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Posts posted by SteppeNomad

  1. "The least amongst lessers would read this and not understand that the Druii and those Beautiful and Purest of 'thilln of the Silver Citystate would need to at least recognize a wholesome Malinor to exist, rather than to see those Free and Ever-Perfecting peoples join this 'Malin'or'. May the Malinites have their temple, and may they know much victory! Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya!" A beautiful pure elf, Hero of The High-Walled Cihi, patriot, who kept his Citystate free, smiles brilliantly! "Saneyir, may your words be heard and actions bold!"

  2. "BLESSED Sulianpoli! Oh my sacred Polis! GREAT Silver Colony, how you have stood high upon the hill! Shining beacon to what is Good, and True, and Heroic! May you shine ever more, as the notions of our great ancestors are carried forth! Anaxagoras, Philosopher-King, founder of many cihis! Gaze upon your child, Pamphilos, and smile for my deeds have wrought great KLEOS and brought about change in this world! Sulianpoli, land of The Blessed, Sacred Cihi of The Holy Krugmenistani fields! To you, I sing! To you, may they fly!"



  3. "Great Xatophon! Likely to be a notable Philosopher of Blessed Sulianpoli! May they pursue the spirits, which are righteous and truly part of eternity, AND the waking world, with fullness and all-encompasing understanding!" A brilliant philosopher, founder of The Cult of The Blessed Ways, smiles brightly! Setting this missive in the reliquary of The Acropolis!

  4. "And so, the King of Dwarves, who had marched and rallied his arms to make Cruel War upon The High-Walled City, Bakir 'Girly-Voiced' Ireheart, has done enough for even his own people to see the folly of his ways. The vain pursuits to write his name upon the stones has not earned him his eternal Kleos, fame undying. Yet! His actions may not perish from this earth! Instead, they may cause the divergence of his peoples. May they remember it as the time they threw the shackles off of one who's name may vanish like dust in the winds of eternity!" A poet, colonist, and Hero of High-Walled Haelun'or maintains himself, gazing over silver seas!




    Meanwhile... A curious dwarf, skilled in the ways of the scribe, furious in his devotions, drums his mighty hammer and thumbs his clay tablets. May the Dark Ziggurat rise!

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Zozhk'Mau The Terrifying


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:




    Lutaumancy is used by priestly shamans to commune and interact, via chanting and esoteric rituals to call upon different spirits by utilizing the Ancestral Realm. The Ancestral Realm itself, is notably a place where the spirits of dead ancestors reside, after they are taken and are guided by Kor into the afterlife. The lutauman can use these spells to communicate with the Ancestral Spirits, such as visiting them on spirit walks and/or using resonance to connect with the Ancestral Spirit, and as such can create effects in the mortal realm through the powers of those ancestral spirits by being granted passage through to the ancestral realm by the Immortal of Death




    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Lutaumancy has three main spells which can be utilized. The first I describe is spirit walking, where the Lutauman can connect to the ancestral realm through a clear mind, developing a related chant with the sacred Old Blah, and the ability to release your own soul when a tetherous connection can be made with the ancestor they wish to connect to. Though as they gain more experience in the magic and practice, they unlock further powers


    The second is Kor's Blessing, where the lutauman can use his power to banish ethereal beings like ghosts back to the realms of the dead. Such a spell takes five emotes to cast, and results in the ghost being eaten in two emotes afterwards. As the spell is called upon the user is able to pinpoint ethereal beings within 8 blocks of themselves, and if located, Kor uses the shaman as a conduit to bring that ghost back to the soulstream


    The final spell that lutaumancy posses is Soul Resonance, that comes in two forms. The first form is where the shaman, through channeling the Ancestral Realm, can create an auditory experience of an Ancestral Spirit by relaying the information to those around him. The second form of the spell is Visual Soul Resonance, where the Lutauman channels the Ancestral in order to create a small visual representation of a particular memory or event that happened during the Ancestrals lifetime. The Resonance spell creates a connection between the Ancestral and the lutauman, allowing the shaman to play back the memories for everyone to witness.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Ancestor Walk!



    The elf places upon his face, a bronze mask of a terrifying bearded ancient ancestor. He holds his hand upon it a moment longer, feeling its energies charged by his ancestors. He sits there, kneeling before the dais. Holding his hands outwards in reverence a moment longer


    "Azh KOR'GLOK! LOK'KOR! BURZHAK ALBAIKHATUN!" The masked cultist utters plainly in that sacred tongue. The others in the room would feel as the wind pulls sharply up, threatening to blow out the candles held there in the depths of that Black Acropolis! He holds his hands out, for the two like-wise bronzemasked cultists to grasp his hands.


    As they take his hands, a jolt like that of static streams across their fingers, he himself however, furthers the ritual with yet another call in the black tongue... "AZH! KOR'GLOK! LOK'KOR! LOK'KOR! LOK'KOR!" In his repeating chants, the flames seem to grow further and further, the smoke around them swirling, urging to take their spirits from their bodies, carried on wisps of smoke, high into the sky if they so chose to follow...


    As they do, the smoke wraps around their arms and curls around their faces, their terrifying masks growing grimmer and grimmer as the smoke carries their energies outwards towards the eternal resting place, like boundless beings they approach with much rapidity, the great gates, and as they near it creaks open... The passage beyond clear for them to enter The Happy Grounds, that ending place of the righteous slain where the ancestors do dwell



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "Today, llir! We shall be studying a most interesting, AND effective spell of the Ancient Tradition!" The elf adjusts his bronze mask upon his face. Anointing his student on his own mask with drips of wine and olive oil. "You must begin by clearing your mind of all apparent distractions to begin with...


    Student response


    "Sulian! Exceeding expectations! We must always be prepared however, llir. For this spell will aid one in a most dangerous task! Removing the presence of ghosts and similar incorporeal entities!" He explains, offering to show him a deeper brething technique, centered on the stomach. "You must channel the words calling forth Kor's attention. From there you may adjust your breathing...


    The student follows along


    "As the energies pick up around you, you must ne allow anything to offer distraction. For in truth you must BE the distraction, llir! Your inhalations will serve to draw forth the specter, slowly with each breath they will become entrapped and be taken to face their resting place by The Keeper of Death himself.





    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I personally thing hyper-connectivity is best, any questions should be reached out for! Communication is key, and I will offer an explanation as to what they did is powergaming! And if they continue to do it without taking heed through continuing moves, Ill make sure to tell the ST to have them taken off my list!



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Zozhk'Mau The Terrifying


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:




    Shamans, particularly witchdoctors are the voice of the spirits, bringing into being the will of the spirits into the waking, mortal realm. In return for this duty, the spirits will grant the witchdoctor powers and knowledge in exchange. The three spirit types are of course, Ancestral, Elemental, and Immortal, and witchdoctors hold to the wills of their chosen spirits. Finally, the Shamans, are the ones responsible to use the power and the knowledge of the Spirits, to spread their wisdom, to those that wish to hear it and to those that desire to learn about Spiritualism. They are able to work into being various creations that can carry curses, and in some cases can be both a blessing and a curse



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    In current shamanism, Witchdoctor is one of the three currently active shamanisms. In its current form, it serves to bring forth the powers of the elementals and the immortals into the waking world, and channel their power to use curses that will have either a positive and negative effects on the target. Which vary depending on if the target is flora or fauna. In the case of elixers, having a positive, and a cursed effect, while hexes have a cursed effect. Maledictions of course, are a large source of the witchdoctor's power. For within the casting of a malediction, all spirits are called upon, therefore allowing for a wide variety of spells to take form within the domain of the spirit delivering it! This of course translates to many uses, such as a direct curse upon a target in person, the use of a witchdoctor's tool to cast it at a distance (elaborated further down) and such things as cursing objects and features which can then be applied, such as at a high enough skill, into a paste which may be placed upon weapons such as darts and used even at distances, should the weapon pierce the skin of the target. Should a witchdoctor fail a malediction, a minor inconsequential form of the curse is instead applied to them. Failed rituals are completely unknown to viewers and victims until the curse itself is made manifest.


    Furthermore, to elaborate, the Witchdoctors can use the power of the Spirits, to create hexes, that are another tool in the witchdoctor’s arsenal, which can also be used to curse the target. They are most accurately described as brewing spiritual power directly into a potion. However, with using curses, also come drawbacks for the Witchdoctors themselves, as their spells are unpredictable, and should the cursing ritual or the hex creation ritual fail, the shaman themselves will experience the effects of the curse, with the malediction not being as harsh.



    The witchdoctor may also have another few forms of spiritual crafts, such as voodoo dolls which is using sufficient resources, as the blood and hair of a target. These one time use tools can be activated to bring to the subject a curse over great distances. Another creation is cursed fruits which may be cultivated upon an area affected by the witchdoctor's shamanism to create up to ten foodstuffs at once which can apply a more limited form of the curse they are created with upon the consumer; and finally, the last power offered is that of cursed healing. With a close enough bond to Akezo, a shaman is able to perform healing magicks, Where the healed limb can be reattached as long as the required number of rituals is maintained. A smaller number for more minor wounds, and more required for more complicated injuries. It always results in some form of miseffect with the healing. These of course relate to the severity of the healing being applied, but ranges from tinnitus to motorskill loss. This healing applies itself to the soul, and cannot even be removed by death of the individual. Side effects of course must be agreed upon by both parties, the shaman and the person receiving the cursed healing.





    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    The elf clears his throat, clasping his hands. The sound resounds through the chambers of the vast acropolis. The echoing repeating several times due to the geometry. Staring into the pool of blessed waters, a power courses through him. He holds up his hands now, before scooping water from it into a silver vessel marked with the figures of elves in blessed acts of daily life. "LOK DLIMLOK, LOK SCORTHUZ, Afâr’Ilzgul!" The water before him suddenly cleared and settled. [1/5]


    As his head became clear and serene, with graceful motions, the elf reached forwards, pouring from a different vessel, pure olive oil into the water. As he pours, it settles in a large bubble at the top of the blessed water. The air filled with the scents of oils and the charged feeling of power emenating forwards. "LOK DLIMBLOK, LOK SCORTHUZ Afâr’Ilzgul AZUTKAL!" As he worked on the hex, he called forwards for those spirits [2/5]


    Finally, with such a practiced motion, the elf slowly poured into the water, into the center of that oil bubble on its surface, a handful of purest salt. Instantly, did the oil and water mix at his words, and a faint golden emmenence begun to shine from within the silver vessel. A humming felt throughout the acropolis' inner chamber is centered upon the vessel of now near glowing water. [3/5]


    As the elf continued to pour into the water, his pure salt, the color of that eminence began to intensify, until that vessel looked like a hooded lantern of golden light. With that, the elf's words began to heighten! "SCORTHUZ-GUUL LOK SCORTHUZ! LOK!"  His voice nearly singing the praises of purity as it carried throughout the temples height and length. All in it would feel the presence [4/5]


    Rolled 5 out of 6


    As the ritual succeeded, and the glow turned into a warm silver hum, he would seal the silver vessel. Having now prepared a hex for use. He offers a small bow to those onlooking cultists



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "Today we shall be learning the basis for bringing the powers of what is pure and true into reality!" He mentioned to his student. Both of them high elves wearing polished masks of their great ancestors.


    *The student speaks*


    "Indeed, though it is not through a curse we shall bring it about, llir, but a hex! At most, it is a curse within a vessel!" He explained, lighting incense within the great Dark Acropolis


    *Student speaks*


    "Rightly so! Though the process is very similar. Instead of cursing the soul of a being, or the land around, one would curse water or similar fluid."


    *Student response!*


    "The liquid serves as the hex's vessel for later consumption or use! For it is easily and effectively a curse in of itself. As such its varied and otherwise extended uses are well known." A moment of adjusting the bronze masks later he speaks "One cannot forget exactly what it is though. It is important to note that a hex maintained in a bottle or other vessel will fade over time unless used!


    Presenting the student the silver vessel, the pure water, the salt, and 'extra pure' olive oil


    "Now begin! Call upon Scorthuz, the essence of purity, the pools themselves to offer power to this"


    [Insert student emotes]

    [Student rolls successfully]


    Upon seeing the success, the teacher grins, hidden behind the mask of a terrifying bearded ancestor. "Sulian! Simply Sulian! Now remember, when you bottle it, to use such a hex before its expiration! For its powers will fade over time, llir!"





    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I think that extreme communication should be maintained! It should be easy to communicate with your student just exactly what lead to the powergaming, and how they could solve it in the future. If I was not clear with my own instruction I will make sure to clarify and adjust that to make it more obvious! If they ignore these changes and keep powergaming, i would ask the staff to remove them from the list of my students.





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Zozhk'Mau The Terrifying


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:

             https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/212807-witchdoctor-ma-deepdarksamurai/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/213113-lutaumancy-ma-deepdarksamurai/?do=findComment&comment=1916154


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Witchdoctor, Lutaumancy


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:




    Lutaumancy is used by priestly shamans to commune and interact, via chanting and esoteric rituals to call upon different spirits by utilizing the Ancestral Realm. The Ancestral Realm itself, is notably a place where the spirits of dead ancestors reside, after they are taken and are guided by Kor into the afterlife. The lutauman can use these spells to communicate with the Ancestral Spirits, such as visiting them on spirit walks and/or using resonance to connect with the Ancestral Spirit, and as such can create effects in the mortal realm through the powers of those ancestral spirits by being granted passage through to the ancestral realm by the Immortal of Death





    Shamans, particularly witchdoctors are the voice of the spirits, bringing into being the will of the spirits into the waking, mortal realm. In return for this duty, the spirits will grant the witchdoctor powers and knowledge in exchange. The three spirit types are of course, Ancestral, Elemental, and Immortal, and witchdoctors hold to the wills of their chosen spirits. Finally, the Shamans, are the ones responsible to use the power and the knowledge of the Spirits, to spread their wisdom, to those that wish to hear it and to those that desire to learn about Spiritualism. 




    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    Lutaumancy has three main spells which can be utilized. The first I describe is spirit walking, where the Lutauman can connect to the ancestral realm. Though as they gain more experience in the magic and practice, they unlock further powers


    The second is Kor's Blessing, where the lutauman can use his power to banish ethereal beings like ghosts back to the realms of the dead. Such a spell takes five emotes to cast, and results in the ghost being eaten in two emotes afterwards.


    The final spell that lutaumancy posses is Soul Resonance, that comes in two forms. The first form is where the shaman, through channeling the Ancestral Realm, can create an auditory experience of an Ancestral Spirit by relaying the information to those around him. The second form of the spell is Visual Soul Resonance, where the Lutauman channels the Ancestral in order to create a small visual representation of a particular memory or event that happened during the Ancestrals lifetime. The Resonance spell creates a connection between the Ancestral and the lutauman, allowing the shaman to play back the memories for everyone to witness.





    In current shamanism, Witchdoctor is one of the three currently active shamanisms. In its current form, it serves to bring forth the powers of the elementals and the immortals into the waking world, and channel their power to use curses that will have either a positive or a negative effect on the target, be they fauna or flora. Furthermore, the Witchdoctors can use the power of the Spirits, to create hexes, that are another tool in the witchdoctor’s arsenal, which can also be used to curse the target. However, with using curses, also come drawbacks for the Witchdoctors themselves, as their spells are unpredictable, and should the cursing ritual or the hex creation ritual fail, the shaman themselves will experience the effects of the curse, with the malediction not being as harsh. and finally, the last power offered is that of cursed healing. Where the healed limb can be reattached as long as the required number of rituals is maintained. This healing applies itself to the soul, and cannot even be removed by death of the individual.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    The elf clears his throat, clasping his hands. The sound resounds through the chambers of the vast acropolis. The echoing repeating several times due to the geometry. Staring into the pool of blessed waters, a power courses through him. He holds up his hands now, before scooping water from it into a silver vessel marked with the figures of elves in blessed acts of daily life. "LOK DLIMLOK, LOK SCORTHUZ, Afâr’Ilzgul!" The water before him suddenly cleared and settled. [1/5]


    As his head became clear and serene, with graceful motions, the elf reached forwards, pouring from a different vessel, pure olive oil into the water. As he pours, it settles in a large bubble at the top of the blessed water. The air filled with the scents of oils and the charged feeling of power emenating forwards. "LOK DLIMBLOK, LOK SCORTHUZ Afâr’Ilzgul AZUTKAL!" As he worked on the hex, he called forwards for those spirits [2/5]


    Finally, with such a practiced motion, the elf slowly poured into the water, into the center of that oil bubble on its surface, a handful of purest salt. Instantly, did the oil and water mix at his words, and a faint golden emmenence begun to shine from within the silver vessel. A humming felt throughout the acropolis' inner chamber is centered upon the vessel of now near glowing water. [3/5]


    As the elf continued to pour into the water, his pure salt, the color of that eminence began to intensify, until that vessel looked like a hooded lantern of golden light. With that, the elf's words began to heighten! "SCORTHUZ-GUUL LOK SCORTHUZ! LOK!"  His voice nearly singing the praises of purity as it carried throughout the temples height and length. All in it would feel the presence [4/5]


    Rolled 5 out of 6


    As the ritual succeeded, and the glow turned into a warm silver hum, he would seal the silver vessel. Having now prepared a hex for use. He offers a small bow to those onlooking cultists






    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "Today we shall be learning the basis for bringing the powers of what is pure and true into reality!" He mentioned to his student. Both of them high elves wearing polished masks of their great ancestors.


    *The student speaks*


    "Indeed, though it is not through a curse we shall bring it about, llir, but a hex! At most, it is a curse within a vessel!" He explained, lighting incense within the great Dark Acropolis


    *Student speaks*


    "Rightly so! Though the process is very similar. Instead of cursing the soul of a being, or the land around, one would curse water or similar fluid."


    *Student response!*


    "The liquid serves as the hex's vessel for later consumption or use! For it is easily and effectively a curse in of itself. As such its varied and otherwise extended uses are well known." A moment of adjusting the bronze masks later he speaks "One cannot forget exactly what it is though. It is important to note that a hex maintained in a bottle or other vessel will fade over time unless used!


    Presenting the student the silver vessel, the pure water, the salt, and 'extra pure' olive oil


    "Now begin! Call upon Scorthuz, the essence of purity, the pools themselves to offer power to this"


    [Insert student emotes]

    [Student rolls successfully]


    Upon seeing the success, the teacher grins, hidden behind the mask of a terrifying bearded ancestor. "Sulian! Simply Sulian! Now remember, when you bottle it, to use such a hex before its expiration! For its powers will fade over time, llir!"




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I think that extreme communication should be maintained! It should be easy to communicate with your student just exactly what lead to the powergaming, and how they could solve it in the future. If I was not clear with my own instruction I will make sure to clarify and adjust that to make it more obvious! If they ignore these changes and keep powergaming, i would ask the staff to remove them from the list of my students.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. What is your name, hero-to-be?: Abraham The Blue


    What is your race? Man


    Where do you reside? DU-LOC


    What powers do you have to fight against this great evil? Wizardry


    What is the meaning of a free-spirit, in short words? Unchained, open, and liberated from all weights!


  9. "AY'HAELUN'OR! Our home and blessed land! May we all, truest sons and daughters, hold ourselves firm! As our walls erect once more, and the great ages never dim! For we remember the Fall of The High-Walled Cihi, upon that isle blessed. And always will we remember, the fiends who struck to take it, with no true need and no true heed! For we must hold to ourselves, unity and togetherness for this, our polis, our cihi!"


    Valiant, the hero in his polished armor of bronze and silver looks out to those comfortable warm seas. "At least we stay close to the source. The Salt of our Labour"

  10. A beautiful high elf, champion of The High Walled City, and her colonies abroad couldn't help but find this missive!


    "Ironic! That the Grand Betrayer himself would find himself so readily betrayed. Such is the case, when one throws his sword in with those least pure, one who would so readily betray even the most noble, finds himself at the wrong end of the stick of those the least!"


    Gazing upon the Splendid Acropolis, he clears his mind of the name!

  11. "These are all logical conclusions drawn from study, and innate internal truths held by our own very Blood-memory! Our blessed selves, our silver souls, and sacred blood point plainly, for the silver maiden held all before all so that we may live these blessed lives, our society maintained eternally!"


    A beautiful sailor, Hero of the citystate holds his bronze mask of a terrifying bearded ancestor, his fingers traced upon the features of that ancient tool. The mask of the very ancestor who strode alongside the Silver Maiden, and bathed in those very pools


    "Anaxagoras, father of many citystates, father of my bloodline, your true intentions shared, your very Will of Silver, to pursue the ways of Blessed Maiden, it was you who had brought all after you to blessing by bathing with her, by maintaining the very will of those mighty Mali in that most ancient antediluvian age"


    "Ay'Larihei! TAHU'LARIHEI!, for we hold her as the truest way of ourselves. Imprinting upon our world the very epitome of perfect purity!"

  12. 43 minutes ago, Quantumatics said:

    Verily, in the light of truth, are these words made inviolable.

    Gone are the days of ignorance, whence we were embraced by hatred,

    For what now remains is solidarity and a righteous path.

    Ever shall the cycle endure, and ever must we seek its abolition.

    We may not find absolution for our misdoings, but we may live to amend them.

    May True Men know the True Path

    For these men know not what they do

    but to follow the True Path is to know the way of True Man

    Those Unenlightened will be brought forth

    and those who do not know will be made privvy

    For to serve the beast, or its servants is to be made a slave

    and to be a slave is to be made property

    and property is to made taken by those who are yet free

    yet who wield spike in hand


    you will be enslaved!

  13. A man of Hyperborea, a horselord of great worth, with three quivers of arrows tied to the flanks of his two sturdy mares, gazes upon the open steppe with glee. At last has the eternal war upon those lost and forgotten souls seem to have come to an end.


    Endless Scydria, that place of glory, where the corrupt horsemen of the Conchuk had met their end in a decisive feigned retreat, their women and children taken for Scydria, found itself once more home to the herds of those beautiful steppe men.


    May the sun shine eternal before The Open Sky, The Skyfather has heard the calls of sacrifice, the blood spilled upon the Skullpiles. Now it has begun once more, the growth of those herds, and the Horse Tribe

  14. 29 minutes ago, AndrewTech said:

    “As you have subjugated the nations of the world and wrought iniquities upon them, so will those nations return upon your people, and their suffering will be thrice over. The world will weep.”

    -Gospel 7:37-38


    A Haelun'oric Statesman reads this missive with a placid brow. He looks over the waters of his Splendid isle and he muses


    "The realm of Valah, those men Blessed and Cursed, know only pain and strife, but not for the fault of others, but the very 'monarchs' and 'royals' they so cling to for their guidance and leadership. For it is not the will of the creator to make war upon creation, it is not the will of the creator to bring terror and strife to those people peaceful and blessed...


    But it IS the will of the Great Defiler, he who goes forth to take, not for need, but for greed, for lust, for his shallow desires. It is the will of those 'monarchs' who seek to despoil the blessed peoples of the world.


    And it is the men, who act, used as the Defiler's tools, sent forth by those 'monarchs' who never see a lick of combat, who never know the pain or strife. Enslaved not to build their homes, but to toil and build the castles of their masters. For masters they are...


    And it is the very people who shall suffer the fruit of the Iniquity of their masters.


    This is The Struggle. They will be beholden, until repentant or not, those masters are splayed before all."


    Gazing now over the stuccoed and fine marble of that High-Walled City he quietly resigns himself. If it is strife they so seek... Well, who is he to deny them



  15. Some extremist scratches his head seeing the missive posted. Though he wears a sacred mask, his features obscured, he couldn't help but find himself in agreeance


    "This is our Struggle. To maintain truth, and our blessed ways, whilst the men of the world openly degenerate. Seeking to only further the forces of evil in this world.


    May the Valah crawl from their fiendish pits and find brightness in truth and mercy of the spirit, of the force above. For they do ne need to take the homeland of others, when so much space yet held for their own. For it is ne the general citizen, but the truly cursed men of their 'crown'. May they know they only bring what is to come upon themselves"


    Already are others who join this struggle armed. May their Sacred War be held true.

  16. A blessed Hoplite, purest of the lads crosses his arms. He looks over the painting of the subject immediately recognizing him.


    "If only I had reached him, perhaps his ways would have been reformed... Though, despite this, My Silver Will brings me to heft my spike for this cause"

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