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Frozen Legacy17

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    Frozen Legacy17#2494
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  • Character Name
    Arthur Stone
  • Character Race
    Human (Highlander)

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  1. Frozen Legacy17


    A long time ago, in the Kingdom of Norland...there lived a religious young adult named Arthur Stone and he worshiped and prayed the almighty Allfather of the practice of the Red Faith. He was a kind hearted man and knew that his religion could help him along difficult and tough journeys of what may lead to a difficult task. But he knew that practicing by this religion, it could help him with a reign of peace and justice to the kingdom of Norland once and for all.
  2. Frozen Legacy17


    A long time ago, in the Kingdom of Norland...there lived a religious young adult named Arthur Stone and he worshiped and prayed the almighty Allfather of the practice of the Red Faith. He was a kind hearted man and knew that his religion could help him along difficult and tough journeys of what may lead to a difficult task. But he knew that practicing by this religion, it could help him with a reign of peace and justice to the kingdom of Norland once and for all.
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