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    Margaret / Florence
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  1. Hello. I wasn't able to reach you in-game, but I wanted to ask you to please refrain from using skins from my past characters for your RP. I was notified by another player today that you were roleplaying on the server, using a skin I paid real money for. I also noticed you've used several of my skins in the past as well, via your PMC account. I really hate having to do this to people, because everyone deserves to have nice skins to use on this server, but it is upsetting when skins that have such meaning to me and the character I played are being slightly-edited and reused without my permission.


    Thank you, and if you'd like to talk further, my discord is MunaZaldrizoti#5064.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unwillingly


      @Charles The Baldthey're a well established player (objective fact) and when actual money is involved yes the concern is very valid

    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      @Unwillingly"Money is involved", LMFAO kid, they spend 10$ on a skin, never created it and act like it's one of the biggest problem in their lives.


      If 10$ breaks you mentally and makes you act like you own the copyright to the skin, it doesn't. You are just a joke because the rights are owned by Mojang.


      Be happy that someone used the skin and joined the server, stop harassing them asking them to take it down.

    4. UnBaed


      Think its a general no-brainer for anyone to not take skins from other players on a server like this without asking for permission, being on the server for a handful of months doesn't make you inept as an individual.  I also wouldn't call this a public shaming post lol Muna clearly tried to be polite in reaching out to them and didn't resort to name-calling or any aggressive approach.  I don't think it's shaming when you're trying to confront people about rule-breaking

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