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Reckless Banzai Screamer

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14160 Rep Farm CEO

About Reckless Banzai Screamer

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  • Discord
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  • Member Title
    active shit poster
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Ena / Periander / Tomas /
  • Character Race
    Oyashiman / Automaton / Sorvian /

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  1. when you gonna put a girl on?
  2. Long ago in a distant land, I, Purankuton, the shape shifting master of Grub unleashed an unspeakable evil, but a foolish oni warrior wielding the Arkanite Reaper sword stepped forth to retake the 51% majority stake! Before the final blow was struck, I threw open a portal in time and flung him into the Anthos Cloud Temple where my Grub is strong! Now the fool seeks to return to the LOTC and plummet Grub-Stocks that value I, Purankuton!!!
  3. Name (MC Name): Kato Ena (MoviefortheBlind) (Discord): Gundamengineer Clan: Kato Citizenship: Sakuragakure, Koyo-Kuni Mahō: Alchemy Materials: Azhl and Haganeki Availability Preference (Day(s) of the Week): Fridays and Weekends with advance notice
  4. Uncle O serene smiles in a moment of clarity within the stomach of the schizophrenic aengul Malchediael feeling some extra generations being milked out of the curse put upon House Alstion. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He screams in the Hyper War.
  5. At last I have served my time and have 0 warning points, mashallah I'll be a better person on the forums 🙏


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tasty_cheesecake



    3. Apotolofo



    4. Astrophysical



  7. "Those Jade Spires are for Hou-Zi reacquisition, not for Canonists to culturally appropriate," It was the Third Age and Kato Ena still witnesses further injustices and micro aggressions perpetrated by the Hakujin patriarchy of Heartlander and Highlander. It was then he looked to his block shaped hands and realized he lived in a society.
  8. “Who are these people!?!? Great ancestor is that you!?” Ena screams out startled.
  9. "DIE BY FIRE, DIE BY FIRE, DIE BY FIRE," chants a blind shinobi preparing to avenge his fellow heimen rice peasants.
  10. “Great General, PLEASE SEND LETTER TO HANA SONG SO SHE FINDS ME” Ena cries out.
  11. Kato Ena smokes his cigarette while knee deep in marshlands mud and hyped up on stag’s stamina. He wonders when his comrades would discover and pick him up before he contracts malaria and continues spying on the roads.
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