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Posts posted by Hiebe

  1. sj0gzUBdKNXhmREhh1iztT_vIq0tVsjdpWLunwmZlVEKYPuG-8VWKszKvurZ8wIJMniho1aWeV0h48Aep5c7RNUsOJgnNw6DpzukddAQjc_EXqcvVILTLGeNwlm0mGOHvS4MtLQ8


    Attention people of Holm and denizens of Atlas. The Holmian Forge is up for Auction! This forge in a prime location within the main square of Holm can be yours if you out bid all the others! All we ask for the winner is to be around and smith for the city and their citizens! Starting bid at 1000 mina!

    (Officially closes at 4pm PST on 6-13-18)


  2. On 5/28/2018 at 4:48 PM, Rella101 said:

    OOC NAME: Rella101

    RP NAME: Vela

    Location of home: Tavern

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): sent over discord


    On 5/28/2018 at 4:56 PM, Papa Liam said:

    OOC NAME: Papa_Liam

    RP NAME: Caius Roswell-Rubens

    Location of home: Across from Balek

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):



    On 5/29/2018 at 4:13 AM, EnderMaiashiro said:

    OOC NAME: EnderMaiashiro

    RP NAME: Tsisha

    Location of home: Above Tavern

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):


    Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 7.12.53 AM.png


    On 5/29/2018 at 1:00 PM, Bloody Russian said:

    OOC NAME: JosephhStalin

    RP NAME: Atandt Irongrinder

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): 

    OOC NAME: Anthyrian

    RP NAME: Samuel Katke Lythian

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):

    Spoke with Arkous and Hiebe.




    5 minutes ago, TurquoiseDots said:

    OOC NAME: TurquoiseDots

    RP NAME: Heleen

    Location of home: currently homeless (but looking for a home)

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):




  3. In terms of a city region yea we would only include the city.


    In terms of tile ownership we would have all if not most of that mountain range and valley.


    I'm not asking for a region (though that would be very nice) I want a green pillar please.

  4. As a member of Holm and one of its creators, we have been patiently waiting for territories plugin and the ability to grow and prosper with it. We started out with a small city and few members and have overgrown our free build status to rival with some of the other most active 'nation' status place as the Dominion and Marna. From the begin we have had road blocks and have had to quote other exceptions to get what we need to survive.

    Example: We wanted a bank and auctioneer, we were told by admins and GMs that we couldn't cause we were 'freebuild' and only 'nations' got it. We had to cite that Curon got both and eventually we got our Bank and auctioneer. 

    Example: We wanted a mine, and were told again we couldnt buy one. We waited and waited and heard through the grape vine that Azadar got a mine so we had to cite that to the Moderation team and eventually we got a mine.

    Example: We have three, yes three full redstone pillars. We have other putting some up in this week to accommodate players, but again we are told no cause we are not 'nation' status. 


    Holm rivals all the current nations in activity, we have a thriving market, academy, and political system. We have been road blocked and made to wait weeks and months for small things that make life easier. I know the territories plugin is being worked on but we are tired of waiting for a green pillar and the ability to own a tile to protect our lands and our player base.


    How to solve:


    -Make a temp system to allow for nation status progress.

    -Give green pillars to these active nation area. And the ability to claim tiles.

    -Make it known that its temp till territories plugin comes into play.

    -Stop dragging the moderation teams feet about lack of plugins to enforce the policies, I know there is a way to check activities to nations and keep them in check. Why cant nations rise and fall and fail to earn their keep. We have nations holding swaths of land with no players to back it up.


    I and the players of Holm have waited and waited and now its becoming tiredsom to give the benifit of the doubt in terms of being recognized. Make a temp system for freebuild societies to get perks as a nation. We have done to work to be inclusive to players and draw them to our city to boost our player-base. Dont hamper us cause we are just 'freebuild'.

  5. On 5/23/2018 at 12:23 PM, Kh1326 said:

    OOC NAME: Kh1326

    RP NAME: Henrik Stoneblood

    Location of home: Up in the mountain, above the Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):



    On 5/23/2018 at 9:46 PM, BittaBoBittoBa said:

    OOC NAME: NotHod (Ruby on Discord)

    RP NAME: Kalipso (formerly Calypso, changed for lore accuracy)

    Location of home: Ledge on the cliff face in the inner-city.

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):




    On 5/24/2018 at 7:45 AM, d0ntc4r3 said:

    OOC NAME: Fluffytarianism

    RP NAME: Hyperion

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):




    On 5/25/2018 at 10:43 AM, darkmega02567 said:

    OOC NAME:darkmega2

    RP NAME:sebastian

    Location of home: cloud district

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):



    On 5/25/2018 at 4:06 PM, gandalfo said:

    OOC NAME: JosephhStalin

    RP NAME: Atandt Irongrinder

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): 



    On 5/26/2018 at 1:30 PM, Dizzy771 said:

    OOC NAME: Dizzy771

    RP NAME: Dizzy Irongrinder

    Location of home: To the right of the gate, above the shop that sells citizenship papers

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): https://i.gyazo.com/468ef5175f993416d86499be005a8471.png


    7 hours ago, Sherlocks_ homes said:

    OOC NAME: Sherlocks_homes

    RP NAME: Marrow Scaevolus

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): None, my screenshot is being screwy but ask Beamon and he can confirm that I am a citizen. EDIT: I guess you can come up to me irp and go "Papers please" but I have no idea how that'd blow over.


    11 minutes ago, Murdervish said:

    OOC NAME: Murdervish

    RP NAME: Sahar Tha'un

    Location of home: Does... that area have a name? The market-placeish area behind the tavern and stuff?

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):


    Accepted and Approved

  6. 2 minutes ago, Herg said:




    OOC NAME: Herg

    RP NAME: Voriil Roviak

    Location of home: The South of city, near the new expansion.

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):



  7. 2 hours ago, Juhti said:

    OOC name: Juhti
    RP name: Wulf Edvin Kalbfleisch

    Location of home: South side of the city, somewhere near the center.
    Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/htGXsQA



    3 hours ago, Bananasaurus said:




    OOC NAME: TheBananasaurus

    RP NAME: Tlaloc (a.k.a. J'tlaloc)

    Location of home: With Dor Irongut until he can get properly sorted

    Proof of purchase:




    4 hours ago, Josh3738 said:

    OOC Name: Josh3738

    RP Name: Zahrer Irongrinder

    Location of home: N/A

    Proof of purchase:



  8. 32 minutes ago, Starfelt said:

    OOC NAME: Starfelt

    RP NAME: Hadley

    Location of home: N/A (Being Built)

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):



  9. sj0gzUBdKNXhmREhh1iztT_vIq0tVsjdpWLunwmZlVEKYPuG-8VWKszKvurZ8wIJMniho1aWeV0h48Aep5c7RNUsOJgnNw6DpzukddAQjc_EXqcvVILTLGeNwlm0mGOHvS4MtLQ8

    Holm, a free city state built by the Irongut Clan on the premise of freedom, trade, and fair treatment. This city state has a large politic system. There are three classes within Holm. 



    -Can live in the city.

    -Can be protected by the guard force.

    -Can have the ability to join the guard force.


    Anyone can be a resident. They just have to live within the city.



    -Access to the cloud district homes, bigger and better.

    -A vote within the senate.

    -Right to a fair trial.

    -Ability to conduct commerce, this may be taxed.

    -Right to lawsuit and property protection.

    -Required to protect the city and participate in material/monetary requests by the Consul Council.


    To become a citizen you must buy citizenship papers (500 mina) and live within the city.



    -The privilege of wearing purple or whatever you noble house will choose.
    -The privilege of holding a Dynastic Name.
    -The privilege of conducting commerce un-taxed.
    -The privilege of calling audience with a Consul to expressly settle a dispute.
    -The privilege of being assigned a personal retainer for safeguarding.

    -The voting power within the senate of 2.

    -The privilege of owning a noble house within the city, much larger and perched on top of the city near the palace.


    To become a noble you must pay 10,000 minas, complete a task given by the consuls, and live within the city.









    RP NAME:

    Location of home:

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight):




    Current Citizens:


    RP NAME: Henrik Stoneblood OOC NAME: Kh1326

    RP NAME: Kalipso OOC NAME: NotHod 

    RP NAME: Hyperion OOC NAME: Fluffytarianism

    RP NAME: sebastian OOC NAME:darkmega2

    RP NAME: Marrow Scaevolus OOC NAME: Sherlocks_homes

    RP NAME: Sahar Tha'un OOC NAME: Murdervish

    RP NAME: Hadley OOC NAME: Starfelt

    RP NAME: Tlaloc (a.k.a. J'tlaloc) OOC NAME: TheBananasaurus

    RP NAME: Athonir Silva OOC: Athonir

    RP NAME: Wulf Edvin Kalbfleisch OOC name: Juhti

    RP NAME: Voriil Roviak OOC NAME: Herg

    RP NAME: Norton Brown OOC NAME: Odeboy

    RP NAME: Samuel Katke Lythian OOC NAME: Anthyrian

    RP NAME: Heleen OOC NAME: TurquoiseDots

    RP NAME: Tsisha OOC NAME: EnderMaiashiro

    RP NAME: Caius Roswell-Rubens OOC NAME: Papa_Liam

    RP NAME: Vela OOC NAME: Rella101

    RP NAME: Ulhart Grandaxe OOC NAME: McBurnsy

    RP NAME: Azrael OOC NAME: VengefulLucifer
    RP NAME: Bianca Ireheart OOC NAME: EnderMaiashiro

    RP NAME: Maximus Meridio OOC NAME: ShIXTank
    RP NAME: Ibalyn Arcanus OOC NAME: Asimulum


    Current Nobles:

    Full blooded Irongut Clansmen

    Samuel Lythian

    Lord Tepah the Grey

    Dizzy Irongrinder

    Zaeher Irongrinder




    *prices and privileges are subject to change*



  10. 2 hours ago, Bismar7 said:

    Well... I am a smith and wished to perhaps hold classes as part of the THE BALEK SCHOOL OF FORMS AND STRUCTURES. It is unfortunate that the one who was running the academy is no more.

    I'm not sure that idea would work with the mages or celestial order.

    As soon as I get home from alaska I'll be heading the academy. I'll keep kardels idea moving forward.


  11. 2 hours ago, Raomir said:

    Don't make it sound like the blame for this is equally spread among the parties. Clearly some didn't agree. Urguan didn't just cease to exist either. It had to be conquered through a grueling 1 month long debacle where all sorts of attempts were made to save it.

    Let it go man. Seriously

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