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Status Updates posted by S1nnerVsSa1nts

  1. Doing some mina art coms for practice^^ Feel free to DM on Disc if interested!

  2. Okay so which of the Musin named their place after an ASMR Youtuber. I won't snitch, promise

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unwillingly


      why did an ASMR youtuber name themselves after the musin from lord of the craft

    3. Zanael Moonstrider

      Zanael Moonstrider

      Yeah the name Babblebrook was from a list of many and it’s because there was a babbling brook nearby.

      Shouldn’t be an issue if it’s got the same name as anything else though, since half the server has similarities to something that exists already.

    4. Laeonathan


      why did an ASMR youtuber name themselves after the musin from lord of the craft

  3. Anyone interested in D&D? Starting a game up on Fridays.

  4. Did Xan just.. die?



  5. How does Surge work?

  6. Looking for some Golem players now that the rewrite is out! Hmu on disc at kry vs remy#6969 if interested!

  7. Looking for someone to play a Golem here soon? 👀

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