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  1. GirLyy01


    Lubelle grew up in the cold north of this world, there monsters always fought hard against their fair city. creatures such as Boggens, liches and wrenched Inferi all fought against their iron clad legions. Her family were rich merchants who went as far as becoming nobles in their little world yet she wanted more. When she told them of this they thought her to stricken with the flu or something of its like because nobody would want to leave their sprawling manors of wealth and beauty to escape to such a hellish world in which monsters roam the lands. Truth be told she just wanted to see what life had to offer. After a few days of observation she was found to indeed not have the flu, yet, now filled with a hungering sense of adventure she climbed aboard their prison ship to go to the lands of almaris. Usually this is where they dump their prisoners who they no longer want for they never thought the lands we inhabited way up there in the North. She initially went from there a bit south, crossing over its ice cold mountains and after a few hours of walking she came upon her first ever city, but it was not much a city, more like a castle. She continued, asking help from fellow travelers on the roads and just when she was a bit tired of all this walking, she found Oren. It was a large capital city, one of which she could never even dream off for its rising towers and walls were so much more larger than those back home. From there she inquired about its history, she was awe struck by how long and complex it was, from their systems to services not to mention how organized it was, that is when she decided she will never go back!
  2. GirLyy01


    Lubelle grew up in the cold north of this world, there monsters always fought hard against their fair city. creatures such as Boggens, liches and wrenched Inferi all fought against their iron clad legions. Her family were rich merchants who went as far as becoming nobles in their little world yet she wanted more. When she told them of this they thought her to stricken with the flu or something of its like because nobody would want to leave their sprawling manors of wealth and beauty to escape to such a hellish world in which monsters roam the lands. Truth be told she just wanted to see what life had to offer. After a few days of observation she was found to indeed not have the flu, yet, now filled with a hungering sense of adventure she climbed aboard their prison ship to go to the lands of almaris. Usually this is where they dump their prisoners who they no longer want for they never thought the lands we inhabited way up there in the North. She initially went from there a bit south, crossing over its ice cold mountains and after a few hours of walking she came upon her first ever city, but it was not much a city, more like a castle. She continued, asking help from fellow travelers on the roads and just when she was a bit tired of all this walking, she found Oren. It was a large capital city, one of which she could never even dream off for its rising towers and walls were so much more larger than those back home. From there she inquired about its history, she was awe struck by how long and complex it was, from their systems to services not to mention how organized it was, that is when she decided she will never go back!
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