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Posts posted by sandonthefloor

  1. I 'ave a name for the capital which is Azeroth.

    I'm pretty sure were keeping the name Kal'Urguan

    Also, that picture was basically what I was thinking of as well.

    I like your idea as well Hiebe, that way you can have emergency gates separating each specific ring for better defense. You could always do your idea for the capital, and then make a separate mining colony/trade town with the ravine idea anyway.

  2. There is already a gate after the little bridge before the entrance, you just can't see it because people would spam it and so we had to hide the sign a while back. There are gates at the Iron wall, two of them.

  3. Using a ravine would be interesting for a town, and it would look pretty cool as well with bridges going across the raving to new parts of the town for trade and maybe an inn for safekeeping. That could be connected to the deep road and have an entrance all the way at the end of the ravine. The only problem would be finding a large enough ravine to do this in.

    All this stuff about forest dwarfs is getting annoying, forest and dwarf do not go together anyway, mountain and dwarf do because you can live inside of the mountain, but living in a forest is just strange anyway, and it should be changed to something else.

  4. Built in th' kings manor grounds, this new area features a tavern, many new housings for a cheap cost, an' the king himself's estate for all his riches!

    Each house costs 2500 minas, it is protected from theifs, and you may not put a farm or dig into and around yer house.

    How ta' get to th' place:

    Take the stairs into Urguan, turn around, an' walk down th' hallway till ye get ther.






  5. I'm still 'ere, an perhaps just keep what is being done if people want a temporary shop, just put it by the tree farm, like th' others, since the actual business district will have to wait.

    ((Most of my ideas on the business district and how were going to put in place an efficient job system will have to wait for the new world, that is really why I don't feel like playing for long periods of time, especially setting up new things that will be destroyed. If you have a project that you want me to get on, then I will gladly go ahead and do it.

    Also, not sure if you made the shop yet or not, but I destroyed th' one at the mine so you can go remake it and ill re add the items and stuff.

    Oh, and I will make the thread about the 2500 Mina housing tomorrow, even though I have said that for the past week, but right now it is too late on my part. Other than that I am busy with school and other things so I can't spend as much time as I used to during the summer. ))

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