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  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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    Gaming, Cooking, Writing, Cats, Wildlife and Aquariums,
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Character Profile

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    Buk The Hash Slinger
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150 profile views
  1. CHEFLAD98


    Buk The Hash Slinger, was born in the Rexdom of Krugmar. His parents were both Uruks, both of which were not in lifelong courtship. Buk was very much encouraged by his father Odgarr, who stuck around to raise the young Orc. Odgarr strived for Buk to be strong, to give no second chances, and be a brutal fighting machine. As much as Buk took on alot of his fathers characteristics and mannerism's, at the age of 16, there was early indications of him not 'fitting in'. This was evident when he had been on a trip with Odgarr, when they two had come across a naive human shepherd who tried to tell him he could not trespass. Odgarr turned to Buk and said "Heb you chance Bruddah, Sliz itz ed off!". Buk looked at the human now cowering in its boots, visibly shaking. Buk drew his iron sword, the reflection of the terrified Shepherd reflecting in its blade, His father heckling him on from the side line, and with an almighty raise, both hands on the weapon, Buk brings down his weapon and brutally slaughters the.....the sheep? "watz ar zu doing!" Odgarr would bellow through the ears of every being within a 100 metre radius. Incidents like this started to occur more and more often, and a furious Odgarr was getting less and less patient with his sons odd behaviour. After time and time again of Odgarr trying to teach his son the real ways of the Orc, He snapped. One night Odgarr had asked his son for his reason behind only slaughtering animals. He replied with "itz jus tez wayz i am". Odgarrs expression grew dark and sinister, "incorrect!" he shouted as he grabbed a block of iron in a fit of rage and raised it above his sons head, he stopped however, and ominous grin came across his face. "nah, ze whatz you reep iz what zu sow" he threw the block across the room then left. never looking back or contacting Buk again. Now aged 25, Buk's foreseen weakness would be one that gave him an advantage. The other Orcs who had very much the same concerns as Odgarr decided not to terminate the life of young Buk, but too use his weakness for other areas of their society where it would be useful. His elders instructed him to cook and make food for the army, civilians and visitors of the Rexdom. This is where he gets his name 'The Hash Slinger' In the meantime he would keen to become part of the Lur-Leaner clan, so that he could have the skills to hunt down food resources and begin to be part of some belonging.
  2. CHEFLAD98


    Buk The Hash Slinger, was born in the Rexdom of Krugmar. His parents were both Uruks, both of which were not in lifelong courtship. Buk was very much encouraged by his father Odgarr, who stuck around to raise the young Orc. Odgarr strived for Buk to be strong, to give no second chances, and be a brutal fighting machine. As much as Buk took on alot of his fathers characteristics and mannerism's, at the age of 16, there was early indications of him not 'fitting in'. This was evident when he had been on a trip with Odgarr, when they two had come across a naive human shepherd who tried to tell him he could not trespass. Odgarr turned to Buk and said "Heb you chance Bruddah, Sliz itz ed off!". Buk looked at the human now cowering in its boots, visibly shaking. Buk drew his iron sword, the reflection of the terrified Shepherd reflecting in its blade, His father heckling him on from the side line, and with an almighty raise, both hands on the weapon, Buk brings down his weapon and brutally slaughters the.....the sheep? "watz ar zu doing!" Odgarr would bellow through the ears of every being within a 100 metre radius. Incidents like this started to occur more and more often, and a furious Odgarr was getting less and less patient with his sons odd behaviour. After time and time again of Odgarr trying to teach his son the real ways of the Orc, He snapped. One night Odgarr had asked his son for his reason behind only slaughtering animals. He replied with "itz jus tez wayz i am". Odgarrs expression grew dark and sinister, "incorrect!" he shouted as he grabbed a block of iron in a fit of rage and raised it above his sons head, he stopped however, and ominous grin came across his face. "nah, ze whatz you reep iz what zu sow" he threw the block across the room then left. never looking back or contacting Buk again. Now aged 25, Buk's foreseen weakness would be one that gave him an advantage. The other Orcs who had very much the same concerns as Odgarr decided not to terminate the life of young Buk, but too use his weakness for other areas of their society where it would be useful. His elders instructed him to cook and make food for the army, civilians and visitors of the Rexdom. This is where he gets his name 'The Hash Slinger' In the meantime he would keen to become part of the Lur-Leaner clan, so that he could have the skills to hunt down food resources and begin to be part of some belonging.
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