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Posts posted by sandonthefloor

  1. We would be able to farm/find shrroms inter caves and people would have to trade with dwarves as we would have the ores, ie human traded comes nd sells wheat to us for.iron

    Just saying, that will end poorly since anyone can just up the prices since they own a monopoly on their item, if that is what your saying, and wheat could possibly become 1000 minas, and iron will become just the same.

  2. What about places like Kal'Domhain? That's mostly above-ground, but it is up on a mountain. Are all dwarves going to have to live in the capitol unless they get exiled?

    Kal'Domhain, if even approved again, will have to be rebuilt anyway.

    Also, for the fact that we won't be able to farm/get wood is going to end poorly. Unless the government is going to have to pay for all of the food, which is ridiculous, then people will just die constantly.

  3. clear map as in all houses/guilds/quarters/castles/tunnels/farms/etcetera painted in PS or MS Paint so we have a good and clear view of everything.

    Sorry I had to elaborate.

    I thought you meant new world lol, my bad.

    Also brian, for defense do you plan on having two to three separate walls surrounding the entrance to the cave part?

  4. I think we are going to need a clear map before doing anything xD I am confused as hell.

    Love all the ideas I see thrown around though! keep it up people!

    Did you not read the first page? Or even the second sentence in the thread?

    As some may know we are going to be migrating to a new world after some time
  5. Isidar Mithrim? (Wow I just surprised myself)

    I've thought about that before. It would make a very cool ceiling, maybe above the palace? It could be made out of diamond blocks, but have a pattern of glass and hidden torches or glowstone for lighting. You could have "tracks" of glass leading through the whole thing, with a skylight high above, in the top of a mountain sitting on top of the whole city. The glass "tracks" would be slightly meander-y so you couldn't see straight through it. This way, if it's up high enough, the whole thing will look like a very detailed and mysteriously-lit gemstone, and not a diamond roof with some skylights and recessed light sources.

    Interesting idea, though I think that Brian is taking the city in more of a cavernous feel, so there won't be as much light, but you could put in a couple lights spread around the ceiling.

  6. I would very much enjoy a nicely organized minecart track that circled the inner city. As for the next disctrict, possibly one for miners and forges? I would enjoy a district dedicated to buying ores, selling tools, forging, etc.

    Yes, there will be a market and business district in the new area.

    We were going to build a smithing area in Kal'Urguan recently, but we decided not to and to wait till th' next area if it is needed.

  7. ooc:

    Currently, the only jobs that we have are guard, army member, lumberjack(don't really know what this does) and miner, which you do on your own and make money selling yer ores.

    Now, when the new world comes out, we will be actually able to structure and organize the jobs to give people a way to have much more fun on the server with different ties, since that is usually the problem with this server, it gets boring when you have nothing to do especially when you start out.

    If you really are going to want a job, that actually is more RP and diverse, you are going to have to wait, or find another person who owns their own shop or bank to work at.

  8. Also, if you plan on making cheap housing, please do not make them that big, i would recommend the typical 5x5 plan that we have right now. And do not make 3 dozen rows of housing like we did here, we need maybe 20 cheap housing at the most that way people will move out and expand since we will inevitably create a taxing system to generate a small bit of revenue from regioned areas.

  9. ((You cannot have unregioned houses, we have had it before and it was total chaos during those times with everyone stealing on the server from peoples chests. People would hide chests in the floor and people with xray would just walk in and steal peoples things. Once again, mushrooms are just weird for a dwarf, even though they spawn in a cave, i would rather live in a cave than in a mushroom.))

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