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Lawrence Berell

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Status Updates posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. You ingame? And do you have a Skype?

  2. You should, it's very liberating.

    I went down kings road and kill two people, then my RP brother. All of them I feasted on, one of them alive O.o

  3. You still here, ma'am?

  4. You still play? Because dese Guild App's are no longer needed.

  5. You win.

    That is all.

  6. You, will never have as many posts as me!!

    (unless you start denying now :3)

  7. You. Are. Awesome.

  8. Youe challenge has been: Denied.

    Reasons for this may include:

    [X]It is impossible for you to do such a feat.

    [X]I am awesome.

    Please rechallenge in 3 days

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