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Posts posted by xMuted

  1. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP


    ᛚᛟᛚ ᚾᛖᚲᚱᛟᛗᚨᚾᚲᛖᚱᛋ ᛋᚢᚲᚴ ᛞᛁᚲᚴ


    ᛚᛗᚨᛟ ᚴᛁᚾᛞᛖᛗᛈᛖᚱᛟᚱ ᛁ ᚷᛟᛏ ᛗᚤ ᛒᛟᚨᛏ ᛒᚨᚲᚴ


    In the year 114 of the Second Age a group of four holy warriors were on a patrol on Urguani lands, this group included the dwarven mastermind,  Sigrun Ireheart, The Initiate of Xan, Amelia Jr. The Cleric, Arilynae Truthseeker. And Arknight Togrim Heartstring.

    These four brave men and women came across an Urguani ship docked outside of The Frozen Castle of Serheim in Ando’Alur lands. A known refuge place to darkspawn and other low-life such as necromancers.

    Once they spotted the Urguani ship docked outside of this wretched place, it was under famed dwarven captain Sigrun Ireheart that these brave men and women successfully reclaimed this seafaring vessel for the Urguani Navy from the clutches of the vile darkspawn that had stolen it.


    An artistic depiction of the four courageous heroes.


  2. Sigrun Ireheart shook his head with anger and dissappointment. "Oi did naeh expect yeeh toh buckleh down an' accept fateh when toimes got tough, Norleh Starbreakah. Oi thought yeeh had taeh brass bollocks toh stand up toh failureh an' kick et's arseh."

  3. 3VafpTP7bjx99Aaddj_dHgYtYzBpKeTxTcfa3oe8NFi2phc2pSg-xtbvKohLJC2Dygl2XIc-EFftdnsCUTbOKCxBSazNQByI8u8CLHrV1U3GubaU-kNCuDvlGivTYlrB4mznChCmRHbyFTTliSCCu9eaq_sU_HQP9mJizdHqS9pnwUx9gLet6DZhb45Ddg



    The Reformation of the Obsidian Guard


    Long before the reformation of Urguan, a specialized force that ensured the security of the crown was handed to the Legion and the Obsidian Guard.  Though the name and role of the Obsidian Guard has been forgotten for many years. Due to years of foreseen inactivity of the Legion, the Grand King and his King’s Council has sought out a better fit for Urguan and its safety. Therefore the concept of the Obsidian Guard is henceforth reborn. Within this rebirth, they will be raised and charged with the protection of the Grand King and all of Urguan.


    Though in times of war, the Obsidian Guard shall be reformed into the Legion once again. Many of the Guard’s within its ranks shall fill in officer positions thus leading the Urguan auxiliary force to dwarven victory.




    Ranks and Structure

     The Captain of the Guard serves as the primary and only officer of the Guard whenever the King is not present, only relaying his orders to them otherwise. Often a veteran with some prior experience commanding, or simply an individual noted for his remarkable skill in battle, as well as unwavering loyalty. Should the king fall in battle, or otherwise die before abdication, the task of protecting the relics of the Grand Kingdom falls to this individual until an election is held.


    The Hammerguard comprise many of the Longbeards and veterans of the Guard, and are also the fewest in number, as there are few Longbeards willing to take the oaths and sacrifices required to join, however those that do, are among the most elite warriors in the field..


    The Axeguard is the most numerous in the ranks of the Obsidian Guard, and is intended to serve as the main bulk of the King’s shieldwall. Members of The Axeguard are feared and respected warriors in battle that have proven themselves in battle countless times.

    The Shieldguard is the ‘grunt’ rank of Obsidian Guard, though make no mistake, they are still elite soldiers in their own right, and simply have not proven themselves in the capacity of a Royal Guard. The Shieldguard operate more akin to a traditional Legionnaire than an independent warrior like their superiors.


    Requirements and Restrictions


    The Obsidian Guard is not a simple military guild or formation that one can apply to join freely. The Throng of the Grand King himself commands two things of its members, discipline, and absolute loyalty. 


    To be a member of the Obsidian Guard, one is required to be a full-blooded Dwarf, (preferably with traceable lineage back to Urguan himself, though this is not an inherent requirement.). No ‘foreign folk’ are ever to be permitted within its ranks, even if they are declared honorary dwarfs, nor are any halfbreeds or other folk of questionable allegiance and lineage allowed.


    Furthermore, a member of the Obsidian Guard is to never, under any circumstances retreat from the field of battle, unless commanded to do so by the King, or Captain of the Guard. There are few things more shameful in the eyes of the Gods than cowardice. The punishment for this utmost shameful display is the shaving of one’s beard, and subsequent exile, though this punishment may only be administered by the Grand King or Captain of the Guard.


    To be a member of the Obsidian Guard, one is required to be an adept fighter of some form, be they with shield and shortaxe, or with greataxe and maul. (OOC note: This means that the person be competent in either PVP, CRP, or preferably both.)


    As both the Legion and the Obsidian Guard ultimately draw from the same pool of recruits, (and also, to prevent the Grand King from amassing a personal army, unbeholden to the council) The Obsidian Guard shall by default never number more than a thousand individual members. (OOC note: 10 personas)  Any expansion of the Obsidian Guard must first be approved by the Grand Senate of Urguan to take effect.


    Any potential recruits to the Obsidian Guard require the approval of both the Captain and Grand King prior to undergoing initiation into the Guard.





    To join the ranks of the Obsidian Guard, one must undergo a process of several rituals and traditions before being considered a member of their ranks. To begin, an individual must bring themselves before the Grand King or Captain, and must make their case for what makes them ‘material’ for the Obsidian Guard. This individual may bring two people, both of clans besides his own, to provide a list of deeds, or testimony as to the individual’s worthiness.


    If no prior deeds are given, or if the King and Captain find the individual’s testimony lacking, the King may command the individual to prove himself. This may be as simple as returning with the head of a worthy foe, or a difficult task, such as slaying a greater monster with witnesses, or surviving ten days and nights in the frozen north without supplies. It is a matter of creativity on the part of the Grand King, and is why one must be ready to prove themselves, or have already done so if they wish to join the Guard.


    Once this individual is accepted, either through the completion of a great deed, or through prior deeds, they then must swear an oath before the shrine of Dungrimm and Anbella. These oaths must be issued with the Captain or Grand King as witness to them.


    As a final rite of initiation, the individual must undergo the process of acquiring a tattoo on their right arm, this tattoo being a sleeve, and shall take the shape of the individual’s oath, written in ancient Dwarvish script. Only once this process is completed may the individual don the armor of the Obsidian Guard, where they are to serve until death, or released from their oath by the Grand King.



    As the dwarves of the Obsidian Guard are all elite fighters they shall all wear the same uniform to symbolize their unity towards their goal. Only the Captain shall wear a cape and pass it down to the next Captain should he retire or die in battle.

    v-s6eYps2OiEDGT6omHdC2X_s5tmV_j3yjpthy8UGIPcDDIvw-_6yq2LCkA8gWgyjkiSQt85sYjimSNMs790mL52FktfDbmZ_6NTJI3UWBgiX_ffxQ3YBfdYUOuInAKJJL1lKDZX71JGLQid8OgQRTcxuefa6Ew7_aNs4om4fy-IwdhoeONHsUmkIuK9dg  vBdwkzp0mw8nxZllsbVHTiiAMFfdAXd_mSGDYCs7Gf-5TtH7hiQtQwEHx6hXGRk-yisZWNc8D6nQLf6udy8wgJ1OKJvwkQuR4h9WSiI080aIL1wTCj2jSFeGTuLo_ecJh5d8aKRdf9_pH3EV0zLPFENNdnTxwjlQPjHICmjP9K0rFCL9qpJXhsfw8h752A

  4. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP


    ᛞᚢᚾᚷᚱᛁᛗᛗ'ᛋ ᛞᚢᛗᛒᛒᛖᛚᛚ


    ᚨ ᛗᛖᛋᛋᚨᚷᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛞᚢᚾᚷᚱᛁᛗᛗ



    On the 112 of the Second Age i believe us dwarves to have been blessed by one of the Brathmordakin themselves, I believe Dungrimm has approved of Mine, Ulfar Starbreaker and Angr Ireheart’s hard work with our launching of Dungrimm’s gym and has granted us an even greater challenge. When me and Ulfar were having a nice chat about the possible expansion, we spotted quite the sight outside Urguan’s valley. We spotted what we have now dubbed ‘Dungrimm’s Dumbbell.’ inside the valley of Kal’Darakaan. It is a massive dumbbell, presumably used by Dungrimm himself for his exercise.


    [!] A depiction of the Great Dumbbell.


    As we should, I decided I shall host a contest to see what person holds hidden strength within themselves! Whoever can successfully lift the dumbbell off of the ground shall receive 250 mina for their prowess in strength, and shall gain 1/10th of the stocks in Dungrimm’s Gym.

    It shall be hosted in a few stone days from now!

    (OOC: The Event will be hosted at 28-1-2023, at 5 est.
    Rules are simple, whoever rolls a 19/20 or higher twice in a row lifts the dumbbell off of the ground! Location is right outside in the valley of Urguan, head to Urguan and you can’t miss it.)

  5. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP

    Year 112 of the Second Age


    ᚷᚤᛗ ᛒᚱᛟ'ᛋ ᛞᛟᚾᛏ ᛚᛟᛋᛖ


    ᚷᛖᛏ ᛋᚹᛟᛚᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᚢᚠᚠ

    In the past decades I, Sigrun Ireheart have witnessed a drastic change in Urguan, the muscled men of the past have dwindled in number in favour of Voidal Mages and politicians who care not for their body.

    These people are all extremely competent in their respective fields and this is not a missive of disrespect, yet it is a missive that I have the solution for these people to improve themselves.

    I, Sigrun Ireheart announce the Dawn of Dungrimm’s Gym.



    An artistic depiction of the inside of Dungrimm’s gym.

    Inside the gym rests alot of equipment to help better one’s body, from strength training with the benchpress, barbells and deadlift to strengthening your core with the pull-up bar. Dungrimm’s gym truly offers everything needed to better yourself physically and mentally. I have even installed a water cooler for the weak, and an ale dispenser for the dwarves.

    The best part of Dungrimm’s gym is that it is entirely free for everyone visiting Urguan to use.

    LIFT ON!

    Grand Master of War, Clan Father of the Irehearts, Champion of the Wilds,
    Grand Champion of Urguan, Master of Dungrimm’s Gym,
    Urguan’s chess Grand Master.

  6. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP


    ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ ᚱᛁᛉᛉ ᛗᚨᚾ


    ᚺᛖ ᛞᛁᛞ ᛁᛏ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ






    Bench press.

    To start your bench press journey you shall roll out of 100 using /roll 100.
    (Unless voidally weakened, you roll out of 50.)
    Whatever you get you add +40, this is how much you bench press in lbs.
    (Example, /roll 100. I get 50, I add 40 so i get 90 lbs as my first personal record.)

    Once you have a personal record you roll out of your personal record and add 10% of that record.
    (For example, I got 90 lbs so I roll out of 90, get 50 and add 9 since 9 is 10% of 90.)

    A roleplay example.

    Sigrun Ireheart attempts to benchpress more then his previous PR of 270.
    xMuted rolled 160 out of 270.
    We add 27 since 27 is 10% of 270.
    Sigrun Ireheart benches 187 lbs, must be an off-day.



    Pull-ups are simple.

    You roll out of 20 and that is how many pull-ups you are able to do.
    Once you roll a 20/20 you get to roll out of 25.
    Once you roll the new best you add 5 to your rolls.



    Man I don't know just curl them and get SWOLE.



    You roll out of 20 and that is how many miles you are able to run
    Once you roll a 20/20 you get to roll out of 25.
    Once you roll the new best you add 5 to your rolls.


    Punching Bag.



    Other things.
    Feel free to roleplay any equipment there being in the Gym, note that these are just recommendations. If you wanna get SWOLE irp in a different way go ahead CHAMP!

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