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Posts posted by SteppeNomad

  1. Blissful, did that handsome sailor smile upon the missive! He sat in the beach of his beautiful homeland! "In such terms do even those princes enslave themselves; and all their people to the servants of Worms no less!" He looks upon it, a brow quirked at the idea, but in casting his net in the water, did his eyes drift to those olive trees nearby. "Larihei! Guide those Mali with reason to great blessings!" He wishes upon them!

  2. A beautiful sailor, from those splendid silver isles beams! Tacking his bee badge to his Chiton! A token of victory! Watching over fields pollinated, and clay pithoi filled of honey all thanks to the Beelot's toil. "May all know truly, their greatness! For only these fine and truly enlightened Valah of the Honey Club, CITIZENS of Balion, are worthy of maintaining the sacred flock! The illerir'suika, and to have them serve as worthy Beelots! With people of such strong culture, ideals, and law, as these learned Valah, may our interactions bare for our great cities great HONEYED BLESSINGS!"

  3. A Mali'Thill hero grips the anonymous missive and he gulps hard. A sweat drop down his brow. He smiles openly, yet the beautiful elf knows more than enough to dismiss prophecies, much less than those of Larihei's chosen people. Purest of blood, and therefore the most ready to receive her visions...

  4. "May those brave men in the north, who in their stories old of mighty and fierce ancestor heros, hew did they, their destiny by the cruel edge of great axe. May they know their glorious deeds, and pursue those even more legendary!"


    A Heroic hoplite prepares an amphora of salt, as perhaps this will be the year, they sail north

  5. "To hear plainly, the fine Men of Balian know what is right and just! To throw out the Subversive Serpents, those fiends who do not love you, who do not seek to have your stories told by your children eternally. They would see those you leave behind, enslaved by their master. Like letting a snake enter a chicken coop, To ever let a serpent into your society is to risk the whole." The elf prepares for the journey, an amphora of salt. A fine thing to keep away the evils of those dark forces.  "Oh do we know much of removing the serpent from the nest. One can only wish the honorable Valah truth and justice in doing the same!"

  6. An elven hoplite, brave hero of his citystate, and victor against the 'low elven' usurpers, looks to his fellows, those Urukhiim and brave elves who had always fought alongside one another as true brothers.  


    "We go forth, and take simply as we need from the blessings of this world. Noble, are we, the HEROS. Those who heft fine choppahs, and Who carry brazen spears and silver masks. May those of lesser births, and tarnished blood look upon us and weep. And know our great privilege"


    looks out over the walls of his great Citystate, and the sea beyond! "I dedicate this victory, to Anaxagoras. Dear Ancestor! May we be bold, and the blessings of Larihei and Purity flow forth to all!"



    There are certain techniques involved with the slaying of serpents



    Directly Following The Events of The Battle of Bronze and Horn, the Brave Heros of the band, and the warriors that followed them into glorious battle, paid their wages and just-dos of salt and wine. Know finely the fruits of their labour. Greatly do their panoplies grow more elaborate, their legends more vast. In the coming days, gathered together they had from the islands and the lands of their youths and the nations which grant them best privileges. For it was recent, that Worldly Pamphilos, son of Iphigenia, had heard word in the far off tabernacle of The Lectorate. There, behind the Never Broken, Walls of Great Du-Loc, had gathered. In their lengthy discussions, the father spoke to that young Hero, who stood alongside the truest patriots of that Polis, and granted the rights entitled to any citizen. He told of a beast, child of Akezo and Kinul, a serpent of great might and power, a great and terrible Basilisk. The Ender of Men. Inheritor of the Coldwyrms which guarded a great treasure that the Lectorate sought. Their mystery cult revealed to them many secrets of the mundane and esoteric. Through learnings protected through deep initiation, they understood, as the wizened enlightened people of the world do, that no such Mythic Creature could be defeated by but an army of men, for the killing of mere men is that what those such beasts, spawned of the realm, do. Instead of the ways of the squad of mere fighters or mercenaries, mustered for a cause or paycheck, who's ways are not in promotion of victory, but mere success, they chose the ways of the Band of Heros. Individuals, great warriors, famed across the lands for their great deeds! UNBREAKABLE in battle morale. Their spirit and determination, unflinching. For they know they will be paid their salt's wage. Their true prize, the Undying KLEOS of the legends!



    Statue of Hercules Fighting Serpent - Claude Chapdelaine Fine Arts -  Photography, Fantasy & Mythology, Mythology, Roman, Other Roman - ArtPal

    The last thing a serpent will see after a HERO gets a hold of it.





    Wise are the lectorate, their Mystery Cult a wellspring of thought and actions. So, knowing Pamphilos called upon the sacred promises of the lads, and together they came forth, polishing their tools of war, and their skills, for that lightless battle that was to come.


    The bravest of the heros were those who strode into the darkness of those icy caverns, lead by the likes of a machine. The very metal hoplite, the machine lad who would come later to be known as Periander of Du-Loc, Son of Danzen. A metallic Adonis of gold and laurels, wreathed in toga and the finest oils. His halberd a mere feather in his hand. Besides him stood BRAVE Ulagula'Ugluk, the Goliath of the Phalanx, his Aegis, the blessed layered bronze of Daskur in one hand, and his spear in the other. The pair nearly matched in height, and each one stronger than the last! And oh did brave Pamphilos beam, standing besides them. His blades of cruel bronze, edges hammered and honed for this. Not yet, had he cast his cuirass, so all that protected the son of Halkyone were his greaves and that Legendary Silver Shield. Atop his head, his brazen helm, a crest of blue horsehair nearly reached the heights of the other two besides him.


    The three entered that tavern, behind them, came forth the other elven skirmishers. Magicians and missile throwers of the band, and the young and swift Kax'ayla! Green to the lads, a noble Kha of the phalanx. Keen of eye, and great of heart, ready to sling of the potions and bottles that the Lectorate had prepared.


    Then, that phalanx began to enter into the howling cavern. It opened up wide, an ominous blue glow emenating from the outcroppings in the middle. The treasure the lectorate had called for. Before continuing onward, the mechanical hoplite set his commands, and the warriors prepared. Wide reaching Ulagula, First of The Kruggers, stood his ground in the center. His towershield, a wall protected on his sides by spikes of cruel and unrepentant bronze. Their hearts filled with furies as the lads prepared their skirmishing positions on the stones and ice above, and finally, the lectorate had completed their own preparations. As though every spirit had served in the favor of those intrepid hero's it burst forth, a shower of icy wind and cracking ice! The beast, larger than they could have imagined, suffused the cavern with but some of the mass of its coils! Each scale, as large as Bronze-clad Ulagula's towershield! In that instant, volley after volley of the lectorate's alchemical concoctions were hurled by those heros and the Knights of Flame, but what resounded above all, was the howitzer that they had brought into the cave. Their secret weapon against it! Or so we thought. The first shot had the effect of but merely dazing The Big Blue. The bottles shattered upon it, concussions and flames and ice. All to little effect. Except for a spear launched by a great Ulagula!. Which had pierced the brittle ice of a frost encrusted scale. The brave Kha slinger prepared his vials!


    In the moment of its emergence, the Great Beast of The Mountain's coils had smashed apart a stone. It crumbled to earth, almost to break the beautiful form of Swift Footed pamphilos. In his defenses, the fate of Heros had shown him well, and as he pulled the cord on his mighty shield, he wielded it to bat away the boulder which came upon him! His life saved, but now, that shield and the magic that held it, ceased its function.



    Seeing clearly the strategies to employ, the Lectorate and the acolytes of their cult prepared the Howitzer, blessed gift of Kannon, at the word of a wide-seeing elven skirmisher, the lads hucked their ice, which shattered with a great crash when the projectile now hurtled at it once more. Prompting the Battlecharge of Ulagula. The Ugluk Bullrush. His heavy shield, more than enough to defend him, or so we thought. Dent after dent did it sustain, charging through those coils, but still it held. Carrying Ulagula to that wound, his savage charge thrust his spear with a throwing action, depositing it to the buttspike into the behemoth of a creature.


    Roars filled the cave, and ice fell from the roof in chunks. The phalanx deflected this until the Big Blue had fully tunneled into the walls. Unbroken, and unafraid, the Phalanx found their positions uncertain. They reformed ranks, while the lectorate acolytes protected their holy idol to Kannon, and the magicians prepared their largest spells. Suddenly, the head of that monster, cursed by Akezo crashed from the tunnel, into the ranks of skirmishers and magicians! The cries of the hero's were heard in the ears of their fellows as they were swallowed whole and cut by razor teeth!


    Oh what greatness! What legendary death! But now! To avenge those mythic lives!



    The Python in Greek Mythology - HubPages

    -Never forget the strategy


    The fight raged on, and defended did the warriors stay, their ranks holding, and the beast's damages growing. It fell through the cavern, its bulk upon the warriors as it pushed past them to engage the Howitzer crew, but, those heros of the frontline, wealthy beyond measure, wear proudly the gift of health. Olive oil, the great healer. Its slickness allowed the warriors to escape being crushed! But same could not be said of young Kax! The Kha, wary of putting oil in his fur, had gone in without the blessed protection! And his legs, crushed deeply under weight of beast.


    Great Periander, and Bronze-clad Ulagula hopped from the top of the iceflow, to engage the creature directly! A leap from the heavy orcish hero toppled the creature in time for it to receive that final blow! And Blow it did! SERPENT slayers, the lads! The Big Blue, a beast of a primordial time which haunted the region, at last fell to blade and bronze. At last, the Lectorate may take their prize. Or could they?



    Pin on Etruscan Black Figure Ware

    -These lads, proficient in serpent slaying, know how to combat their subversive ways


    Know it widely, and know it well. The greed of dwarves unimaginable. For they had come to claim rare metals, and drops of the beast, of the legendary Big Blue, but not alone did these dwarves come. They came with a most foreboding number of all. The Treacherous fairyboys. Known far and wide as a great warband, they and their collaborators fight both sides so as to extract wealth, and to terrorize the very lands that give them succor. But, Far-seeing fathers, those of the lectorate, predicted and anticipated this. For this is why they chose to hire the unbreakable Hero's of the band, and the auxillaries who held a grapeshot canon at the surface for this situation. Instantly, were fairies blown to pieces. Those within the cave, were sprung upon by the hammers of lector steel, and spears of cruel bronze. Immediately, did one of them explode into ash and dust. Of course, such men would harbor the serpent men themselves! Turning to face the last of them, and cut down they were. All for the act of loot-goblining. Clearly, their warband a shadow of a glorious past.



    Finely rewarded these Heros were, their bags laden with treasures, and the promises of legendary weapons that flowed from the mouths of the kind cultists, those mystics of flame, they emerged to the surface, intent to return home to sacrifice a bull for their community and the fallen of the battle. May their deeds be echoed in all time. Though... In the air they say something else... A beast that broke the clouds with a single wingbeat. Large enough to pick up an elephant in each talon... It's feathers like the mid day sky, and its call like screaming thunder. Thats when they saw it. Another legend to face.


    The Bigger Blue



  8. "FINALLY! Now THIS is what I am after!" An avid fan of the public baths prepares his symposiast's platters! Each one painted with scenes of beautiful elf life! Like happy elven children sitting atop a giraffe to pick olives, while joyful comrades rope the Beelots to pressing them into oil! "I'm sure none will have platters that could compare!"

  9. Upon seeing the missive within the capital, a certain sailor sheds but only the tears of victory.


    "There goes a true Patriot! One who had performed his just and governed function, as he had promised, and with above expected results. A champion of 'Thill, no less! There goes my Hero!"


    Further words are shared around symposium that very 'eve! "Watch him as he goes..."

  10. "I would posture an argument that every institution of great silvered law IS IN ITSELF a temple to lady Larihei! Through her example, and that of our most revered ancestors, we strive forwards to greatness ever-growing! Building upon the eternal glories of all our past! For what is the fruit before the seed? Larihei, like our great ancestors, are living in this reality, spiritually and metaphysically, and even physically through all of us!" A toga'd philosopher would point out some finer points of elven life

  11. IGN: DeepDarkSamurai
    RP Name: Zozhk'Mau The Terrifying
    Merchant or Guard: Merchant Warrior Hero

    What kind of goods do you bring with you to our caravan?: The vast WEALTH of the greatest of nations comes forth in the form of our great refined crafts. Oils, wines, olives, and the most treasured and valued of finest salts. The treasures brought to Sulianpoli are an attestation to the treasures available. Along with the presence of the very Akaleh'Misthios, that bronze band of heros-for-hire.

    Do you accept the requirement of attending at least one caravan expedition a week? (Thurs/Mon): Yes! Ill let you know if I am absent!
    Do you have any rare goods to bring to the caravan?: Treasures, trophies, and above all, the great Blessed Salt

  12. "If only there were worthy HEROS to mantle the word... To be taught by your fellow, the venerated master, in the ways of things! THIS is true life in ascent! Perhaps some SCOUTING is in order!" A beautiful fisherman ponders, as he looks out over the waves. His haul of ocean's bounty held well in steady jar, and hold kept ready for throngs of even more blessings! Taken by a hero's spike!

  13. *A beautiful elf catches wind of the fate of the bandito at the hands of the Halflings... He shudders, knowing the fate of any who would dare stand before them is one not fit for words. He wonders why any would ever dare harass the weefolk when they command such slaughter*

  14. "Great Krugmenistanis, OH to hear of the most ancient ways, to follow those of your blood and your ancestors, to further their will upon the world! For this is best. THIS is the way of the Noble Peoples. May those brave Elysians, who know in their hearts the ways of the peace amongst brothers that was held in the west, find succor in the arms of those they love, and may those who seek to defend the actions of the few, and the racist, come forth to defend themselves. Either through words, or the tips of spikes" An elven hero honors his ancestors and their ways. Taking great KLEOS only every day

  15. Steering his vessel in the shallows of that darkened swamp, a tanned sailor looks inwards to the lights and floating lanterns of Vortice "May those elves find Succor in these Krugmenistani Holylands, and our wills of bronze be tempered hard in the hammers of trial"

  16. "May the MIGHTY and the BLESSED Olympians know greatly of the wisdoms of their leadership, for their Athlete-warriors impress even the greatest of Heros. Great Sulianpoli and fine Averyon should know great trade, and fine sporting Games amongst their beautiful toga-clad denizens!" A brazen elven hoplite looks across from the Acropolis of Sulianpoli into the depths of the forest where beyond that settlement lay! He begins picking out wine and olives for a trip there

  17. "OH to see a great Elven POLIS abandoned! Her walls to be reclaimed by the ebonwood! It brings a tear to my eye to see the great Mystery Cult of Malin and those elves bereft of their mission. May they always progress to a state of health." An elven voyager hears the news as he sails up the river for trading... Perhaps this time he sails on past the Ebonwood

  18. A proud Haelun'oric Republican who has successfully defended his city's ANCIENT democracy, polishes his bronze shield. "Sometimes, you must end the Tyrants, perhaps the Valah are ready to learn advanced government? A time for Heros may arise!"

    On 3/30/2022 at 3:42 PM, sergisala said:

    "Ah, yes, another Ordinance of the very 'Democratic' Imperial Prefecture of Providence. Surely allowing the people of our nation's capital to vote in order to elect their own Lord Mayor and City Government representatives must be something too progressive for the Imperial Government to allow. After all, as they usually say, democracy is so overrated. Why give the people the right to vote if you can just have the Crown appoint representatives? Clever. Certainly, tyranny is a far better system. Truly." The old and lunatic Sir Charles Galbraith said to himself in his bedroom when a nurse showed him the news of the Realm.









    The Sounds of Beasts Drown out my Thoughts

    We march onward, the clear sky marks it as a good day

    The clamor of bronze strikes our souls

    For they march, the beast's eyes upon us now





    The firelands, long known as a source of danger for those who dwell in the ashy valleys below. These lands, native to the various beastmen who roam across its rugged county know only freedom to do as they will, to live their natural way. In their blood is the instinct to congregate, to move forwards to fresher pastures. First, only a few trickled in, seemingly singular individuals looking for lairs, for sustenance. Slaves and gladiators were sent, removing such beasts


    Yet, not singular in number. These lone beasts weak and unarmored were but only the advanced scouts of a larger more devastating herd. Seeking to add to their territory. Already they had taken their number up to the GREAT RAM FORTRESS, her forges churning and smokestacks pouring, as the beasts labored to cast the metal they needed for their warmachine. Forging weapons and Panoplies for their elite.



    THE BRAVE BAND, GLORIOUS Heroes! Hoplites clad in second skins of polished bronze, and heavy shield, paid well, each a hero each an individual looking to prove his worth in salt strode forth to meet this foe gathering on the borders of great Krugmenistan. Their forces commanded by the Indomitable Rex, and lead in the field by the Bronze Goliath himself, Ulagula'Ugluk.


    These heroes, came upon a shipment of fresh metals and arms from the fortress, their forces met by a great threat. The beastmen poured from the plains and the hills, and their great Champions announced challenge. And with Challenge they were met!





    The battle raged, and the Heros, strength of Leyd in their arms, drove those beastmen from the borders, though not before they took their bronze and their arms with them into the depths of the Firelands.


    Dedicating their victories to the Pantheon, the Phalanx, mustered in their strength brought the captured of the Minotaurs before the great Qarkah. Reeling in their weakness, Qarkah gave these beasts a new purpose. To redeem their weakness by culling that of others. And locked them away in the depths of Qarkah's Labyrinth. To guard the treasures it holds.


    The hero's bathing in the Adulation of the GREAT Krugmensitan, and SILVERED Sulianpoli knew, that the Herd will come once more. They are on the Moove... And now that the Labyrinth is complete, New Heros may prove themselves GREAT. And earn the vast treasures within.


    Undying is the KLEOS, this DIVINE GLORY we win!



    And those who fell, find theirs.


    Rest now, Heroes, take your spoils, cast new bronze, nurse your wounds, mourn your dead, prepare thyselves.


    The Herd Cometh


    Streaming NOW: Tabletop Hour - Episode 18 - Beasts of Chaos, Dragon Heist -  Bell of Lost Souls




    Come lads





    [[[Welcome to our new Storyline! One thematic and full of great struggles and great dramas sure to bring about the HERO inside you! Its hosted in Sulianpoli! The Silver Colony in great Krugmenistan! This eventline not only has large events and consequences and rewards for actions, but also static nodes, extra resources, trade, and a few CHALLENGES and DUNGEONS for even foreigners to TEST THEIR SALT! Come and test yourself in our Labyrinth! Come prove your STRENGTH in the TEMPLE OF IRON and receive great 'Boons' and many blessings!))




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