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Posts posted by SteppeNomad

  1. Noticing this condemnation, a sailor raises an eyebrow yet he seems almost unsurprised!


    "Though we thought them conspirators, kinslayers, and the Deepstate itself, to learn of such truths as their worship of the Dragon bring to mind why they have so many of those sympathetic to the dragons and their cause. For why else would they associate so heavily with those who openly bend for dragons, and ask others do the same? Easily are those of the Anti-Talonnii threats to even the most stable of nations. Subversive are those of those cults of the worms"

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             Self Teach and Adventuremaan


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  3. "Such focus on the prevention of other ascendant Deepstate, or the focus on retaining the wholesome nature of our society are both admirable goals worthy of pursuit! May those most blessed with hearts and souls of untarnished silver bare such title! May it be born well" utters a statesman expecting useful service from such a branch 

  4. Unknown this leaving is to a dashingly handsome fisherman, hero of the citystates, who notices a thinning in the lines of his phalanx of citizen soldiers. Though seemingly unperturbed, the tanned high elf knew in his silver soul, that one of his closest brothers, in his absence, was disturbed. He prepared himself, and those around him for great trial ahead 

  5. --= Medi’ir Application =--

    [[mc-name :     DeepDarkSamurai         ]]
    Name : Pamphilos Hyptos
    Age : 71
    Previous Positions, if any, linking to transferable skills : As Tilruir'Mali and Tilruir'San, a widely traveled sailor and a great Hero of Haelun'or, a champion who brings forth to her Victories and great blessing
    What should you hope to achieve in this role? (extended answers, please) : 


    It is no question that our great citystate is one widely known and widely praised, for truly those beyond our walls look upon their shimmering marble and plastered stucco and know greatly of our ways by this sight alone. Yet, that cannot be the only thing that we are known for. For we are also beautiful people.


    I, Pamphilos of the Hyptos, seek to further our relations with the peoples of the west, knowing our greatest allies lay in those of the enlightened Holyland, I wish to continue my active victory. Since my begunth, no raid of cruel war has come upon our fair city by the likes of the people of the west, always only to come share and exchange of our cultures, our ideals, and our wealths.


    My victories have come freely and I have earned vast privileges for those Mali'thill of our citystate in thelands of the west, where we are known as true legendary peoples, and have taken by the tip of my spike, not just privilege, but wealth and land. Land for our silver state, land to build a most necessary structure. A great Embassy where our silver laws and ways of our beautiful people are respected and enforced, even in those foreign lands.


    I believe to further the cause of our Homeland, to bring about the health and the progress and the understandings necessary to promote ourselves and take even greater privilege. For this reason I lead by example, and for this reason I wish to take the position of Medi'ir; to further our means, and secure ourselves fine allies and great friends


    For I represent Haelun'or well


    -Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos


    ~ To be returned to the office of Elsohaer ~

  6. Signatures rolled in ink then onto the paper is signed with the name of those patriots, having displayed of his many rights and privileges; Earned and bled for. This brings a proud twinkle to the eye of a blessed citizen!




    "Ay'Larihei, The most Blessed of us"

  7. "May those with the powers invested by the wills of the beautiful citizenry urge us forwards with our eternal motivation! To live in eternal maehr’sae hiylun’ehya! Great individuals to take great progress!" Satisfied in the election, a beautiful statesman begins planning his own candidacy to run for the next term as dictator! Already are speeches being written!

  8. (Minecraft Name:) DeepDarkSamurai


    Name: Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos


    Age: 71




    Vote 1: Alaion Miraviras


    Vote 2: Alaion Miraviras



    "Though I thought to run for dictator, I am pleased the first term would belong to someone practiced with a talented cabinet to be behind them"


  9. "Though those 'ata who have aligned themselves with the pretender follow their mysteries, pursuing their dark gods, it is through them they seek reasoning and conviction to strike first. To mutilate and spill the blood of the sacred citizens. A most powerful offering. Why else would those of the red council be so tarnished as to turn their heads to the plight of the blessed, if they had not already aligned with the powers offered by those very same dark cults? They refuse to answer why they support the slaughters. Why they do not denounce them. Simply as they NEED them." This tanned high elf shakes his head. Resolving to never follow one of these tarnished to a second location 

  10. 2 hours ago, UnBaed said:

    "Instead of self declarations and the spouting of titles, let us hope the wisdom of our elven years may finally shine through this conflict.  We are elves, immortal with this blessed blood and headstrong; we are not a flock of lost cattle needing herding and we make complete fools of ourselves to wish to cut the extended years of our kin so short for a squabble like this."  Celiasul had found herself writing into her journal again, seated on her bed.  The filled pages were illuminated by the flickering candle on her nightstand.  She hadn't taken up this hobby again until recently, it took her a great deal of effort to wish to sift through any of her thoughts or memories.  For many years, too many, she made the nasty habit of avoiding such things.  Yet, it was times of turmoil as these where she was often in that sullen wakefulness in the small hours of the morning, unable to lift that flask of hers to her lips to dull the sharp edges of her lucidity anymore for the thought of such an image began to leave her disgusted with herself.


    "So much foolishness I have come to see, and all in the name of Larihei.  She is gone, no longer among our people; the closest we shall have to her is our memory.  Yet there are those who speak for Larihei's behalf, offering assuring words of prosperity and dignity returning to the name of our people.  How is it that no one sees the wickedness in these promises, for either elf?  We've assumed ourselves to be too high.  These elves, foreign and local. . claim to know the sight of Larihei and what she desires for us; they presume themselves to be too close to her.  They know what Larihei desires, for it is also what they desire."


    "The day will come where they will drown in their own reflections, and drag the rest of us with them."

    A handsome beautiful elf finished a tour in an outer realm. Having heard the will of Larihei first hand! Though he held strong views, the bend before her facts and logic!

  11. s6FPRqd.png

    -Average Day in Haelun'cihi right now




    Brothers, Sisters, I wish to further conversation. We exist as individuals in this time of great strife. Those who have the power to act, and further not only our impacts on the world, but the impacts upon the very nature of being.


    Ones mind drifts into the nature of being. For truly, if we are most blessed, and every elf a hero seeking to become ever-greater, ever-perfect, why would we seek to end what makes us strive hardest for ever greater perfection?


    Picture for me this. You are standing before your fellows in the Amphitheater, the comrades of your band. Over the better part of the decade you've been practicing your oration, your acting, and your epic recitation, and though you are overwhelmed with praise from the crowd, you saw 'Them'  get more... What is a Mali supposed to do in such circumstance? Become more perfect! That's it!


    It is through this fact, that a being left unchallenged is one stagnant, progressing not. So, knowing this, and knowing your rival well, why would you ever do more than to punish them? Hear me out.






    Now don't get me wrong, Heroes. Just as we may be from rival City-States, great cultures of peoples most ancient but at odds, it is for this purpose eternal rivalry must be understood for the betterment of each other. The ever perfection of you and your rival tracks not just at this macro-cosmical scale, but even to us as great singular individuals. We shall not forget, lliran, that just because you are at war, especially a war of domination, one must never forget their purity of mind, thought, and body. Though I sought to stray away from such seemingly 'charged' terms as purity, what with the many newly impure coming to terms with their state, but we must also keep in mind, such a state was brought about by mainly one reason. The killing of rivals.


    Now, nobody said anything about killing one's enemies. Those auxillary who stand before you as foes to be bested. For in the great field of legendary combat, where myth is made, we must exert our force to overcome ALL the armor of another. But, examples of fine heroes who, defeated upon the field, were made to submit before you. Punished much, through injuries sustained, or defeat having felt, it is by right of victor to do as he pleases, but to end the feared rival, they who had inspired your own greatness beaten into a prisoner? To deny him his end on the field in service to his citystate, and himself is also a disservice to you, and the legends and myths we may all enjoy in times to come.





    Picture for a moment. The mighty hoplites of two great citystates, an army of valah auxillary and rowers, and ten blessed citizen hoplites. Their ship of painted sails crashes upon the shore, and they meet in the field with an army of another great citystate. Another hundred auxillary and twelve rival hoplites...


    The battle fierce as auxillary face one another to keep them from the phalanx as both sides of beautiful citizens, each an individual with rights, privileges, and heroes of great family battle to see themselves greatest. Shields pressed to shield, and spikes thrust. Until one gains the upperhand. You look to your brother as a spike glanced over the shield, ending him quickly. Every loss felt gravely, but the fight continues on. When one side victorious, perhaps of the result of two champions choosing to duel for victory, fine judgement leads to greater legend. The taking ransom, or a piece of panoply or a trading good may be a powerful lesson to learn, yet to end who you have before you, with no chance to bare arms in noble defense? A sight most savage. Most disappointing. After all, we are cousins. Why, but the most extreme of circumstance, do you deny yourself the competition? Don't wanna work too hard?


    Bruno Cesar - Arilaf the Elven Crown Princess

    -The Elven Phalanxes, powerful formations of each respected citystate.

  12. Clearing his throat, another Toga'd elf stands before those on the open forums. Rebuking the points within!


    "I shall begin by speaking. May your writers biases be known!"


    Braxus Ni’leya claims that Ivarielle is the Bandit Princess, that she is responsible for all the bloodshed that has filled the streets over the past decades. Yet, with a simple conversation with Ivarielle, he could clear up these falsehoods and assumptions that he has sowed within the Silver State. He has caused chaos and disruption to claim that they Ferrymen and Lubba Keep were acting on Ivarielle’s behalf, yet she declares otherwise. She has stated that they were acting as their own individual entities, which they are. Therefore, why is it that he has decided to cause issues amongst the people and turn them against the Uthir? Was it to keep power and control? Returning to only seize what you wish? These are the questions that the people now call upon you to answer. 


    "Oh dear writer, know you very well the truth of this that you so seek to hide! For truly, she IS she who has brought unimagined terror and Cruel War upon our citystate! For MANY years she has been in open war upon what we wish and what we stand for! Know first, the very fact they have been hired and paid by Ivarielle's dirty acal, taken from the fall of Sutica and used to pay the very same betrayer-suticans. Know that the Fennitians who come forth to slaughter our people do so upon the order of this very Ivarielle! After all, if she truly did not wish them, she would order them from the city and denounce their bloodthirsty cult and their ways. Yet this is not her true color! For she seeks to further death. After all, it was clearly witnessed, the orders given from her to them. If she seeks to defend herself, why does she not? Why does she not engage in debate? Why must she pay murderers to kill those who do not know of her ways?"




    If he cannot get his own daughter in line, is he truly fit to lead the people by putting himself forwards for Sohaer?


    "I would like to know where this 'Braxus' if he can truly be called that, EVER put his name forth as Sohaer in recent times. After all, a leader is chosen by the blessed people. Not simply assumed. Such as Ivarielle, such as She-Who-Never-Was."



    Those of the Hyptos Talonii adorn their controversial togas,  exposing themselves more than some mali’ame that have been seen roaming the streets of elcihi’thilln. They debate about Larihei, and purity, and conservative values, yet where is the conservatism in what they wear? Lucion Sullas explained in his many works that one should not need to expose themselves unnecessarily to prove their physical purity. That a true mali’thill proves their purity with their contributions to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and through their mind rather than exposing their appearance. Perhaps, they are compensating for their lack of physical purity, having grease akin to an uruk that excretes from their pores.


    "Why should we, who are most blessed, worry about such things. To spend many hours sculpting your form, more beautiful than any inanimate sculpture of marble could capture is a craft as worthy as any tailor's or esthetician. 'Progress and Health'. Achieved ever-further through the increasing perfections one may experience! WOE is the elf who lets his body fall into disuse, who does not refine his mind, silver tongue tempered in the realm of debate, and body refined through many hours in The Iron Temple. WOE IS HE WHO DOES NOT HEFT! To degenerate of mind and body instead of pursuit forwards is incompatible with Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya! The garb worn, traditional, ethical, and MOST efficient for life and it's purpose!  Though, for those less healthy, the less progressive, we offer great thanks. For keeping your clothes very covering and sparing us from the gagging views!"


  13. "Oh WOE TO THEE, MONSTERS DRESSED AS ELVES." A proud musician once again strums his lyre. "For though their vision, stained with blood, is clouded, it is for this reason they must seek to further cover themselves! Deluded, the Red-Council is, as they continue to seek justifications for the killings, for the murders. Labeling us scoundrels for seeking not but freedoms! But how could they, the tarnished, know about freedoms? About great privilege? For they bend before Tyrants"

  14. He beams brightly! Noting many of the fine points this beautiful sailor himself wished to push!


    "To promote the democracy of our most blessed citystate means one cannot simultaneously support those who actively seek to kill and suppress the people. Their Kill-Squads would never be able to suppress the wills of the truly Blessed, the Learned who do not wish to become enslaved to the Worm"

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