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The Order of the Golden Lion

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Posts posted by The Order of the Golden Lion


    [!] Missives are sent across the realm.




    To all champions of the Light,


    Let it be known: the battle rages on.



    Azdromoth and his dark forces seek to unleash havoc upon our world, to disrupt the delicate balance, and sow chaos in their wake. But fear not, for our resolve shall not falter.


    If you cherish peace, if you hold dear your loved ones and nations, if you treasure the order of our realm, then heed this call. Join us in the resistance against this impending darkness.


    Our arsenal shall require the likes of Epistle Smog, Cockatrice Breath, Anti-Cocktrice Breath, Arctic Mists and other alchemical concoctions as well as treated items.
    Let your contributions be beacons of hope, placed within designated boxes both outside and within the walls of Sunbreak.

    United, we shall stand strong against the tides of adversity, for the Light within us shines brighter than any shadow cast upon our land.







  2. _sY9X2go0R5Ozn4wLv5qjGezAHgOpLuR4ydlJugZ

    [!] The following missive has been sent out to varying clusters of Embered, wherever they hid.




    A statement and summary about the meeting on the threat of the Harrower that commenced on  14th The First Seed - 171 SA:


    Below is a summarized statement on the meeting which occurred, last Saints Day. The call for action and hope was given by The Wayward Wanderer as their last command upon this plane. As written by Ailure of Tolta.


    The Harrower of the North

    In a convened meeting led by Hera, the ominous threat of The Harrower of the North takes center stage. They emphasized the widespread attacks on Norland and Haense by the Harrower's dark forces, expanding the scope to include southern regions like Kaethul. Elena of Joma, a survivor and former captive, shares firsthand experiences of the Harrower's control through a sigil on victims' backs, facilitating mental and bodily manipulation.


    Some of the names of individuals who willingly followed the Harrower, notably Thalien, and Vulla. Elena of Joma, recalled the meetings that she had met these individuals recount their attempts to entice and taunt prisoners in captivity. There was a discussion on the idea of purging and ideas of alternative methods such as a spirit walk for removing the cursed sigil yet comes at the risk of death. Another suggested that Vulla's claimed to have eliminated her mark by draining a significant amount of blood.


    The status of Vulla's sigil removal remains uncertain, though she is permitted to roam Celia'nor. The sigil's appearance is described by Hera as a hand with an eye at its centre. 


    Perceived Mark of the Harrower



    The Harrower’s Nature:

    There is a shared suspicion about the Harrower summoning shadowy generals, indicating a potential connection between their appearance and the damage inflicted on the entity. There is a perceived possibility of the Harrower being a spirit. It is further believed the Harrower's influence on the material plane occurs through banners, acting as metaphysical eyes and shrines for the entity. There was an emphasis on the Harrower's aversion to light and flame, suggesting potential weaknesses to exploit such as alchemy.


    Banner Significance:

    The gathering discussed the presence of banners in various directions and within the camps, theorizing that destroying them could weaken the Harrower. Hera suggested that the banners and the marks on cursed individuals may serve as both shrines and sacrifices, amplifying the Harrower's power.


    Demonic Influence:

    There was an introduced possibility of the Harrower being a demon, drawing parallels between the entity and what Elarhil of Ithnain experienced in the realm of Karkosa. In turn, bringing up how the marks differed from what they knew. The discussion delved into blood rituals, contracts, and branded marks, indicating a connection between the Harrower and demonic entities.


    Discussion of decided action:

    The gathering proposed various countermeasures to each other, including testing the effectiveness of magic on banners and cursed individuals. The discussion on the destruction of the banners became a part as well on the purging of the marks, and forming alliances with shamans was identified as a potential strategy.


    The Decided Action

    Hera & The Wayward Wander outline a plan to test and gather information on Harrower's banners, aiming to capture a cursed individual for a potential cure.

    Shaman meeting to be called by Hera to gather forces.

    Concerns were raised about the inability to touch banners; and suggestions of using constructs or automatons for transportation.

    Caution emphasized due to unknown consequences; Ailure of Tolta proposes testing the banners in isolated locations to avoid expanding Harrower's influence.

    The Wayward Wanderer calls for increased patrols, teamwork, and resource sharing among chapters.

    The use of Alchemy was discussed for countering undead and shadow teleportation.


    As outlined by The Wayward Wanderer patrols shall be increased as there has been an urgent need for such. Yet it should be noted once more that none should go alone to conduct such a task. As due to the risks of being attacked while on such are higher than ever which means that you should at minimum attend to such in groups of 2 - 3 from now on. If you are interested in partaking or organising a patrol, please contact Amelia of Ahed


    For a full detailed copy of the transcriptions of the meeting, such will be delivered to the chapters and those interested - Please contact Bolvar of Joma if you wish for a copy.


    Unity is Salvation,

    Salvation is our Liturgy.



  3. 2024-02-24_21.23.03.png?ex=65ed27a7&is=65dab2a7&hm=7c9480cb64588d5d60bbcf324603532496422eaba071af78428d3f2fe4d19066&=




    In the dim light of the morning, one would find that the great Drakegate that loomed high over the Ashlands would have been desecrated; august and austere, now set alight in golden fire that licked at the wooden supports and tore away at the draconic banner like ravenous wolves. Four silhouettes would be seen melting away into the ash if any were present, seeming to fade into the very rock itself as they departed the monument. 


    If one were to inspect the site of the monument’s destruction, they would find a series of golden feathers left upon the ground.



  4. Spoiler

    [!] This letter would be found in the mailboxes of all Paladins of Xan, prior Ascended, prior Clerics, and those invited by Paladins.




    To the Paladins of Xan, The Templars of Malchedial, prior Ascended and prior Clerics. Those allies that we have sought and we have shook hands and broken bread with. The Emissary of Xan pleads and extends his hand for your attendance at the Paladin Keep in Urguan in nine Elven days. It is here that we will detail the plans to bring the Titan Azdromoth out of the skies and end his reign. 


    It is here that we will unify as the bastion of Hope to the lands of Aevos.

    It is here that we will rectify all prior assumptions and complaints.

    It is here that the path of Victory will be tread upon. 


    Unity is Salvation,

    Salvation is our Liturgy.





    [!] OOC: Event is March 2nd at 4:30pm EST. At the Paladin Keep in Urguan.


    invited are:


    @Reckless Banzai Screamer





  5. Spoiler



    [!] The sun had not yet peaked when a golden wave of Xannic energy flew across the sky, chasing those few shadows who lingered in the late morning’s final hour. The tone of a bell, echoing in that distinct bong, bong, bong, was close behind, just as the sound of thunder follows the flash lightning. What had caused this sudden yet brief disturbance to the skies was unknown and easily missed if one’s gaze was not heavenward at the time of its appearance. 


    Those of Xan’s ilk would know however, that justice had been dealt and a blow placed upon the foes of their Lord. They would find themselves invigorated, filled with resolve and courage in what Xan believed right. Despite all that may transpire, they were still Xan's embered, his shining light within this ever darkening continent.


    His enemies, however, those who allied themselves to the dark and wicked would know fear in that moment…as though the bell’s ring had been the mark of their own impending execution. Scorn and bitter coldness would hold them in its wake for that brief moment in time, be they undead, dragon, witch, or anything beyond. 


    One thing was certain for both sides however at this toll:

    The Sun had not, would not set.  



    Active Redlines

    - Helios’s active ability cannot be used to Metagame the identity of any Darkspawn. As the effect would only cause them internal discomfort and unease.

    - The Character sacrificing the Darkspawn or Object must be a Paladin with an accepted MA.

    - For clarification purposes, Helios brings zero physical harm to the Darkspawn it affects.



  6. Spoiler




    [!] The following missive has been sent out to the varying clusters of Paladins, wherever they hid.


    Our history is one of infighting, of power struggles, of cowering, of silent hatred and envy. No more. No longer. Have you so readily forgotten the pacts signed, the decrees given by the Aengul we serve, Xan? Have you forgotten the lessons of Elysium and their defiance against our creeds? Or do you simply turn a blind eye to what has been decreed, to what is demanded of you as HIS Embered? 


    I did not witness the unification but I know the tale well. I know the reason well. We are tasked. Azdromoth’s death is our purpose. Yet in the Keeper Alatariel’s absence you scatter to the wind, you cower away and live as recluses, ashamed of your Embers, your brothers, your sisters. You struggle for power, you shun our Order and scheme for your own. No more. No longer.


    You will obey the Silverblade’s vision. You will work with your fellow Paladins. You will not hide yourselves from each other. You will not bar Paladins from chanceries. You will not tolerate darkspawn in your chanceries. Have you forgotten that these are our sacred connection to Xan? Have you forgotten?


    Submit to Order, kneel in unison to Xan and work together or face the consequence. 


    Unity is Salvation,

    Salvation is our Liturgy.





    [!] The following missive has been nailed to noticeboards across the lands of Krugmar



    In Address of Gormôhk of the Murkwater Company, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits, etc. and all others concerned:


    One Saint’s Day prior you published an open letter across the realm of Aevos declaring your hunt for the individual known as ‘Florian,’ an adherent of Xannic faith but an individual not of our Order, proclaiming them Vampyr and demanding they submit to you… or face horrible, unspeakable torture at the hands of your hunters. We write in reply, for our own Wyrmstalkers managed to locate Florian in a matter of approximately two hours after the publication of your missive, and the matter is now resolved. 


    The Mali known as ‘Florian’ is hereby cleansed of his vampyric affliction, and we work diligently to remedy his other maledictions as we speak.


    As of this moment, he is in the custody of the Order of the Golden Lion by the authority of the Keeper Alatáriel Athna, and afforded all the protections and dignities that such a thing entails. So it is decreed.


    Unity is Salvation,

    Salvation is our Liturgy.






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