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Zanael Moonstrider

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Zanael Moonstrider

  1. Seeing as lotc in my view should be an rp server rather than a pvp server, I’m noticing a lot of mention on cavalry.


    for me personally I like berry bushes in a design sense, even going as far as having the berries themselves be a part of Musin lore.


    sure it’s a pain when I’m exploring on a horse and hit one and all my moment just stops forcing me to damage my horse to get out, but half the time that’s either on me not paying attention or it’s in areas such as the place near Ravenmire where the forests are so full of tall grass and bushes (sometimes with no berries) making it hard to see them.


    I’d rather keep the berry bushes in because they’re not really an issue if you just avoid them plus they have a cultural significance to the Musin.


    Mouse King out.

  2. Hello all! I’m Zanael, some of you may know me as Patches the King of the Musin.


    For me when I first joined LotC I was so happy with the fact I’d found a place where I could do D&D styled Roleplay on Minecraft.


    Finding out there was a couple of races that wasn’t the standard fantasy races made me intrigued.

    I started on this server as a Human, tried a High Elf, then one day decided to make a Musin.


    At the time when I made my Musin, I noticed there was very little players playing as the micefolk, and that they didn’t have a place to call their own on Aevos.


    So after seeing that I made it my mission to build a Musin vassal, and so Babblebrook was made.

    What I love about Musin is the sense of community I’ve encountered, everyone has been so helpful and nice in helping build up our culture and town and from that I saw a rise in Musin CA’s being made.


    Now I only play a Musin.


    what I like about Musin:


    * The kind and helpful community: Those who will help new Musin players make a CA, get a skin etc.


    * The whimsical adventure RP: due to our love of adventures and legends, having Musin go out and travel to new places and see new things is really neat. There’s no politics or stress really needed since there’s enough of that with every other race. It’s a way to actually unwind.

    * the random ooc/ irp messages saying how cute my musin is or how much people love musin. It puts a smile on my face.


    Things I wish would Change:


    * The random irp/ooc hate towards musin:

    With the good times, there’s been some  bad times where Musin have been the target of hate/discrimination because what? We’re small mice people? Or we’re players who like playing as such? It’s never really explained.


    * People saying they’ll make a musin CA and then never play as said Musin:

    I’ve met a lot of people as Patches: the king of the Musin and people have told me they’d like to make a Musin.

    this makes me happy since it helps build our community, but what I’ve noticed is that effort is made to help with CA struggles, make a skin for the new player etc then either they play the Musin for a day or never play it.


    I’d love it if people who wanted to play a Musin were a bit more committed to it. (Irl stuff considered if it stops them playing.)


    What I’d like to see in the future for Musin:

    * Musin themed items: every other culture have their own style of rp items so why shouldn’t we?


    * Musin shops/ trades: Agreeing with DrFong I think there could be more trades that Musin can go into.


    * Musin players who want to take part in Babblebrook roleplay and to make it feel like a proper town.


    I want to thank anyone who reads this and wish them a great day/night!

  3. MC Name:



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    Character's Age:



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    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             N/A (Self Teach Book)


    Teacher's RP Name:

             N/A (Self Teach Book)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin descended from the runts of Ratiki. Usually abandoned or used as slaves, Runts didn't last very long. During the Second Great Ratiki war, the Xetrialkian military recruited runts. One of them was dubbed 'Musin the Brave' and became a Warchief. Musin lead his group and four hundred runt slaves to freedom during the Battle of Red Vale, sacrificing himself to allow the others to escape. When the newly dubbed Musin arrived in a new land The Giant taught them Hygiene, speech, writing and more. Finally passing on his strength, forever changing the Musin.


    The species no longer has fangs and are still typically in the height range between1'8" to 2'6" and have long tails around 3 inches or so in length. Weight ranges from 20 to 30 pounds if Healthy. Their Eyes are most commonly black but occasionally pink and red variants appear. Fur can be any colour that the common house mouse can be. Which also includes the fancy mouse variety. Which is any combination of white, grey, brown, black, orange and tan.


    Musin can live up to 70 years old if healthy.

    Since Musin are shorter and weaker than most other races, they are unable to lift certain things due to their lack of strength, yet their dexterity is one of their only proper strengths.


    Musin are quite clean, have an urge to scavenge Possibly even thieve materials and recycle them into something new.

    They are curious at heart and always craving adventure.

    Musin have sensitive eyesight daylight (24 blocks) and fully in cloudy days or nights (48 blocks). They also have advanced hearing of 15hz to 20khz and don't lose the ability to hear higher frequencies. Loud and sudden noises tend to startle Musin.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    A brown and cream scruffy furred mouse who is a thrill seeking rebel with a heart of gold, Pins loves to express himself in any way he can. Whether that is using natural dyes and sticky hair products to colour the long tuft of fur atop his head in a lime green mohawk style. Or by sewing colourful patches of cloth onto and sticking pins into his favourite jacket.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. ----

    Zelda Font


    In the quaint castle town of Babblebrook, nestled amidst rolling hills and tranquil meadows, there exists a culture steeped in mystique and reverence for the ancient legends of their forebears.

    Here, among the cobblestone streets and ivy-clad walls, dwell the Musin people, a diminutive race of mousefolk whose tales and traditions are seemingly as old as time itself.


    Central to Musin culture is the legend of the Trioath, a sacred relic said to hold unimaginable potential.

    According to ancient lore, the Trioath was crafted by the divine beings known as the Three Guardians, who entrusted its safekeeping to the guardianship of the Musin people.


    The Trioath is said to be comprised of three golden triangles, each representing a different aspect of existence: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Together, these three virtues form the cornerstone of Musin society, guiding their actions and shaping their destinies.


    In Babblebrook, the legend of the Trioath is woven into the very fabric of daily life. From childhood, Musin are taught the importance of embodying each of the Trioath’s virtues in their own lives, striving to find balance and harmony in all things.


    The first virtue, Power, represents strength and determination. Musin who exemplify this virtue are revered for their strength in the face of adversity, their unwavering resolve to protect their loved ones, and their willingness to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.


    The second virtue, Wisdom, symbolizes knowledge and insight. Musin who embody this aspect of the Trioath are respected for their intellect, their ability to think critically and solve problems creatively, and their deep understanding of the world around them.


    The third virtue, Courage, signifies bravery and fortitude. Musin who possess this virtue are celebrated for their fearlessness in the face of danger, their willingness to embark on bold adventures and quests, and their unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness.


    Throughout the year, the Musin people of Babblebrook come together to celebrate the legacy of the Trioath through a series of grand festivals and ceremonies. During these gatherings, tales of legendary heroes and epic quests are retold, inspiring the next generation of Musin to heed the call of destiny and embark on their own journeys of self-discovery.


    Below Babblebrook lies the Trioath Shrine, a sacred sanctuary where it's believed that the gateway to the sacred realm where the golden triangles resides.

    It is here that Musin pilgrims from far and wide come to pay homage to the Three Guardians and seek their blessings for the trials ahead.


    But the legend of the Trioath is more than just a story passed down through the ages—it is a living testament to the indomitable spirit of the Musin people, who continue to uphold the virtues of Power, Wisdom, and Courage in their daily lives, ensuring that the legacy of their ancestors will endure for generations to come.



  6. ----


    Zelda Font


    In the quaint Castle town of Babblebrook, nestled next to the Halfling capital of Dúnfarthing, a festival unlike any other is held: The Facade Festival. This enchanting celebration is a testament to the bravery and ingenuity of the Musin heroes of yore, who once safeguarded their kind from perilous threats and ensured the prosperity of the Musin for generations to come.



    [!] Masked festival-goers dancing and being merry!


    As the crisp autumn air carries the scent of fallen leaves and the gentle rustle of woodland creatures, the Musin people gather in the town square, adorned in elaborate masks of their own creation.

    Each mask is a reflection of its maker's spirit, depicting animals, objects, or even abstract concepts like the sun or the moon.

    These masks serve not only as a symbol of individuality but also as a connection to the natural world and the mystical realm of the legends they are oh so fond of.


    The festival kicks off with a vibrant procession, led by the Royal family bearing relics of ancient Musin heroes. Drums throb rhythmically, and colorful banners flutter in the breeze as the procession winds its way through the village streets. Along the route, performers entertain the crowd with lively music and dance, invoking the spirits of nature and the Musin.


    At the heart of the festival grounds, food stalls offer an array of delectable treats, from savory pies made with foraged mushrooms to sweet honey cakes infused with the essence of wildflowers. Musin families gather around communal tables, sharing stories and laughter as they feast on the bounty of the land.


    As twilight falls, The Royal Family guide the festival-goers up to the roof of the castle to watch as the sky erupts in a dazzling display of fireworks, illuminating the night with bursts of color and light. The air is filled with laughter and awe as spectators gaze up in wonder at the spectacle unfolding above them.


    Throughout the festival, games and contests are set up for all to partake in, from friendly competitions of skill and agility to whimsical challenges inspired by Fae folklore and other legends. Children chase after fluttering fairy lights, while adults test their abilities in traditional Musin games of strength and cunning.


    But amidst the revelry and merriment, the true heart of the festival lies in the stories and legends passed down through generations. Tales of heroism and bravery inspire the young Musin to embark on their own adventures, forging bonds with nature and the Fae as they seek to protect their homeland and ensure a prosperous future for all.


    One of such legends tell of three spirits that embody the ideals of the musin and tell of how the world came to be.


    One is the spirit of Courage who is said to harbour inside great Musin Heroes who are Adventurous and Brave.


    One is the Spirit of Wisdom, who is said to harbour inside a Musin who is Kind and Intelligent.


    The last is the Spirit of Power Who is said to have once been trapped inside one who is Ruthless and Commanding. Some Musin believe that the dreaded Ratiki Stanqolk embodied the Spirit of Power in times past…


    And so, as the last embers of the bonfire fade into the night, the Musin gather once more to offer prayers for a bountiful harvest in the year to come, united in their reverence for the past and their hopes for the future.


    In this magical moment of harmony between Musin, nature, and Fae creatures, the spirit of the festival lives on, a beacon of light and hope in the darkness plaguing Aevos.


  7. ----

    Zelda Font


    In the charming castle town of Babblebrook, nestled snugly within the rolling hills and verdant meadows of Dúnfarthing, the Musin people hold dear their rich tapestry of traditions and holidays. Among these cherished celebrations, none is more eagerly anticipated than the Sweetberry Festival, a joyous homage to the delectable fruit that has woven itself into the very fabric of Musin culture.


    [!] A Group of Musin celebrating a harvest of Sweetberries during the festival


    Originating in the earliest annals of Musin history, the Sweetberry Festival traces its roots back to a time of liberation and newfound freedom.


    Legend has it that the Musin, weary of their oppression under the tyrannical rule of the ratiki overlords, embarked on a daring escape from a mysterious island, its name now lost to the winds of time.

    It was when they arrived on Almaris, amidst the lush foliage and towering trees, that they encountered the enigmatic Giant, a benevolent figure who bestowed upon them the gift of the sweet, succulent berry that would come to be known as the Sweetberry.


    Captivated by the tantalizing taste and boundless gene square is transformed into a bustling marketplace, alive with the vibrant colors and enticing aromas of freshly picked Sweetberries.


    From dawn until dusk, Musin of all ages come together to revel in the delights of this cherished fruit, engaging in a plethora of activities and competitions that pay homage to its sweetness and versatility.


    In one corner of the square, skilled jam makers labor over bubbling cauldrons, concocting an array of tantalizing preserves and spreads to be sampled and savored by eager festival-goers.

    Nearby, bakers ply their trade, crafting an assortment of mouth watering pastries and desserts infused with the irresistible flavor of Sweetberries.

    Artists and poets alike find inspiration in the luscious hues and delicate fragrance of the Sweetberry, their creations adorning the walls of makeshift galleries and echoing through the air in melodic verse. Children frolic amidst fields of wildflowers, their laughter mingling with the joyful strains of music that drift through the warm summer breeze.


    As the sun dips below the horizon and the stars twinkle overhead, the Sweetberry Festival reaches its climax with a grand feast fit for royalty. Tables groan under the weight of sumptuous dishes, each one lovingly prepared and infused with the essence of Sweetberries.


    And as the Musin people gather together to dine and raise their voices in song, they offer silent thanks to the Giant whose gift has brought them together once more, united in celebration and bound by the sweet bonds of friendship and community.

    For in the heart of Babblebrook, amidst the laughter and the music, the spirit of the Sweetberry Festival lives on, a testament to the enduring power of love, hope, simple joys of life.


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Prince Threads of Babblebrook


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin descended from the runts of Ratiki. Usually abandoned or used as slaves, Runts didn't last very long. During the Second Great Ratiki war, the Xetrialkian military recruited runts. One of them was dubbed 'Musin the Brave' and became a Warchief. Musin lead his group and four hundred runt slaves to freedom during the Battle of Red Vale, sacrificing himself to allow the others to escape. When the newly dubbed Musin arrived in a new land The Giant taught them Hygiene, speech, writing and more. Finally passing on his strength, forever changing the Musin.


    The species no longer has fangs and are still typically in the height range between1'8" to 2'6" and have long tails around 3 inches or so in length. Weight ranges from 20 to 30 pounds if Healthy. Their Eyes are most commonly black but occasionally pink and red variants appear. Fur can be any colour that the common house mouse can be. Which also includes the fancy mouse variety. Which is any combination of white, grey, brown, black, orange and tan.


    Musin can live up to 70 years old if healthy.

    Since Musin are shorter and weaker than most other races, they are unable to lift certain things due to their lack of strength, yet their dexterity is one of their only proper strengths.


    Musin are quite clean, have an urge to scavenge Possibly even thieve materials and recycle them into something new.

    They are curious at heart and always craving adventure.

    Musin have sensitive eyesight daylight (24 blocks) and fully in cloudy days or nights (48 blocks). They also have advanced hearing of 15hz to 20khz and don't lose the ability to hear higher frequencies. Loud and sudden noises tend to startle Musin.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    A brown, Frizzie furred mouse. They have a dark brown mohawk looking tuft of fur atop his head and cream coloured fur around the mouth area, just like his father. Clad in a royal tunic and cloak of the Musin town, Babblebrook, this young Musin is Adventurous at heart and has a Hero's spirit. He is adorned with various pieces of jewellery with slots to allow the insertion of gems.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. King Patches of Babblebrook stood before the painted rock that Spuds had made, a solemn look on his face.

    The Musin king’s hands slowly reached up to remove his crown, resting it upon his chest.


    ”Farewell friend… May the Sentinels of the Starry Skies watch over you…”


    Finally he looked up into the clear skies above and spoke in but a whisper as a tear trailed down his cheek.


    “Oh look… rain…”


    (Thanks for all the fun times Roller. Wishing you all the best!)

  10. On 3/30/2024 at 4:54 AM, Turbo_Dog said:

    A sweet toothed musin, Spuds, viewed the news he immediately pinned the news on the Babblebrook notice board and knocked on his friend’s door, showing him an extra copy “So what do you think Patches? Want to go get some cookies with me next whisker day?” @Zanael Moonstrider

    Smiling the Musin King, Patches nodded his head to his close friend.

    ”Aye! Sounds like a grand time out. The cookies sound so good too… I don’t think I could get just one!”

  11. Patches of Babblebrook, the king of the Musin read this decree that was handed over to him during his afternoon cup of tea, a smile forming on his face.


    ”A protected species eh? Maybe I should pay Númendil a visit someday…”


    The little mouse king folded the decree over and finished his cup of honeyed tea with a content sigh.

  12. I've had a moment not too long ago where I was tricked into being kidnapped whilst I was in LC.

    I was really high up in the air building and didn't hear the shout emotes until I was sent a msg asking if I could hear the emotes.


    I went down to check what was happening and was tricked into being lead away from my building which lost me a day of LC.

    All so they could summon some creature.


    I would have been fine with this had I not been in LC and had I not been told they had been to 5 places before coming to me. Making me feel like they saw I was online and knew I'd be in my town.


    Other than that though...


    Banditry can be good if implemented properly and roleplayed to a good standard.


    Because I've witnessed some poor banditry RP and just lose all interest in giving it any attention. It makes travelling along the roads not worth it anymore.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Diogen said:

    people will do it regardless of CA or not, as we've seen kha were always CA yet still so many furries wanting them. nothing will stop their dedication
    just bully them out of it

    I mean speaking from experience, not all furries can be like that tbh, but some of them can be so I understand what you mean. 

    It does seem to mainly be the Kha that have this issue though.

    But sometimes Furries just prefer to play beastmen because it's not just the cliche. Human, elf, Dwarf, Orc, races seen in like... nearly every single fantasy RPG setting.

  14. 1 minute ago, Zolla_ said:
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    to limit meme rp, even with CA alot of people that play ologs and kha's do, just imagine how bad it'll be if it was not locked behind a CA


    That just sounds like an issue with the people deciding to meme rp. Not the race itself. Pretty sure Meme RP isn't allowed in any race, yet why limit certain races to a CA to limit meme RP when anyone can just do it.

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