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    Margaret / Florence
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  1. Hello. I wasn't able to reach you in-game, but I wanted to ask you to please refrain from using skins from my past characters for your RP. I was notified by another player today that you were roleplaying on the server, using a skin I paid real money for. I also noticed you've used several of my skins in the past as well, via your PMC account. I really hate having to do this to people, because everyone deserves to have nice skins to use on this server, but it is upsetting when skins that have such meaning to me and the character I played are being slightly-edited and reused without my permission.


    Thank you, and if you'd like to talk further, my discord is MunaZaldrizoti#5064.

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    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @Charles The BaldThis particular player has been rping on the server since 2016, back when I joined. They just made a new forum account. And it's been several skins over a period of time.


      My life is perfectly fine, the character just means alot to me. I'm not sure why you just had a meltdown on my forum wall.

    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      @UnwillinglyAlso to remember you, they might be a recognized player within their community. But I've never heard of either of you and I couldn't care less about the characters you roleplay. And it's not because you have made 1600 posts that makes you one.


      Some people here think they are on my level of being known, you are not. Go in the dwarven discord or a discord from another community and see if people answer you. Probably not, I can switch community and find friends I've talked to.


    4. UnBaed
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