of runes from which runesmiths can work and provide a template for future writes of new runes that people may desire for expanding on runesmithing and greater customization.


  2. 21 minutes ago, Norgeth said:

    I uhh. . . Don't really know why Runesmithing would be related to Garumdir, he is basically entirely focused on non-magical innovation/crafting and would likely not mess around with Magic or other energies to power his machines. I'm not a huge fan.


    7 minutes ago, Jaxothy said:

    I like the lore, but it does seem odd for it to be Garumdir- he is the god of what is basically the clockwork realm and cares about non-magical inventions and machines; I don't know if it really fits with rune smithing



    Deep in the realm of Val’Garis lies the secret to an ancient steel, known only to Garumdir as he worked endlessly to perfect his craft. In the wars against Ixris, the recipe has laid dormant, no longer can Garumdir take the time needed to forge of this steel and carve masterworks. Until now, he has kept his craft a secret, but as he lends his powers of the Spark down to his devotees, he too lends the recipe to one of his most important crafts. While a lesser version than that of Garumdir’s, the Rhunsteel given to the Runesmiths of the mortal plane serves much the same purpose. Rhunsteel allows the craft to bear more runes and for a longer duration, critical to Garumdir’s operations within the Avant Sphere.





    Rhunsteel does not have a raw form, as it is not carved from ores in the earth but rather made from a recipe of metals and the Spark created by Garumdir himself to ensure his runes were more capable in Val’Garis. To craft Rhunsteel there Runesmiths have developed a method of marrying black ferrum with Garumdir’s spark. 


    First, the Runsmiths must heat their black ferrum to its melting point of 3000F in a Rhunforge fueled by charcoal. It would require roughly half an hour to melt down the ferrum to the point where it can be poured into a cast or mould. The process is quite similar to that of Black Ferrum, as that is what the smiths are crafting.

    Rhunsteel requires the Spark to be hammered within each fold of the metal. As such, the Runesmiths must once more place the ferrum under the fire and thus, each draw upon their own forge-fires from Val’Garis. As the smith flares hot, they must strike each blow filled with the Spark into the metal, folding as they go. This would be a great and lengthy process that would severely diminish the heat of the smiths’ forge-fires for a time - barely burning. As the smith shapes his steel, veins of the glow from runes would begin to creep throughout, forming the distinct pattern of Rhunsteel. 


    -The creation of Runesteel requires [1] T5 Runesmith and [2] other Runesmiths of any tier.

    -Rhunsteel can only be created at a Rhunforge.

    -The exhaustion required to forge Rhunsteel prevents a Rhunsmith from lighting their stamp for [3] OOC days.

    -Due to the heavy exhaustion required to make Rhunsteel, all individual projects made from it must be able to fit within a 2 meter x 2 meter area.

    -One may learn the recipe to forge Rhunsteel through partaking in it, reading of it (from an author whom knows it), or observing it directly as a Runesmith. Someone who is not a Runesmith may not possess the knowledge on how to create Rhunsteel, nor could they teach it to others. 

    -Rhunsteel and Rhunsteel items require an ST signature.

    -Any runes with the effect of the Rhunsteel must be carved into the Rhunsteel, no other part of the object

    -All objects that benefit from the Runnic abilities of Rhunsteel must be at least 85% Rhunsteel





    Rhunsteel is characterized by its distinct patterning within the matte steel of black ferrum. The veins of spark make themselves known within the darkness of steel, and glow softly with the forge-fires of its smith. But Garumdir is a practical being, he does not innovate purely for aesthetics. The spark held within Rhunsteel enables it to handle the power of more runes carved within. An object made of Rhunsteel may hold the power of Gorumdir’s spark for longer and in greater capacity than any other material.



    -The spark’s glow is constant and idle and matches the color of the Garumdir’s stamp of the leading Runesmith in its creation.

    -This glow would not be enough to see anything through darkness that would not normally be able to be seen.

    -This glow cannot blind anyone.

    -Objects made of Rhunsteel may contain up to [4] individual runes carved within as opposed to the normal two.

    -Runes activated from an object made of Rhunsteel last for [1] additional emote.


    Purpose (OOC)


    This is a piece meant to accompany my current write of Runesmithing that enables some extra RP to be generated with multiple person smithing. If that Runesmithing lore does not pass then do not pass this one. It allows Runesmiths to have more of a reason to conduct group crafting RP surrounding Runesmithing and also uses the name Rhunsteel which I just think is a cool name that should be attached to a piece of lore on this server.





  4. Spoiler





    In the shadows of war, innovation thrives. Or so the tale passed from Khazad to Khazad for centuries on end tells. For in carving from steel, one finds the best way to carve from flesh. And yet… in realms unknown, wars rage and innovation dies. Val’Garis: The Clockwork Realm. Wrought from the great craft of Garumdir. A war eternal, waged between the armies of Ixris and Garumdir have forced the fires of innovation to run cold. No more can Garumdir stand idly by while craftsmanship goes purely to blueprinted work. No more can Garumdir weep for the creations he holds the knowledge to create. And so, he has given his greatest gift unto the realm of descendants: The Spark. Though Garumdir fights on in his war eternal, he knows that those gifted in the use of the spark can carry on with creation and perfection in his name.






    Idle hands make cold forges. In the realm of Val'Garis, a cold forge is unknown, shameful. Garumdir is not like to give his gift to one with idle hands. In giving his gifts, Garumdir chooses his candidates with a critical eye. Only the best craftsmen can come to be known as Runesmiths, heralds of Garumdir’s craft, wielders of Garumdir’s Spark. The ideal runesmith is one who is known to craft endlessly, who’s forge never runs cold, who’s chisel is never blunt. Smiths, carvers, masons, lapidaries, all are important to the Spark and the one who gives it.


    Garumdir’s gift enables runesmiths to wield the innovation and knowledge created by Garumdir, giving them leave to further master their craft and infuse it with greater abilities and powers. However, the Spark is not of the Material plane. Any who wield it must bear Garumdir’s Stamp - A mark upon their bodies so that they may safely allow the Spark to flow through them.


    When harnessed, the Spark runs hot, a fiery aura of the forge-fire within its smith. But a forgemaster of Runes must heed his craft carefully, lest his fires burn too hot. The Spark was not created for descendant use. A runesmith activating the runes of his own crafts proves far more dangerous than the descendant body can handle. The descendant runesmith cannot wield his own runes for the heat of the forge-fires of the rune upon the craft and Garumdir’s rune upon his flesh will be too much for the body. Garumdir does not give the gift of the Spark merely so that a Runesmith can hoard his creations for himself. Ixris’s war on Val’Garis taught him the folly in these ways. In each creation the smith must carve the mark of his stamp so that if he tries to use this creation both runes will light up and he will be scorched, else the runes will not light and the power of the Spark will never flow.


    -Runesmithing occupies [2] Magic Slots

    -Runesmithing is incompatible with all Dark and Deific MAs except Seers of Vaseek and Blood Magic

    -Runesmithing is incompatible with all CAs except Machine Spirits and Soulbound Golems.

    -Runesmithing requires a valid [MA] in Runesmithing



    To breed innovation once more from his powers, Garumdir gave unto the Runesmiths the power of his magnum opus: the spark. It is the duty of the Runesmith to wield its powers in imbuing each rune with its powers. While Garumdir does not have the time to speak with his followers or make himself known to them, the spark he provides is plenty sufficient to show them even a fraction of his power. A Runesmith must wield the spark through his stamp, the most concentrated area of his connection with Garumdir. As he imbues a rune, Garumdir’s power flows from this mark and gives each rune what makes it special. The spark lies dormant otherwise, but still stirs within a Runesmith. One might find that Runesmiths are never cold, even in the most frigid winters, and are  always slightly warm to the touch.






    Marked upon the bodies of all who have received the gift of the Spark is Garumdir’s Stamp. It is through his rune that runesmiths wield the Spark and into their crafts to create great masterworks. Garumdir’s stamp resembles a tattoo when unlit on flesh and a carved rune on crafted material like metal or stone. To utilize the Spark, a Runesmith must first connect to it, as there is no mortal being that can wield it at all times. To connect to the Spark, the Runesmith must press a finger to the mark to light it. When connecting the gift of the Spark to a craft, a smith’s stamp will light up with the forge-fires of Val’Garis. The distinct fire of a forge will emenate from the stamp and envelope the Runesmith so that they become scalding hot to the touch anywhere on their body. When the Runesmith is done, they may once more press a finger to their stamp and the forge-fires of Val’Garis will fade from their bodies. Only a Runesmith can find themselves unscorched by the heat of Val’Garis and Garumdir’s gift will protect them from their fellow Runesmiths as well.


    The Forge-Fires of Val’Gorkis [P+C]

    When in combat Garumdir’s smiths may require the use of the spark so that they might protect their craft. Garumdir understands the need for warfare, a soldier in his own endless war. As such, he has given unto his devotees the power to call upon the Forge-Fires of Val’Gorkis to defend the craft and forge so that hammers may continue to fall as battles subside.




    Garumdir’s stamp requires the smith to make [3] emotes to activate (pressing stamp, charge, cast). Once casted, the heat will last for [5] emotes in combat before dissipating. It cannot be cast again in the same combat.


    -Garumdir’s stamp must be placed somewhere on the body and must be roughly the size of the Runesmith’s palm - meaning the size scales as the runesmith gets bigger.

    -Garumdir’s stamp will appear like a tattoo on flesh and a carving on abiotic material i.e. metal, stone, etc. when unlit.

    -When lit, Garumdir’s stamp and the entire body of the smith will blaze like a visible fire. This fire is unharmful to the Runesmith or any clothes/items on the Runesmith. A smith’s fire can be any color that magic auras can be.

    -Any attempt to hide the fire will be unsuccessful, it will visibly blaze through clothing, armor, scarves etc.

    -When a Runesmith’s stamp is lit, they will be scalding hot to the touch from anyone else, providing up to 2nd degree burns if done so with bare skin.

    -A Runesmith’s clothes or armor will burn just as hot as their flesh beneath.

    -People can protect themselves from the heat of a Runesmith if wearing sufficient heat-protective gear i.e. heavily wrapped cloth, thick leather gloves, etc.

    -A Runesmith cannot be burned by the heat of Val’Garis. Touching a fellow Runesmith will have no effect on them

    -A lit stamp cannot provide sufficient lighting to see where one would not normally be able to see without light.

    -If a stamp is lit and combat starts, the stamp will immediately become unlit and the smith will be returned to a normal temperature, requiring all 3 emotes to start again.

    -Garumdir’s stamp is freeform and can look however you like, but each one is unique to its respective Runesmith.

    -In no way can the flames from Garumdir’s stamp be “shot forth” or exude in any way beyond the direct physical touch of a Runesmith.

    -Garumdir’s stamp can sit on a prosthetic arm i.e. golem arm, animii arm, etc. and still be functional.

    -Garumdir’s stamp can only be used once in a combat encounter.




    Garumdir does not have much time as he fights his eternal war. His hands are to remain working constantly, keeping the forges lit. As such, Garumdir does not converse with his followers. He trusts those who already have his gift to entrust others with the Spark. An existing Runesmith may take their hammer and strike upon their Rhuneforge, calling upon the Spark to bring forth and strike upon a new apprentice once more. And so the Spark answers, a great bolt of lightning shall strike down upon the new smith. Held within the great bolt is the gift of the Spark which Garumdir gives unto his new follower, who would find themselves dazed by the interaction for a time - too disoriented to craft or use the Spark until their body adapts to the new forgefire held within. In the place where the bolt struck, Garumdir’s stamp makes itself visible upon its new tenant.


    -Connection to this magic must be performed at a Rhunforge by a current Runesmith with a valid [TA] in Runesmithing.

    -A Runesmith is only eligible for a [TA] at T4 once they have been taught the connection ritual.

    -A Runesmith must decide at the time of connection where their Garumdir’s stamp is placed upon their bodies.

    -A Runesmith is too dazed by the influx of the Spark to craft anything until their MA gets accepted.



    In order to carve runes and imbue them with the Spark of Garumdir, a Runesmith requires his most important tool: The Rhunforge. A Rhunforge is a forge specially crafted by a runesmith to be able to withstand the power of Garumdir’s spark. Any attempt to imbue a rune with power on a regular forge would quickly find itself flat and useless as it would not contain the necessary runes to emit the spark into a rune. To create a Rhunforge is a long and complex process for a Runesmith. He must first spend days toiling away at carving endless runes into the structure, everywhere but the surface on which he is to strike. Once the process is complete, a Runesmith must find 2 fellow runesmiths and begin to strike the forge several times. With each strike, they must let the Spark of Garumdir flow through their stamp and through their hammer, thus forging a link between the forge and Garumdir. A Runesmith can only have created one Rhunforge, but may use any at his disposal.


    -Rhunforges require an ST signature and a small build of a forge.

    -3 Runesmiths of at least T4 are required to create a forge.

    -Imbuement of a rune with powers can only be done at a Rhunforge. The rune itself can be carved wherever.






    The Runesmiths of Garumdir each are known for their abilities to carve the Spark into the very veins of their creations. They strive for innovation, for modernization. But they do not wield the full power of Garumdir, for he is not so foolish as to give such to descendants. To carve a rune is something anyone can do. A Runesmith is not made a runesmith by what he carves but what he imbues that carving with. The spark, Garumdir’s power given unto the mortal plane. A runesmith cannot act without the spark being gifted to him from Garumdir. The spark manifests differently with every smith but all know that to grant power to a rune, they must let the Spark flow through them and into their craft. When the spark flows through a smith the forge-fires flow brightly from within. But each rune requires a certain complexity and familiarity with the Spark. Some are out of depth of the novice runesmith while others can be carved in seconds and imbued in just the same. Each rune given by Garumdir provides an individual power from which it can draw upon as it holds the Spark within.


    General Runesmithing Guidelines:


    -Any object that is eligible to hold runes can only hold a maximum of 2 runes alongside the stamp regardless of if there is remaining space. This can be circumvented with a MArt application.

    -No 2 of the same runes can exist on an object at the same time.

    -Only one rune can be active at a time.

    -Runes cannot affect objects larger than 4 meters in any dimension. Anything larger requires a MArt application.

    -Any rune carved by a Runesmith must be at least 2 inches tall and wide and easily visible when looked at.

    -All runes must be lit with the press of a finger to activate.

    -All runes glow with the color indicated in their description, this cannot be hidden. If a cloth is thrown over it, the glow will be bright enough to show through the cloth. This color can be any color that a magical aura can be.

    -The glow of a rune is not enough to allow sight in an area where it was once too dark to see with the exception of the Rune of Illumination.

    -All runes must be carved into the object it affects and only affects the object in which the rune is carved into. Runes can also be made as tattoos on a body. The two rune limit still exists for an entire being.

    -Tattooed runes require an item in the inventory that states the rune and its effects just as any other item with runes.

    -Tattooed runes can only affect the limb in which they are tattooed on. One limb at a time.

    -Runes cannot be carved into Thanhium due to its anti-magical properties.

    -Runnic effects are permanent. The only way the effect of a rune can be removed is to remove it entirely from the item. 

    -Any Runesmith can decipher what a rune means with ease as long as they’ve been taught to craft it.

    -All objects with runes carved require the creator to place their name in the description in case they try to activate it. This information cannot be metagamed.

    -Any rune lit by its creator will not activate, and instead severely scorch the finger used to light it up to a 2nd degree burn.

    -Imbuement of a rune with powers can only be done at a Rhunforge. The rune itself can be carved wherever

    -Each rune crafted must be accompanied with sufficient roleplay in creation.

    -Each rune must be clearly written in the description of its item.

    -Creation of runes cannot be done in combat.







    [T1] Rune of Chanting [P+C]

    The sounds of a forge are notoriously loud and communication is often necessary between smiths to forge a great masterwork. Garumdir thus created the Rune of Chanting, allowing voices to rise above the great booms of the forge and instruct in crafting. 



    Activation of this rune requires [1] emote, and upon activation, the wielder of the object will experience an increase in vocal volume for the next [5] emotes. After [5] emotes, the item may be activated again and used with mild negative effects, such as a raspier voice or a stutter. Those who find themselves listening to a wielder of the Rune of Chanting may feel warm emotions such as inspiration or faith.


    -This rune may be used in combat, however it will have no effect on any combatants besides simple flavor.

    -This rune may not be used to invoke negative emotions in listeners.

    -This Rune is player signed.



    [T1] Rune of Illumination [P+C]

    Delving for ore and mining away at stone is critical to those who seek to craft from it. Garumdir understands this, and has spent a great deal of time in the dark depths of Val’Gorkis himself. To protect his followers, Garumdir developed the rune of illumination, allowing them to light the way for themselves even in the darkest of depths.



    The Rune of Illumination can be activated with [1] emote. Upon being triggered, this Rune would glow bright with whatever color is mentioned in the description, exuding a dome of pure light around it, reaching 7 blocks in any direction. This rune can allow you to see in an otherwise dark environment. 


    -This Rune is not bright enough to “flashbang” people in any way, the light is produced gradually.

    -This light cannot blind anyone in any way.

    -This Rune is player signed.


    [T2] Rune of Mending [P]

    Even the greatest, most masterful crafts are destined to break. But their value is not lost, and nor should their materials be. To reforge is as important as it is to forge. The most essential smiths find themselves repairing far more than creating, for that is the true heart of the forge.



    The Runesmith must place the rune of mending upon the multiple portions of a broken object. Upon activation, each piece of the object bearing a rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second alongside the rune itself glowing. Both broken halves of the item will slowly repair through fusion over the course of a day, so long as they are held pressed together.


    -The parts that have broken must be touching for this rune to work. 

    -Parts may only be attached from what they originated from.

    -Each rune must be carved in a way so they meet when the object is held together

    -The runes are enveloped back into the object when it is done mending, meaning the object can sustain 2 runes as all other objects.

    -This rune cannot summon lost parts, all parts must be present for the mending to take place

    -This rune only repairs physically. Voidal weapons, Deific enchantments, and any other magical effect that might have been on the item will lose said magical properties upon breaking, as magics are beyond the scope of this rune to repair.

    -This rune can be activated by its creator, as it only requires pressing two runes together and not activating them on their own.

    -This Rune is player signed unless attempting to mend an ST item.



    [T2] Rune of Purity [P]

    Pulling slag from metal can often be the most difficult aspect of forging. It takes a great deal of time and effort, time and effort that Garumdir doesn’t have. To save himself time, Garumdir crafted the Rune of Purity so that his metals always remained as pure as they could be.



    The Rune of Purity, when activated, will pull any impurities from within a metal or gemstone over the course of [4] emotes, allowing it to be cleansed and achieve peak purity for that material.


    -Can only be used on abiotic materials

    -The impurities in the metal are pulled in a manner similar to magnets. Not at a speed that can harm anyone.

    -The material and the rune must be at least 1 foot apart when activated. If the material leaves at any point during the four emotes, all impurities immediately return to it.

    -Mass is lost when impurities are pulled from the initial material, make sure to RP this.

    -This cannot be used in combat in any way.

    -This rune is player signed.



    [T3] Rune of Darkness [P+C]

    Sometimes, to protect innovation and crafts the smith must grow weary of those around him. Secrets must be kept. Garumdir understands that in the darkness it is far more difficult to unearth that which must be protected.



    The Rune of Darkness can be activated with [3] emotes (activation, charge, cast). Upon being triggered, this Rune would begin to glow with whatever color is mentioned in the description. However, it would do the opposite of the rune of illumination, sucking in light surrounding it in a dome, reaching 7 blocks in any direction. Only the glow of the rune would be visible in the darkness. This effect would last for [5] emotes. This rune can prevent sight in an otherwise bright environment. 


    -Can be used in combat, but if activated when a combat starts is immediately unactivated - all three emotes must be done within the combat.

    -The glow of the rune in the darkness would not be sufficient to see anything by, merely showing that it is active

    -If the activator of the rune has no means to see in the dark, he is just as blind as any others.

    -This Rune is player signed.


    [T3] Rune of Sight [P+C]

    The fires of the forge flare hot and unpredictable sometimes. A smith must always be prepared for the fire to leap forth and blind them, hurting their craft. It is critical that the Runesmith must then be protected from the blinding flashes of flame.



    The rune of sight, when carved into a pair of goggles or lens can prevent a user from being blinded by bright flashes or bright lights. The lens would also work similarly to sunglasses allowing the eye to more easily adjust to exposure to bright lights. The rune must first be activated to provide this protection, requiring [1] emote. This activation will last for [4] emotes.


    -Does not allow a user to see through non-permeable objects.

    -Does not give darkvision.

    -This rune MUST be activated beforehand to garner the effects. 

    -This Rune is player signed



    [T4] Rune of the Forge-Fire [P+C]

    The Forge-Fires of Val’Garis are to burn eternally so that Garumdir might continue his endless war. As more fires burn, more weapons can be forged. What once wasn’t a weapon can become one, and what was a weapon before can become a deadlier one. 



    [Combat] Forge-Fire runes require [3] emotes to utilize: One to light the rune, one to charge it, and a third to surround the smith with the heat. This heat will last for [5] emotes before fading and returning the object to normal temperatures. Ghosts and other ectoplasmic beings would find themselves harmed by an object hot with the forge-fires of Val’Garis.


    [Passive] A forge-fire rune may be carved into walls or anvils or floors to provide heat where there once was none. With the simple press of the Rune to light it, any object can be made to heat over an OOC hour before requiring to be lit again. This is particularly useful in forges to keep fires burning without the need for wood.


    -An object with a lit forge-fire rune must glow red, showing clearly that it is hot to the touch.

    -Being touched by an object with an active forge-fire rune may cause burns up to the 3rd degree unless properly protected by sufficient clothing or armor.

    -Runesmiths are immune to the heat of Val’Garis, and are not burned in any way by this rune.

    -An object cannot be melted to another state of matter with a forge-fire rune. The heat will only burn to just under the melting point of an object at maximum.

    -A lit forge-fire rune cannot start a fire, only heat something.

    -This rune cannot be used as a tattoo.

    -This rune requires an ST signature if used in combat.


    [T4] Rune of Retrieval [P+C]

    The greatest travesty to the forgemaster is the loss of his crafts. To tear so many hours away from one so dedicated to his craft is tantamount to tearing years away from his life. It is abhorrent. Garumdir, he who understands the loss of craft, has forged the rune of return so that his dedicants might protect themselves from such a travesty.



    The Rune of Retrieval is split, each half carved into two different items. These items are typically linked together as a pair, with one coming to be known as the “master” half, and the other the “slave” half. Over the course of [3] emotes, one may summon the slave item back to the master item.


    Upon activation, the master rune half will glow for an emote. On the second emote, the slave half of the rune will begin to glow too. Then, on the third emote, the slave half will fly violently towards the master half, carrying along the item it is engraved upon. If the object comes into contact with any obstacle, its flight would be stopped, and the rune would need to be activated once more. 


    -The speed of the flying object is not too quick, at 30 mph, and may be caught with relative ease, but would be enough to wrench an object free from someone’s hands if they were not anticipating the rune’s activation.

    -This rune can only be activated when both halves are at most 15 meters away from each other. Any further, and the rune will fail to light when pressed.

    -If the slave half is caught before reaching the master half, the rune will deactivate regardless of who catches it.

    -Each item must have it marked in the description which half of the rune it holds.

    -This Rune requires an ST signature.


    [T4] Rune of Thieves [P]

    A great craft is of great allure. Often, it is so that those who do not work to be able to craft are so inclined to steal from those who do. A great crime it is to take the masterwork from a smith, and so the smith must be able to protect his crafts.



    This rune comes in two halves. One half is carved into an object that opens, be it a chest, book, bottle etc. while the other half is carved into a separate “key” item. If one were to attempt to open the container without pressing the key rune to the lock rune, the rune on the container would briefly flare with the forge-fires of Val’Garis and scald their skin. An emote must be made in shout of the attempted thief yelping in pain briefly.


    -This Rune must be marked in the description of an item or as a /rpsign on a chest.

    -It must be stated clearly on the “key” item which lock it corresponds to.

    -The same key can be used for multiple containers.

    -If you do not clearly state that an emote must be made in shout from opening the container, do not expect the shout to be enforced by staff or anyone else. It is your responsibility to make this clearly stated.

    -The rune will only flare once every OOC hour, and does not prevent the container from being opened, it merely scalds the thief-to-be.

    -This rune can be activated by its creator, as it only requires pressing two runes together and not activating them on their own.

    -This rune is player signed.




    [T5] Rune of Stone [P+C]

    When activated, the rune of stone glows for a brief time and causes objects to shift to stone. Use of the rune of stone is often seen in shifting rune-tattooed limbs to stone for a brief time in combat, or turning wood into stone so it becomes easier to chisel for crafts for a time.



    Turning an object or limb to stone requires [3] emotes (lighting rune, charge, transform). It then lasts for the next [5] emotes before returning to its previous form.


    -The person activating this rune cannot be interrupted while in the process of doing so.

    -If a limb is lost while in stone form it is lost, there is no recovery and it will return to flesh the second it leaves the body.

    -If used as a tattoo this rune can only affect one limb at a time i.e. one arm, one leg, etc.

    -The stone produced from this rune would only be as strong as stone and would be particularly susceptible to brute force through items like pickaxes.

    -A limb turned to stone with this rune is only stone at the skin. Not all the way through. If the stone is broken, it would serve a similar purpose to a gash in the skin.

    -Any injuries or damages sustained while turned to stone are sustained when turning back.

    -This rune requires an ST signature.


    [T5] Rune of Swiftness [C]

    To protect the forge is to protect innovation. It is essential that all runesmiths learn to and have the ability to protect their crafts and their forge. For without, they are meaningless. Garumdir seeks to provide this assistance with the Rune of Swiftness



    Activating a rune of swiftness carved into a bow uses [1] emote. Once activated, the following 3 arrows fired from the bow will require [1] fewer emotes to fire. A bow will only require [2] emotes and a crossbow [3]. Once these 3 arrows have been fired, the rune must be activated again using [1] emote.


    -Only works for bows and crossbows

    -Must be visibly carved in the material structure of the bow.

    -This rune requires activation to be clearly stated as doing so, and the rune continues to glow until the 3 arrows have been fired.

    -This rune requires an ST signature.


    [T5] Garumdir’s Stamp [P]

    A master runesmith may find that he now desires to move his stamp to another place. Or perhaps his friend lost a limb bearing the stamp. Naturally, there must be ways in which to bring back Garumdir’s stamp upon the body. The runesmith may return once more to his Rhunforge and call upon Garumdir’s bolt of lightning to once more brand himself or his fellow smith with Garumdir’s stamp.



    A T5 Runesmith can imbue a new tattoo rune to serve as a new Garumdir’s stamp on either himself or a fellow Runesmith. If there is an existing stamp already on the runesmith, it will grow dormant and fade after an OOC week. If the previous stamp was lost then this new one will serve as the Garumdir’s stamp for the smith. The process works just as a connection to the magic.

    -The initial chosen color of a Runesmith’s stamp cannot be changed when it is replaced.




    Tier One - Novice

    A Novice Runesmith is one just starting in his path, learning only basic runes and still getting familiar with his stamp. His wielding of the spark is minimal at best, and his forge-fires barely burn. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



    Runes: Chanting, Illumination


    Tier Two - Apprentice

    An Apprentice Runesmith has increased their proficiency, able to control the spark slightly better and understand more complex runes. His forge-fires begin to burn a little hotter. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.


    Runes: Chanting, Illumination, Mending, Endurance


    Tier Three - Adept

    An Adept Runesmith has really begun to hit his stride, his forge-fires burn a nice toasty temperature and his knowledge of runes becomes a great deal more complex. Lasts five [OOC] weeks


    Runes: Chanting, Illumination, Mending, Endurance, Darkness, Sight


    Tier Four - Expert

    The Expert Runesmith has nearly achieved mastery of the art, his forge-fires burn scalding hot and he knows all but the greatest and most complex of Garumdir’s runes. Lasts six [OOC] weeks


    Runes: Chanting, Illumination, Mending, Endurance, Darkness, Sight, Forge-Fire, Return, Thieves


    Tier Five - Master

    The Master Runesmith has mastered all that Garumdir’s spark has to offer. His forge-fires burn as hot as the forges of Val’Garis. The runes he carves rival that of Garumdir himself and he is ready to carry on innovation even beyond.


    Runes: Chanting, Illumination, Mending, Endurance, Darkness, Sight, Forge-Fire, Return, Thieves, Stone, Swiftness, Garumdir’s Stamp






    It's been two years dammit you can look at another one.


    Runesmithing is a piece of lore that has long been dormant. Many attempts have been made at rewriting it as I’m well aware. The dwarf community has long wanted to see its return. I’m hoping that approaching it from a new angle with a new aenguldaemon, and incorporating ideas from both old players and new, can provide the type of twist that ST desire to get it passed. I’ve put in a few provisions to attempt to prevent it from being hoarded and necessitating for it to spread for a Runesmith to be useful as I know previous ST apprehension to the lore has come from the notion that it will be gate kept hard.




    Me - Writing this

    Xergarok - Advice and review

    Nooblius & the Rhun Cult - Base stuff and inspiration for much of it

    Dwarves - Slapping belleh






  5. The Wronged:

     Thromdrick Irongut

    The Assailant:

     Garedyn Mossborn

    The Wrong:

    An insult to his honor by offering a meaningless position as recompense for his desecration of Dungrimm's justice to satisfy the proposal of one Jorvin Starbreaker in addition to multiple sustained insults to his honor over the period of Thromdrick's time as Lord Justiciar of Urguan.

    Date of Wrongdoing:

     8th Malin's Welcome, 147 S.A. (Sept 21st, 2023)

    Terms of Settlement:

    The public apology of Garedyn Mossborn and his resignation from the position of Grand King of Urguan.

  6. [8th of Malin's Welcome, 147 S.A.]

    [September 21st, 2023]


    Many years ago I was but a pilgrim to the great hold of Khron'Hundmar. A mere beardling at the time. But from that hold, I was forged as Vuur'dor from Yemekar's hammer. I imbued within myself Vuur'dor as Yemekar once did. The hold fell with time, but its lessons were instilled within me. Until, that is, I had spent due time upon the King's council. It is clear now to me that I have been mistaken in supporting the actions of the Grand King of Urguan. I told myself that by standing by him and his actions I did my duty on my position. None know the law of this land as I do, and all find themselves critics of that which they do not understand. Garedyn Mossborn has besmirched the reputation of Urguan and the dwedmar eternal by his insistence on rights for epiphytes. His sidelining of the umgorumm, his promotion of war to serve those who froth at the mouths for blood. His insistence on a new system that would destroy the true law and order of Dungrimm in the Grand Kingdom has become the final straw. I cannot stand by and support such desecration of the values of the dwedmar any longer.


    I hereby publicly proclaim my resignation as Lord Justiciar of Urguan. I pray that the Grand King can one day find reason in time. And if not, I pray for a new King in our time in hopes that the Grand Kingdom can live up to the word Grand once more.





    Clan Father of the Khorul'mar



  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sycophants of Boletius


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. Praise be Yemekar

    Praie be Ogradhad

    It is my privilege to announce a minor breakthrough in my research in the field of the study of Vuur'dor, an enchantment beyond that of modern enchantments upon an old piece of clothing known to this world: hats. Yemekar's crafts should not be held by one Khazad and as such it is my intention to spread this knowledge much as I can. Come find me should you seek it, I give lectures within the heart of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and amongst the mages of Hohkmat.




    Lord Justiciar of Urguan

    Clan Father of the Khorul'mar

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thromdrick Irongut


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Cave Dwarf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air evocation is one of the more important evocations, being one that represents a more concrete element as opposed to the likes of Life Evocation. As such, it is more popular. With it one may wield air, sounds, and the wind at their command with the void. This air holds all the properties of normal air until the mage stops concentrating upon it. It is important to note that an air mage cannot manipulate already existing air. Merely conjure their own to manipulate. An Aeromancer masters his craft after 16 OOC weeks and gets voidal poisoning from the art if already unaffected by the void's influences.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Air Evocation doesn't have much in the way of subsections of magic beyond that of compressed air, normal air, and sounds. Each does... pretty much what they say they do. Compressed air can act as a more substantive and dense version of normal air, used for pushing folks back for example. Sound can be used to stun others with the noise produced from a clap of air. And air is pretty much just conjured air.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Air Sweep:


    Thromdrick Irongut's eyes flash that familiar dark red once more as he connects to Vuur'dor, preparing for the cast ahead.


    [!] Wind begins to pick up around the dwarf, the fringes of his toga shift as he inhales copious amounts of air into his lungs, bringing forth air from the void itself to breathe


    Thromdrick Irongut speaks but a single word, "Kaas!" and the air releases out his mouth alongside it, spreading out around his feet in a circle and thoroughly tripping up anyone surrounding him in a 3 meter radius.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




    Thromdrick Irongut's eyes flash alight with dark red as he connects to Vuur'dor to begin "Now do as ah do beardling. Connect tae Vuur'dor as always. Todeh weh expand yer studies once more."


    Dworfo's eyes flash green as he too connects to the void "Yes misteh Thromdrick."


    Thromdrick Irongut begins to breathe deeply through his nose. Inhaling far more air than the lungs of a normal dwedmar would be able to contain. The folds of his toga shift as wind shoots past them, charging his spell "Pull teh air togetheh! Conjure et forward beardlin'! Let Dungrimm's moight flow through yeh!"


    Dworfo begins to breathe deeply too, though the extent of the air produced from him is far less than that of his master's.


    Thromdrick Irongut opens his mouth and lets out a quick gust of air, blowing a chair across the room to clatter against the walls of the stone hall "Release et! Let yer moight o' Vuur'dor beh known!"


    Dworfo watches intently and releases a gust of air from his mouth as well, unfortunately it merely frizzles his master's hair slightly as he is still merely a tier one mage.


    Thromdrick Irongut gives a sharp nod "Mhmmm... Good, aye that'll do. Vereh well. Weh are done todeh."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If I saw powergaming I would first politely inform them of their mistake and explain why it was wrong and how it might improve. I would do my best to ensure they do this until it might become evident that it is done on purpose in which I would provide a final chance before either dropping them and informing staff members.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Blight Healing


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Scoria Memoras


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  11. Changes

    To be added under Soulbound Golems spoiler:

    Soulbound Brutus Core Golems are capable of housing [3] Auxiliary Sigils while Soulbound Mundus Core Golems are capable of housing [6] Auxiliary Sigils.



    Soulbinding a golem currently takes quite a bit: essentially a pk from someone and all three golem slots from a golemancer. Additionally, soulbinding is generally illegal in settlements that account for golemancy in laws (yes I'm a dwarf player how can you tell). At the moment there isn't really... any reward at all for going out of your way for all this beyond the interesting flavor. But the fact that a soulbound golem takes up all three slots means that there really isn't a reason to make one when you can just make essentially the same thing but for one slot. Old golemancy lore gave extra sigils to soulbound golems due to a soul powering the core and I think that this should also be added in to the current lore. Given that a soulbound golem takes up 3 slots to make as opposed to one I've just tripled to number of sigils able to be powered in comparison to a normal golem.

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thromdrick Irongut


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Veil Watching


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Minuvas, Boxboiy, Roller_TS


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Razad, Mervel Frostbeard, Sikario


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  13. Thromdrick sighs and rubs his temple tiredly before penning his response

    "This whole war was predicated on the fact that dwarves were punished within Urguan without proper trial. Prove to me that Bakir had a full and righteous trial and I will consider your last point relevant. Additionally, it is not the job of the Lord Justiciar to determine the soundness of mind for one at trial, nor is it written in the codex of laws that one who is not of sound mind should not be allowed to be brought to trial. Additionally, several citizens of Urguan were present at the trial. Indeed, I was not the one to take the hands of the Norlandic King. This honor I left to those clans wronged by his actions. Even so, if I had conducted the trial without citizens to witness it, this would not be against the laws either. But as a gesture of goodwill I conduct all my trials publicly and loudly. If you seek to claim that I have desecrated the laws of Urguan please cite any such specific laws and/or procedures I have broken in accordance to the Articles of the Grand Kingdom Urguan."

  14. 1 hour ago, Minuvas said:

    My recommendation would be to remove the ST signature requirement. There doesn't seem to be anything in this lore that is so special that would require involving the staff and the materials/ritual is not dissimilar from Yissar creation which requires no ST oversight.

    I do generally agree with this if I'm being honest, I'd prefer if the lore was more available to the common mage especially with it already being locked behind an MA. However due to the nature of ensconcing being similar too and but a bit of a crappier Ward Shield I feel it warrants an ST signature in a similar manner to enchantments. 


    Can a Non-Voidal mage wear this hat? My recommendation is YES while following redlines for enchantments. 

    I could see myself being ok with this to this one yeah. I just generally wanted to divorce it from non-voidal magic stuff and nerf it a bit so that mages can't use each other's hats. But I wouldn't mind with switching that up a bit.


    Does their behavior change within a Hollow, or the area of an Obelisk? 

    I like both of these considerations and will be adding them in.


    I also recommend you allow voidal Mages to continue to connect and be able to cast while ensconced, however the cost is the inability to project magic in a certain arc (Perhaps the person must choose: Full ensconcement, preventing any magic from projecting - or a Half-Ensconcement which allows magic to be projected outwards towards the other half? Or consider lowering this to a 3x emote cast ability. A 4x Cast emote makes this one of the higher requirements emote abilities and I think that meets a valid 'cost' or 'penalty' for this use without also incurring a no magic cost ability.

    Originally I had it so that mages could cast while ensconced but went back and changed it as I figured doing so would be a bit too similar to casting while also having some sort of warding shield up or the like. Just felt a bit overpowered, especially because then theoretically if you wanted to min/max you could do all the emotes for a spell whilst under the hat and then pop up to cast and turtle shell once more on the next emote. And that's lame. Generally, I don't want ensconcing to be particularly good in a fight. In fact, it's almost always the wrong answer as the opposition can just come up and stab you and you can't do anything about it. The 4x emote cast comes also from warding shield cast, as I don't want this to be on par with it. I also originally had it at 3x emotes but changed it so that it was a bit of a crappier version of the spell. I'd be partial to changing it to 3x as that feels a bit less in the way of word vomit to fill emote requirements but I think 4x is just more likely to assuage ST. 

  15. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP

    [11th of Great Harvest, 138 S.A.]

    [July 22nd, 2023]


    ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚠᚠᛁᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛁᚨᚱ

    The Trial of Torsun "Blackhand"

    ᚨ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚨ ᛒᛖᛏᚱᚨᚤᚨᛚ


    The dwed known as Torsun "Blackhand" is now called for trial. Commencing now. Should he fail to show he will have waived his right to a trial and Dungrimm's justice will commence.






    Lord Justiciar of Urguan

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