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Posts posted by Jordan1921

  1. After waking up on a bright morning in Kal'Ithrun, Hogarth looks to his door to find the note left by Dun. Reading the letter Hogarth sighed deeply, taking in each word with a hint of fear and understanding. After finishing the letter Hogarth retreats to his room to ponder a few things before starting his day. 


    [ MC Name: ] Hobolympic


    Wut be yer name: Balek, previously Balduhr


    Where do ya live: Kal'Ithrun


    Wut be yer primary skills: Foighting n' smithin', also lookin' into scroibing.


    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences):

    Oi wus born during tha' earleh days o' Asulon, n' oi grew up alongside me kin. Several decades lateh, during tha' siege at Kal'Karik, tha' Flay kidnapped me as a prisoner o' war. In teir fort t'ey knocked meh senseless, n' as t'ey dumped me in tha woilds, Oi 'ad lost me memory. Oi spent most o' me toime scrapin by in tha' woilds of Asulon n' various townships workin' metal, until oi foinalleh started to uncover meh past once again, and returned to live with me bruthers. After maneh months o' hard research on me heritage, oi've foinalleh foond t' results, n' concluded t'at me bloodloine lies wit' tha Ironguts. 


    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe): 

    As Oi've recentleh found oot, me name is nae' Balduhr, but rather Balek, tha lost son o' Thrag Irongut.


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord: Aye, Oi do.




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan?: Yes I do.


    Skype name? (we have a clan chat): hobogames


    Accepted, welcome to the clan.


    [ MC Name: ]30326


    Wut be yer name: Goroth Irongut


    Where do ya live:'omeless roite nooh


    Wut be yer primary skills:Scroibin an foitin.


    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences): Ah wus born tu gamle an us quickleh rais'd wifin da lends ov Lenfathin wit 'im. Tho ah quicklehr ealois'd dat ah wus nae loike da halflings aruund meh an tuuk tu da roods insted. Ah traveled aruund Anfos fer ah decayde er su an eventualleh cayme beck to meh kin an decoid'd tu settl doon agun.


    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe): Son of Gamle.


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord: Aye




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? Aye


    Skype name? (we have a clan chat)Already in it


    Accepted, welcome to the clan.

  4. Whut beh yehr name?-Hogarth Irongut


    'Ow active are yeh in our Kingdom? ((How long you are online each day/week))-It depends based on school and such but I am fairly active.


    Whut god do yeh worship deh most? (( Who is your patron god? Please read up on the relevant information under "The Brathmordakin".))-Belka because my character enjoys travelling and adventures as well as passion in his earlier years.


    [ MC Name: ] Blandorthegreat


    Wut be yer name: Thror Irongut


    Where do ya live: Wandering huntsman.


    Wut be yer primary skills: Smithing.


    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences):


    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe): Hiebe is my grandfather.


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord: I will always stand by my brother, even in death!




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? Yes.


    Skype name? (we have a clan chat) Blandorthegreat


    Accepted, I suppose you'll be Morkas's son.

  6. *Hogarth walks calmly to the clan board where all news and needed information is posted, whistling casually. He holds in his hand a sign with an announcement carved into it crudely. He nails the sign onto the board and steps back to appreciate his work for a moment.* 


    "All Ironguts! There will be a meeting in an Elven week! Expect to discuss politics, and how the clan stands in the grand kingdom!" 


    ((The meeting will be next Saturday  6 EST,3 PST,4 MST and 5 CST)) 


    ((Darn it... I'm going to be gone for a week on vacation, didn't want to miss this... oh well


    By the way, can the family tree be updated? It's very out of date))


    ((The old Dwarf who did the family tree Thyrm or Noobcrafter has been inactive so if you see him you can ask him to update the tree, or one of us could do it if we have the link to our tree on the website it was made on.))

  8. -=The Irongut Clan=-



    Ironguts. The longest living clan of the dwarves. They come from all types of backgrounds, miners, smiths, mages even. Ironguts are a proud clan and highest nobels of the race. Many kings, warriors, and even ascended have came from this clan. Lead by their Clan Father Hogarth, they are stronger then ever and are always helping fellow members of their race and are open for adoptions.


    History of the Irongut Clan


    This is the Tale of the Irongut Clan. Who are the Ironguts you ask? Well boyio I'll tell you a fine tale.... It started a long time ago back when the Dwarven King Urguan was still alive. Urguan had many sons and daughters and one of those sons was called Dwain. Now Dwain was a fine dwarf. Strong, brave, good with a iron axe... but mostly cause he was a fine drinker an eater! Now Dwain won many drinking and eating contest and his father, Urguan, noticed this. About the time when the Dwarves were so populated they started to use last names Urguan called all of his sons in to give them their last names.


    Tale of Urguan and the Naming


    Dwain Irongut


    Now Dwain loved his name as it was perfect for him! Now years went by and one day Dwain Irongut went missing from the dwarven halls. So for a great many long years, Urguan missed his son but had to focus on building the dwarven kingdoms up from stone.


    But one day Dwain came back and with a family. Other dwarves you ask? why yes some dwarven families want to live out in the wilds and this is where most people though Dwain had went but we will talk more about that later.


    Dwain and his family came back to the great halls of Kal'Urguan. A great feast was held and Urguan asked his son "Where have you been me boy?". Dwain repiled "I cannot say father..... but I must ask you if I may leave again to build an Outpost in your name." Urguan said "Aye but enjoy yer time here and you may leave once all the suppiles are ready".


    Once the suppiles were all ready for Dwain Irongut and his family they left Kal'Urguan to build an outpost out towards the human lands of Oren. Dwain took with him his sons, the eldest Drako, and the youngest Heron. Together they spent a long few weeks to find a suitable spot for this Outpost. Once they found it they began work on it. A great Manor House went up for the Ironguts to live in, and walls for protection. A smithy was built also to help keep the fine art of smithin in the family. Dwain had many more sons and daughters born to him at this land. But his hardest working son was Draco.


    Draco Irongut


    Draco Irongut worked day and night for years on this Outpost for his father. The brains of the family went to Heron though. Heron though weaker then his older brother, was the smartest Irongut around and helped his brother build using math and logistics.


    At last the Dwarven Outpost was complete! Dwain and his son Draco went back to Kal'Urguan to give good news to the king but Urguan had died. Dwain lost his mind by then. He spent his days looking at flowers weirdly and never talked much after his father died. Draco, the eldest, took leadership of the Outpost, and Heron went to studying the ancient books to find a way to help their father out of his daze. Heron found something... a book he bought off a stranger merchant showed a way to bring people back from the dead.... Heron decided not to tell Draco, as Draco was a righteous man.


    Years went on and eventually Dwain Irongut died. Draco and Heron built a great tomb underneath the Irongut Manor to serve as a resting place for all Ironguts when they pasted on. Unknown to Draco, Heron built a secret room in the tomb to do his test with this book he found.


    Draco Irongut was a hardworking dwarf whether it was in the mines or above ground he worked hard. He bore many sons as did Heron. Heron's sons were always weaker or smaller then Draco's sons so they were picked on more and didn't work as hard. While Draco worked and lead the Ironguts, Heron worked in his secret room. Heron would ****** up weak or lone travelers to do his experiments on. The book he found told him of ways to kill and bring people back from death. Heron was surprised to find out he could do these things as it required magic.... a trait he found must of pasted down from his father, Dwain.


    Heron was becoming more and more darker each passing day and Draco noticed this. He asked his brother what is happening to him and Heron would reply "Greatness is what I shall have" and then mumblings. Draco was very frighten by his brothers actions. Staying up late, being alone, the dark look in his eyes. Eventually one day....


    The Betrayal of Heron


    Draco went into the tombs to pray and honor his father. He noticed something was wrong as he heard weird sounds coming from the wall.... Draco took up his pick and busted the wall down... In the room he saw his brother Heron casting a spell.... bodies littered the floor.. blood everywhere.... Organs of what used to be alive beings in jars..... Heron looked up and saw his older brother and said "So you finally found me eh brother?" Draco replied" What.... whats is all this Heron?! What have you done!"


    "I have brought greatness to our clan..... I did not you!....now watch as I bring back father to show him how much better i am then you...." said Heron is a dark voice...


    "Don't!" cried Draco.


    Heron casted the great spell and Dwain's tomb busted open! There stood the Old Irongut Leader.... Dwain with his axe in his hands and his body already have deteriorated.


    Draco stood there unable to move... his dead ....or undead father stood before him and said in a dark.. dark voice.




    Draco replied "Your not my father! He would never of had let us fight!"




    Five of the corpses re-animated and stood .... flesh barely clinging to their bones. They charged Draco. Draco brings out his axe and cuts down three of the five undead zombies.... one bit is left arm and another grabbed his axe arm.....


    Then a bright light shown blinding all three "living" people there. Draco's arms were freed and a voice spoke to him "For you have followed the right path... so you shall be helped in your dire needs" Then three people in white robes stood before him and another in brown robes. The white robed men took out staffs and said in unison "Back foul deamon for you do not belong in this world!"




    Dwain's corpse fell back in his tomb and Heron so shocked by this fell to his knees.....


    The brown robed man help Draco to his feet curing his wounds.


    Then Draco went to his younger brother and said "Why did you do this?... I love you and wanted all of us to be happy."


    "You were loved most by father and I wanted his love more!" then Heron lunged at Draco with a knife and the three white robed men blasted him into fire.


    One of the white men turned to Draco and said "Fellow follower of the light... You must destroy this place and go back to your fellow kind for your sons will be needed in the centuries to come. Your brothers sons shall be too but shall forever be tainted by their fathers choice and must choose for themselves the right path. So it has been said, So it shall be done!" and with that the three whited robed men disappeared.


    The brown robed man told Draco "I am here to help, I shall Sink this Manor so no one shall find it again for many, many years."


    The robed man teleported all the surviving Ironguts out of the Manor with supplies and the robed man casted a spell to sink the Outpost so that it was hidden from view.


    The Ironguts went back to Kal'Urguan and served their kingdoms for many centuries. Draco eventually became Lord Marshall, as his son Herson, and his son Hiebe. These dwarfs helped create the Dwarven armies reputation as fierce and feared Warriors!


    As of late, Hiebe Irongut has reconstructed the old Irongut Manor with help of his friends and has started to trace the bloodlines of his Clans members and so far has found two "Cuzins" of his, Algor and Alfy Irongut.


    The Manor is located on the Kings Road on the cross road between the kingdoms of Oren and Alras. There is also a tavern there for travelers and rooms to board in.


    No one but the few members of the Ironguts have seen the tombs of their for fathers and Hiebe has moved all of his ancestors from Kal'Urguans tombs to their rightful place inside the Irongut tomb.


    There are stories that there is a Sacred place within the tombs that only "ascended" people may be..... whatever that means..... and that the taint of Heron still haunts some of the Irongut's members....


    History of the Clan since Then




    Ironguts rebuild the Irongut manor and live there along within the dwaren Capital of Kal' Urguan. They are the first clan to discover their past and gain together in many numbers. Two Irpnguts become King, Algrim and Belin. Kilgrim Irongut becoems the first dwarven mage. Ironguts loose the manor to the invasion to the Undead and had to burn the bodies of the past Ironguts to prevent the undead using their bodies. The ashes were collected and from then on the Ironguts have always burned the bodies of the dead.



    The early days of Asulon Hiebe tried to remove the corrupt King Thorik but was unsuccessful due to people's ignorance. The Ironguts left the dwarven nation and created the Island Nation of Holm. This nation was short lived and after news of Thoriks death the Ironguts returned to their stone brothers. The Ironguts supported the new King Kjell but after many new cities being built and the King never thinking for the best of all the Ironguts sided with the other grand clans, Grandaxe and Goldhand, rebelled from Kjell and lived in Kal' Dwain built by Darius Irongut. The major clans prospered but then Hiebe, backed by the other clan lord, rebuilt Karik and moved all the dwarves there. Hiebe became King shortly after as the clan lords asked for a King to be had.



    The early days of Anthos where a troublesome time for the clan. While other larger clans used what possitions they had in the government to get access to large quantity of food and materials and they grew rich the Ironguts had no such power. Our numbers where no more than a handful as many had gone missing on the trip. We survived though and with the end of King Omi's reign things turned around for the clan. When Thorin took the crown, so to did Dominic Irongut take the leadership of the clan. We attained a clan hall and power in the government, but for some it was not enough. The young beardlings of the clan felt it was time for the Cave Dwarfs to rise up, so Duregar left the clan taking a few young dwarfs with him and formed the Thunderfists, a dishonorable and rebellious clan. Their fouls errand ended roughly and elven week latter and they where banished to the Iron Aquifer. Now with only a few old dwarfs the Ironguts began to grow again. Our kin new and old slowly trickled in and while still under Thorins rule we stood 15 strong. And so we stay till another day.


    Clan Government and Culture


    Forging of Weapons


    A tradition where those with the skills to use the Forge will often forge personal weapons. These weapons are a symbol of the Clansman's style of fighting and often have a symbol of the creator upon them somewhere identifying them as that specific persons. Many famous weapons are part of the clan like Mourgil, the blade of Dwain Irongut now in the hands of Hiebe Irongut.




    Beard Braiding


    Just having a simple beard does not do for the Ironguts. The Clansmen can often be seen with braids in their beards. These can be as simple as forking the beard in two or as complex weaving it into an intricate braid. The clan members grow their beards long and are careful not to burn them in the forge or get torn in battle.





    Ironguts are know to be users of magic. Know members who are mages are Hiebe, Kilgrim, Morkas, Gauldrim, Maellik, Grungron, Chase, Goroth, Gamle, and Kardel. Being a mage is a great responsibility and you can be taught if you follow the clan rules.




    Clan Crest


    The Ironguts often add a crest composed of a mug of ale and a sword to show that it was sent from an Irongut. We take pride in being an Irongut and we often like to show we are Ironguts to other Dwarves.



    Clan Banners


    .The Ironguts have always used their banners to mark their homes and clan halls in the past. The banner is composed of our clan crest and our clan colors, Silver and blue





    Other Clans

    Tunnelsmasher: Kin

    Starbreaker: Allied

    Stormhammer: Allied

    Grandaxe: Neutral

    Goldhand: Neutral

    Doomforge: Neutral

    Strongbrow: Neutral

    Greyhammer: Neutral

    Thunderblades: Unfriendly



    Records of the Ironguts


    The list of Ironguts can be found here.


    Clan Father

    Hogarth Irongut ((Jordan1921))


    Clan Elder

    Chase Irongut ((Dtrik))

    Grungron Irongut ((James27049))

    Hiebe Irongut ((Hiebe))



    Living Members

    Grungron Irongut ((James27049))

    Hogarth Irongut ((Jordan1921))

    Aengoth Irongut ((Alexander_Wh))

    Chase Irongut((Dtrik))

    Kwint Irongut((lukejes))

    Goroth Irongut((30326))

    Bowman Irongut((Destroyer_Bravo))

    Kardel Irongut ((Ziko99))

    Gamle Irongut ((Deckolo))

    Hiebe Irongut ((Hiebe))

    Dun Irongut ((blackhawk77g))

    Balek Irongut ((Hobolympic))



    Annals of the Deceased


    In honor of the clans they were part of, the dead are listed with the clan name they died under. The Clansmen who are merely missing are noted here as well.



    Thordon Irongut ((Jordan1921))

    Thrym Sliverfist ((NoobCrafert14))

    Nurrak Irongut ((Destroyer_Bravo))

    Glod Irongut ((CaptainBrock))

    Kara Irongut ((skippyoak))

    Gamil Irongut ((Unknown))

    Belin Irongut ((Skinner541))

    Isabelle Irongut ((Unknown))

    Whurgar Irongut ((Owl_7))

    Theor Irongut ((Blob9000))

    Balin Irongut ((darkjames))

    Thak Irongut ((GavinTheViking))

    Ore'zy Irongut ((lawlmansayshi))

    Fariken Irongut((30326))



    Ellsia Dawnsworn ((Destroyer_Bravo))

    Susan Irongut ((ABoyNamedSue))

    Bavragor IronMaw ((Unknown))

    Skippy Irongut ((Skippy_Irongut))

    Algr Irongut ((williewanka01))

    Silvex Irongut ((Silvex0))

    Brian Irongut ((Bhorner))

    Arbelt Irongut ((Unknown))

    Algrim Irongut ((Isemburt))

    Percival Irongut ((Percival))

    William Irongut ((WilliamEpic))

    Formir Irongut ((MuckyD121))

    Ulgern Irongut ((Pengepi))

    Scerinal Irongut ((tentoa))

    Bob Irongut ((Bob_Stonefoot))

    Thonar Irongut ((Davern))

    Maellik Irongut ((NoobCrafer14))

    Thrym IrongutII ((Noobcrafter14))

    Durin Irongut ((Owl_7))

    Ulfbjorn Irongut ((tristanx7))

    Kailon Ironlore ((hellsbane))

    Ardarl Tunnelsmasher ((Ja_mes_K))

    Grabthar Irongut ((swordcoast25))

    Valbir Irongut ((CakeBeforeTime))

    Phelrin Irongut ((ChAnKoEr))

    Dominic Irongut ((Doom6153))

    Rehki Irongut ((bov61))

    Saviticus Irongut ((Saviordude))

    Gauldrim Irongut ((RedBench))

    Angir Irongut ((paintballz))

    Algore Irongut ((Goffree))

    Gamil Irongut ((spychicken956))

    Kilgrim Irongut ((cgw123))

    Morkas Irongut ((Wrathstar555))

    Thrym Irongut ((Noobcrafter14))

    Duraak Irongut ((sambosefus))

    Kairn Irongut ((connman))

    Bael Tunnelsmasher ((Bipolar_Juice))

    Gunvor Irongut ((Unkown))



    Mili Irongut ((Leland22))

    Grimloth Irongut ((jakesimonson))

    Tortek Silverfist ((Axmaynard))

    Bofauk Irongut ((lawlmansayshi))

    Duregar Irongut ((ww2buff99)


    Family Tree


    -Rules of being an Irongut-




    1. Respect your elders. Respect those who are older then you. Your represent our clan and your actions good or bad affect us all.


    2.Loyalty to your clan above all else.


    3. Help your clansmen when you can. Don't abandon each other in fights.




    1. Your Irongut character must be your main or your only character.


    2. If you're an Irongut and you betray the clan your character if killed is perma-dead.


    3. Don't be annoying rply or OOCly.


    Proving of the Irongut Blood


    (Copy the below and paste to use)




    [ MC Name: ]


    Wut be yer name:


    Where do ya live:


    Wut be yer primary skills:


    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences):


    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe):


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord:




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan?


    Skype name? (we have a clan chat)

  9. =-= Da Kirkja Dverga =-= 





    The Kirkja Dverga. The leaders of dwarven religion. A pillar upholding the faith of the Brathmordakin, leading the Dwarven nation to a better understanding of the Gods. Speakers of the will of the Gods, students of their ways, the Clergy is the Church of the Dwarves.






    The Brathmordakin




    Also know as De Az Dewdmar, The Brathmordakin are the Dwarven Gods, the diving rulers of the race. There are seven dwarven gods with Yemekar as the strongest and the de facto leader. The reason dwarves worship a god is to secure a place for their souls in the afterlife. When a dwarf dies, his soul travels to Dungrimm’s keep on the moon where it is auctioned off to the god who bids the highest for it. A dwarf that has faithfully served their god in life will have a much greater chance of bought by and serving that god in the afterlife.




    Yemekar – (yem-eh-kar)


    “The Maker”


    Symbol: Hammer & Anvil

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Portfolio: Creation, leader, smithing, protection, metalcraft, stonework, fire


    Yemekar is the father and creator of the dwarven race. Honor him by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stoneworking, and other tasks. Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life. Innovate with new processes and skills. Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats. Lead the dwarves in the traditions laid down by The Maker. Honor your clan leaders as you honor Yemekar.


    Anbella – (an-bell-ah)


    “Hearth Mother”


    Symbol: Two Silver Rings

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Portfolio: Safety, honesty, home, healing, marriage, fertility, family, records, oaths, water, nature, peace


    Anbella is the wife of Yemekar. Just as dwarven souls are forged on Yemekar’s Ruhn-Anvil, they are ever warmed and nurtured by the loving embrace of the Hearth Mother. Tend to hearth, home, and land, drawing strength and safety from truth, tradition and the rule of law. Join with friends, kin and clan in common purpose. Do not succumb to the misery of greed or the evils of strife, but always bring hope, health and cheer to those in need. Once an oath is made, Anbella watches over its keeping – to break it is to wound her sorely. Children must be cherished and guarded well from harm, for they are the future of all dwarvenkind.


    Dungrimm – (dun-grim)


    “Guardian of the Dead”


    Symbol: An Iron Mask

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Portfolio: Battle, valor, bravery, honor, defense, the dead, the moon


    The finest hours of dwarven kind come in the thrusts and feints of war. Seize the opportunity to defend your kin and ensure their victory whenever conflict erupts. Revel in the challenge of a good fight and never waiver in the face of adversity, no matter how ominous. Lives should never be thrown away foolishly, but the greatest honor is to sacrifice oneself for the cause of the field of battle in service to a righteous cause. Honor the dead and death itself and keep the places of the dead inviolate and well tended; the noble ancestors of our race will neither be robbed nor moved through the actions of thieves and defilers. Abide not undead creatures,especially those that take the form of dwarves, thus mocking the creation of Yemekar.


    Belka – (bell-kah)

    “Lady of Passion”


    Symbol: A Lightning Bolt

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Portfolio: Love, romance, youth, dancing, courtship, explorers, travellers, seduction, lightning


    Be merciful in speech and deed. Temper your anger and hostility with constructive and charitable endeavor. The children of the dwarves must live in safety and propagate. Love with the fiery passion. Embrace the gift of life with courtship and marriage. Belka restores the fertile seed of dwarven life, while Anbella protects the fruit.


    Ogradhad – (og-rad-had)


    “The Lore Master”


    Symbol: An Open Book

    Alignment: Neutral

    Portfolio: Scholarship, invention, discovery, knowledge, magic


    The secrets of Aegis are waiting to be discovered. Travel widely, broaden your mind at everyopportunity, and pursue the life of a scholar. Cultivate the spirit of intrigue among the youngand be teachers to all. Seek to recover lost and arcane knowledge of ages past and apply it tothe world today. Try new methods of doing things just for the joy of experimenting. Learn alittle of everything, for you never know what might be of use down the road.


    Armakak – (arm-a-kak)


    “Merchant Father”


    Symbol: A Gold Coin

    Alignment: Neutral

    Portfolio: Wealth, luck, chance, negotiation, merchant, cleverness, the sun


    The truly blessed are those whose enterprise and zeal brings both wealth and good luck.Work hard, be clever, seek the best bargain and the Merchant Father with shower you with gold. Treat others with respect, but shirk not your responsibility to try to strike a better deal for you and for them.


    Grimdugan – (grim-doo-gan)


    “Lord of Avarice”


    Symbol: Obsidian Dagger

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Portfolio: Greed, money, merchants, thieves, shadows


    The wealth of Aegis was created for those dwarves crafty enough to capture it by any means necessary. Revel in the possession of all wealth that shines or sparkles, for its pleasing form was meant to bring you pleasure. Greed is good, as it motivates the possession and holding of all that is precious. Do not seize wealth from the children of the Brathmordakin however,nor conspire against the favored of Grimdugan, for strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan.


    Dormmar – (door-mar)


    "The Flesh Lord"


    Symbol: Unknown

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Portfolio: The Doomforged, Runes


    Very little is known of Dormmar. A recent addition to the Brathmordakin, all that is truly known about him is that he is the god of the Doomforged. Originally thought to be Iblees, recent research discovered this to be incorrect and Dormmar is now listed as one of the Brathmordakin.


    Enemies of the Brathmordakin


    Khorvad – (koor-vad)


    "Lord of Darkness"


    Symbol: An Eye

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Portfolio: Undead, chaos, disease, hatred, anger, temptation


    The lord of the Undead, also called Iblees. He is a fallen Daemon who once sat among the Brathmordakin. Khorvad is an enemy to the Brathmordakin and to all creation. Chaos spread across the land, the temptation of souls; unholy anger and burning, uncontrolled hatred are his agents. Disease spreads from him and the Undead serve under him.


    Ondnarch – (onn-narrrh)


    "Bringer of the Silent Cold"


    Symbol: An Ice Crystal

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Portfolio: Cold, frost, ice, consumption, possession, corrupted beings


    Once a force of good when known as Wyrvun, this ancient enemy of the dwarves aligned with Khorvad and became a sinister evil, capable of possessing the living and corrupting them to his will. Consuming the souls of those who forfeit them, in his wake came a cold unmatched by all. He once led a vast army of these creatures but having been banished by the ancient dwarves, he has lost much of his original power.


    The Paragons



    The Greatest of The Mortal Dwarves. The Paragons are great kings and lords of the Dwarves, famed for their great deeds and honorable actions. Should a Dwarf serve his kin with great honor and duty, and revere his patron above all else, he has the chance to become a Pargaon.




    Paragon Urguan


    “The Father”


    Patron: Yemekar

    Symbol: The Mountain

    Alignment: Lawful Good


    Known as the first dwarf and father of all dwarves. He defeated Iblees with the help of Malin, Krug and Horen. the first dwarven city is built by him and named after him. Urguan was known for his great honor and respect during war times. This great dwarf showed respect for his enemies and abided by honorable warfare. In return, many of his enemies showed respect in return. Urguan is the greatest Dwarf ever known as well as becoming the first paragon.


    Paragon Yudora


    “The Hearth Mother”


    Patron: Anbella

    Symbol: Runic symbol for Water

    Alignment: Neutral Good


    Mother of Urguan’s sons, and paragon of Birth. This woman was the first mother of the dwarven kin and the first female dwarf. Some say she was the only person Urguan ever feared, even in all his might and glory. She fought like a beast and drank like a monster. She was the most respected female dwarf of her time.


    Paragon Urir Ireheart


    “Bane of the Undead”


    Patron: Dungrimm

    Symbol: Runic symbol for Fire

    Alignment: Chaotic Good


    The destroyer of the Undead scourge. Nearing the end of times in Aegis, a group of brave warriors ventured into the Nether to have one final strike against the undead. Urir was of this group, fighting his way into the undead taint. At the end of the journey into the nether, Urir reached the legendary Axe of Krug. This was the only thing keeping the Undead to this world. Sacrificing everything, Urir grabbed the Axe and cast himself into the infernal pit of lava, not knowing if his soul would even pass on to the next. Such a great act of selflessness ascended this dwarf to a godly paragon.


    Paragon Kjell Ireheart


    “The Emporer Dragon Slayer”


    Patron: Dungrimm

    Symbol: Golden Lightning Bolt

    Alignment: Chaotic Good


    The Paragon of Dragon Slaying, Kjell has been dubbed Paragon due to his achievement in slaying the six black Dragons thus far known as the black scaled sons of the evil Daemon Iblees. Kjell is also renowned for leading the Dwarves into wars against the orcish hordes and the conquering of Alras, which in turn created the first Dwarven Empire, with Kjell as the First Dwarven Emperor.


    Paragon Valen Grandaxe


    "The Wordsmith"


    Patron: Ogradhad

    Symbol: A Parchment and Quill

    Alignment: Lawful Good


    One of the wisest and most dedicated dwarves known to the kingdom. Valen was a dwarf who many aspired to live up to, his unending loyalty to the Kingdom inspiring many. By his own hand wars ended, alliances formed, and the nation prospered. Valen brought to the dwarves the first ever human-dwarf alliance, an end to the war with Krugmar, and his skills as a Commander during the Great War. Valen Grandaxe was also one of the great Champions who entered the nether to challenge Khorvad's scourge and survived to tell the tale. Not only did he reach these achievements, he brought the Kingdom back to its full strength and played an important part in the creation of the Articles of Urguan.


    Paragon Thorik Grandaxe


    "King of Kings"


    Patron: Dungrimm

    Symbol: A Crown

    Alignment: Lawful Good


    Thorik was among the most renowned dwarves of his time, famous for founding the Third Kingdom of Urguan and leading the dwarven race into an era of military and economic dominance. Feared on the battlefield for his prowess in axe mastery, as well as his skills as a tactician, he led the Kingdom through the Great War of Aegis, forcing the orcs and their elven allies into a peace treaty. During the numerous conflicts with the Ascended, he paved the way for the dwarves to once again worship the Brathmordakin. Upon his return to his dwarven kin, he redeveloped a new system of leadership and governance that is followed to this day.


    Paragon Bogrin Grandaxe


    “Master of the Axe”


    Patron: Dungrimm

    Symbol: A single, double-edged Axe

    Alignment: Lawful good


    Father of the Gramdaxes, one of the sons of Urguan and the Paragon for the Grandaxes. Bogrin was one of the first Dwarves who fought with an axe and he was known for his fierce aggression on the battlefield. He is also known as the first axe master, what also gave him his name.


    Paragon Dwain Irongut


    “Master of Food and Mine”


    Patron: Anbella

    Symbol: Blue Cup with a Pickaxe

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral


    Father of the Ironguts, known for his love of leisure, he was a heavy drinker, a lover of all things food, and an avid fisherman. Some of his descendants have showed his love for food, the best example of that of course being King Algrim the Fat and his love of fishing, represented by King Belin the Peaceful. Dwain was rumored to be married to a Anguel. His children and those after them are known to have the blood of gods within them. Dwain lived a full life full of merriment and a bit of riches, enough to sustain himself and his dwellings. Dwain was not known for his prowess in combat, but is known for his blade, which he used only a handful of times. Mourgil, rumoured to have the first blade Yemekar bestowed upon his children when they were taught the art of the smithy, and although slightly misshapen, it induces a source of ferocity believed to be unmatched. His current remains and sword are with his Great-Grandson Hiebe Irongut, stored in the form of ashes with the rest of past family members.


    Paragon Tungdil Goldhand


    “The First Merchant”


    Patron: Armakak

    Symbol: A Golden Hand

    Alignment: Neutral


    Father of the Goldhands, he was one of the first Dwarves to a build a merchant empire and get rich doing so. It has been said that his bargaining prowess was unmatched and he could get the best deal out of anyone, be he Dwarf or not. Tungdil made his wealth by approaching skilled craftsmen and workers directly, whether it was deep in the mines or in the heat of the forges. He then bought their products in bulk for a reduced price and then would deliver these products to his easily accessible stalls where he sold the goods for a profit. He served as a facilitator and a middleman and made vast amounts of wealth in the process.


    Paragon Gotrek Starbreaker


    “The Apprentice”


    Patron: Yemekar

    Symbol: A Cracked Anvil

    Alignment: Lawful Good


    Father of the Starbreakers he was one of the first dwarves Apprenticed to Yemekar, and one of his star pupils, the first to learn the knowledge of Runesmithing, eventually developing the art of Golem Smithing and passing these arts on to his children.

    Other Core Beliefs



    Auction of the Dead


    When a dwarf dies, he travel to Khaz'A'Dentrumm, the Halls of the Dead. There, the Brathmordakin bids for the dwarf's soul. A dwarf has a higher chance of being auctioned to a specific god based on his service to said god in life.


    Sanctity of the Beard


    A dwarf's beard is a gift from the Brathmordakin. It should be groomed and well cared for at all times. Damaging of one owns beard is a grave sacrilege and damaging of another's beard without justified reasoning is also a grave evil.






    The Shrines



    Shine of Yemekar:

    Location: High Above Kal'Azgoth on the highest snowy peak, known as Yemekar's Peak.




    Shine of Anbella:

    Location: South of Kal'Azgoth in a cavernous hot spring know as Anbella's Grove.




    Shine of Dungrimm:

    Location: A crater in the mountains above Kal'Azgoth on the south slope of Yemekar's Peak. The shrine lies on top of Dungrimms Grand Gift.




    Shine of Belka:

    Location: Within Kal'Azgoth in a room in the Royal Tavern known as 




    Shine of Ogradhad:

    Location: Within the scholarly halls of the Hall of the Rememberancers. 




    Shine of Armakak:

    Location: Within Kal'Azgoth in a room know as the Gambling Club




    Shine of Grimdugan:


    Location: Deep withing a cavern in the bowels of the Kal'Azgoth sewers.






    The Temples



    The Temple of the Brathmordakin: Located in Kal'Azgoth, the temple is the largest, grandest, and most embellished temple of the dwarven faith. It boasts delicately carved stone busts of every Bathmordakin as well as Urguan and his wife Yudora. This temple is the site of may religious services for the dwarven government such as crowning and the blessings of the reigns of kings. It also does the domestic ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. It also houses the kingdoms burial barrows. 






    The Temple of the Holy Anvil: Located in Kastoria, the temple is the second dwarven temple founded in Anthos. It boasts strines to each Brathmordakin. It is one of the few all stone buildings in the town and is a noticeable land mark. It too is the site of ceremonies like weddings and funerals.







    Ranks and Organisation



    De Kirkja Dverga:

    The Holy Order





    Leader of the Kirjka Dverga, voted in by the Bishops and his successor. While an Archbishop may be partial towards one God, he is the voice of all the Gods and must represent them all. The Archbishop also has the final say in all matters of faith.




    Sit on the Council of Bishops, leading the Kirkja Dverga through their close relationship to their specific god. There does not have to be a Bishop for each God though each God may have no more than a single bishop at a time. Before one may become a bishop they must receive a vision from the Brathmordakin (Show proper RP skills and dedication)




    When a Initiate completes his studies he is given the rank of Priest. Priests represent one god though they do not have to pray to that god exclusively. Priests are given full access to holy sites and almost unrestricted access to holy relics. They are taught all the current rites and rituals of the true faith.




    Those hoping to join the clergy take on the rank of Initiate where they will engage in studies, often under the direction of a Teacher. A Initiate devotes themselves to the study of one God for the most part though they need knowledge of all the Brathmordakin.



    The Council of Bishops


    The Council of Bishops is made up of the Bishops and the Archbishop. The Council is responsible for the leading of the Clergy as well as interpreting the will of the Gods. They are also for approving the works of Scribes and verifying the discoveries of the rest of the Clergy as true.




    De Rhadav Dverga:

    The Hidden Order




    Vuur Kavir:

    Black Death, Inquisitor


    Inquisitors are the most fanatical and in many cases, crazed followers of one of the 'darker' gods of the Brathmordakin. Chosen exclusively from the ranks of the followers of Dungrimm or Grimdugan, Inquisitors are tasked with investigating, hunting down and slaying known foes of the faith in the Kingdom and beyond. Inquisitors receive faith training equivalent to a priest. Inquisitors identities are kept secret for their own protection. (VA Required)


    Kirkja Verdigruum:

    Holy Defender, Justicar


    Justicars are the mid point of the Inquisitorial Order. They are tasked with tracking and executing enemies of the faith on Dwarfen land, as well as inspecting and protecting holy sites and prevent crimes against the faith while on dwarfen land. Justicars receive training equivalent to a neophyte in terms of faith, but also are trained in combat by the Inquisitors. (VA Desirable)




    Karaad Kladian:

    Fire Shield, Fanatic


    The entry point of the Inquisitorial Order. Fanatics are dwarfs heavily devoted to the Brathmordakin but with little, if any, formation in the faith. They are deployed to protect the priests, bishops and archbishop against attack and to defend holy sites and relics with their lives. (VA Desirable)










    Archbishop: Hogarth Irongut


    Bishop: Dominic Irongut(Ogradhad), Farren Starbreaker(Yemekar), Bael Tunnelsmasher(Grimdugan)


    Priest: Bazian Grandaxe, Phelrin Irongut, Thyrm Silverfist, Tortek Golemforge, Gulroid Goldhand, Morgrim Grandaxe, 


    Initiate: Aengoth Starbreaker, Dunwall Grandaxe


    Justicar: Roggar Stormhammer, Igor StormhammerFarren Starbreaker


    Fanatic: Zahrer Irongrinder, Wulfric Grandaxe. Dizzy Irongrinder







    Initiate Application:



    OOC Section -
    MC Name:
    Length of time playing a dwarf:
    How active are you? (Scale of 1-10):
    Section -
    Yer Name:
    Yer Clan, if aneh:
    Deh god yeh wish ta studeh most:



    Fanatic Application:



    OOC Section -
    MC Name:
    Length of time playing a dwarf:
    How active are you? (Scale of 1-10):
    Do you have a VA? For what?
    Section -
    Yer Name:
    Yer Clan, if aneh:
    Deh god yeh wish ta studeh most between Dungrimm and Grimdugan?:
    Yer primareh skills (eg. Smithing, Mining, Fighting):
    Do yeh swear fealteh to da Brathmordakin an' da Clergeh?
    Do yeh swear to protect de Clergy members and holdings, and the Kingdom?:


  10. [ MC Name: ] Jordan1921

    Wut be yer name: Hogarth Irongut

    Where do ya live: In the hold.

    Wut be yer primary skills:Diplomacy and fighting.

    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences):

    Me father Thordon Irongut was the son of Draco. Ever since I was born I was taught history, writing and speech as they were important to my father.Those skills helped me in my later life but at first I choose to go against me fathers dreams and become a warrior.I soon became a priest and to cut to the chase I have become High Ambassador.It may be more important then ever to stay loyal to ones clan as lying bastards try to hammer us down, but we've always been the strongest clan out there.

    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe):

    My father Thordon was the sun of Draco.


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord:




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan?

    Yes I do.

    Skype name? (we have a clan chat) Jordan1921

  11. Hogarth remains seated but his face becomes reddened and his voice filled with rage.

    "T'at's 'bout the biggest pile a Orc S'it I've 'ear in meh life. Yer speakin' treatorous words infront of the king himself! Whutever 'append tuh the respect towards the king? 'iebe was there tuh take kingship when no one else stepped up, and unlike yeh 'e 'asn't built twuh bloodeh ciites in 'is kingship! I'm tiored a yer blabbin' Kjell."

    Hogarth turns to Hiebe and speaks with anger in his voice

    "King, I believe we 'ave another deceitful Lord Marshall on our 'ands."

  12. Hogarth takes a seat in the council room after being summoned, he observed that the room was silent after Kilgrim's speech and decides to speak his opinion.

    "I dun't see what it says in those laws t'at makes em unconstitutional. T'ere ain't anythin' specific enough in the laws t'at'd make meh raise meh eye. T'ey are soldiers of the Kingdom of Urugan an' are obvious friends tuh t'e our kin. They are also controlled by the kingdom as they are servants of the grand King Hiebe. Per'aps an eye ovah t'em is needed, but I say not more t'en that."

  13. While walking through the woods of Kal'Dwain Hogarth sees in the distance a dwarf with a knife through his chest, he quickly approaches the dwarf and observes him. "Darius...? Whu t'a nether did this tu yeh?"

    Hogarth mumbles as he pulls the knife out of Darius's corpse. Hogarth can barely cope with the loss of one of his childhood caretakers, but he thinks to himself that now is not the time for mourning.

    Hogarth looks to Darius's right hand and sees the note that holds Darius's last wish, he quickly reads the note and shouts in a state of rage "'umans did t'is?! I've spent most a meh feckin' life bein' friends wit' 'umans an' t'ey du t'is?!" After a few seconds Hogarth inspects the knife, blood covereing most of the blade. Hogarth puts the knife inbetween his belt and picks up Darius's corpse and rests him on his shoulders. He mumbles one last thing before walking toward Kal'Dwain "Dun worreh Darius...Yer wish'll come true."

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