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Posts posted by shiftnative

  1. Protip; Don't spend as long as you did on Asulon with this map. I think we waited somewhere like 2-3 months for Asulon, and that was honestly what killed the servers for me.

    Asulon was the shortest prepped map with a total of 35 days, we'll take as long as necessary for 4.0 - if you don't wanna stick around we can't make ya!

  2. The high-elves have decided they won't be using the area any longer, the reason they were given an area in the first place is because of how well they developed their lore and how long they've been around - we'll probably just leave the area open for a group to claim if they have the required amount of active players !


    The pre-build currently consists of, Halflings, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves & Humans. (Elves & Humans haven't started just yet.)



  3. Do you have a final verdict on how regions will work in 4.0?  Like how big Nation regions will be, if they will have any other land for Hamlets or Forts?  I'm liking this idea that anyone can have land if they have enough players.  It'll bring interesting Nation-Roleplay.

    I wanted to specify exactly what I wanted it to be but there's a few discrepancies coming up when deciding on specific design elements of the monitoring/claiming plugin (How things are claimed and how they expand.) but I can say that Nations will more than likely have a biome aside from them to expand into (should they need to) as time goes on.


  4. tvMpLZE.jpg


    4.0 News & Updates



    Greetings LoTC,


    Today I'd like to update you with what's going on in 4.0 so let's get right into it.




    - Spawn has been made and the main-road is nearly finished (There are places for shops, inn's camps etc)

    - Many of the biomes have concept art collected for them & Dev's, GM's and Admins have been fleshing them out in-game over the past few weeks.

    - Racial Nation regions have been created so that we can lock the Nation Leader and their TWO builders inside of them for the "Pre-Building". (Aegis style, 5-6 modest structures a tent camp and farm.) NATION LEADERS PM ME ON THE FORUMS WITH YOUR MC NAME AND THE MC NAMES OF YOUR TWO BUILDERS.


    - We are actively pursuing the idea that, any group of ACTIVE players, should be able to claim land proportionate to the amount of players they have regardless of donation rank, but there should be a perk or two to being a landowner and a VIP. (Monitored by a plugin that is being worked on by a few techies.)


    - Anything unregioned, may be looted and/or deconstructed. (As long as we have a way for every group of ACTIVE players to gain protected land of a certain size.)

    - Many of the server's rules are being consolidated & changed to cater more toward Minecraft mechanics and hopefully make things much easier to deal with and interpret.


    - We will not be moving to this map until it has everything that was meant for it, implemented.


    I hope this was insightful and I look forward to role-playing with all of you. :truestory:




    Also, be sure to read Viper's January Post (Very Important!) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104408-january-update-2/

  5. This.  This totally.  Wars are no fun if there aren't big swaths of land to manuever over and blow up.  But aside from that and the horrible wilds integration, I have no problem with the map.

    How would you integrate the MC terrain better? - give examples! If you're saying it's far too square and so on then that's because the image shown above hasn't been touched with voxel / biomebrush - it's an old image.


    As for war, there's plenty of room elsewhere on the map to fight - maybe the monks will plea for no "war" on the mainroad or at eachothers doorstep.

  6. Hey there LoTC,


    I'm here today to show you (roughly) the distance it takes to walk to each of the kingdoms where they are now.




    It took me 10 minutes to visit every nation capital on foot after leaving spawn, without sprinting.

    (It takes 5 minutes or so on horseback.)


    Here's the video,



    and here's the path I walk in the video,




    Thanks for reading / watching / viewing.



  7. I like the spirit of this idea as a means to minimize drama, although if I were a group leader, I'd want to know if I was recruiting a member that had a history of problematic behavior. I'd also want to know if a member of staff had offenses that had been swept under the rug. I'm all about being up front and public about ****-ups, and we've had a long and lengthy history of Admins and GMs mishandling the hell out of ban reports and appeals and the consequences thereof, so I feel that publicly displaying all of these things serves as a solid means of checks and balances for us as players to keep our staff members in check on their decisions. It's also a solid way for our staff to maintain the trust of the community they serve.


    Primarily for this reason, a healthy distrust of the staff in general based on previous offenses, I am against privatizing ban reports and appeals. If I were a staff member I would feel the same way. It's mutually beneficial to everyone here that we just be open and honest about everything.


    This isn't intended to bash the staff, I like quite a few of you guys, but it's a valid point that has to be raised. I'm sure many of us can remember, in vivid detail, instances where the details of various staff members' and players' offenses were obscured and we didn't offer transparency and the **** storm that followed. Let's not go back down that road.

    Good call, as usual *winkyface*

  8. Consistently depriving another player (or players) of their fun for your own personal gain or amusement, even after receiving appropriate warnings, is punishable if deemed necessary by the moderation teams. This may also be considered harassment. Essentially, don't be a troublesome player that only plays to annoy others or be a nuisance.


    Considering that fun is by its very nature, subjective, how do you intend on handling conflicting forms of fun? Or is elf fun being put on a higher pedestal then oren fun???

    I think this is directed more toward players who are being venomous for the sake of being so and more about OOC issues than IC ones'.

  9. This player is very passionate about the server and wants to help, but has become pretty bitter that he hasn't been given a chance.


    I wouldn't mind seeing him as an SM if he knows the rules, but I would advise him to not place blame so easily on others and to go the extra mile if he wants to be considered.

  10. For the record though, just because you're pvping doesn't mean you're not playing a role, your freedom to be creative is much more limited because minecraft doesn't offer many options and yes, it's not very descriptive..


    But "PvP" is very similar to "LARP" (Live action roleplay) - it's roleplay, you're acting out your character - just differently from table-top or forum-rp in that it's spur of the moment but it, like our other options has it's disadvantages.

  11. I think the best fall-back solution when two players can't decide on PVP or RP would be a /roll plugin that takes account of the players race, armor, current weapon and possibly age. This way, players could still emote but the damage dealt is not argued about.


    Yes, with /roll a child could manage to defeat a full grown Orc but so what - it's unlikely and could make for one heck of a tale to re-tell.

  12. Please Lago. Antags battle for the cloud temple. PLEASE! nice big battle, like old times. Whether the mortal races win or not, the Monks can still move elsewhere.


    Who do I need to assault to get this happening?

    The event will consist of a few Antags showing up to wreck havoc on the temple IC (I've discussed it with them so that there's an actual reason for them to do it), though OOCly they'll just be there for emoting. The brunt of the event will be PvE, with GMs spawning mobs (but not overdoing it!) for people to fight off, while simultaneously doing what everyone loves: blowing stuff up!

    Read the OP you crazy foo!


    Also I don't think anything other than the monk's chests of goods and whatnot will be copied over to the middle - definitely not the whole place or anything

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