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Posts posted by sandonthefloor

  1. ((Yeah I think I hit two moths its a lot of work, and I just had way too much to do. I would log on, be needed by a few people have to region, sell homes. Answer pointless questions, and help new players that had no idea what to do. As well as try and come up with new ideas, strengthen the Kingdom, and deal with a council that rarely came online. Its not just as easy as waling around, and talking. If Gotrek becomes King, then I am going to encourage him to get rid of the council members who gave up on this world, and maybe add an overseer as well. He is not online as much as I was, we need a King on a lot, or a council that actually helps the government.))

    He gets on after you because of his timezone, you should set a date for a council meeting via pm))

  2. Hmm... these dwarf kings dont seem to last very long.

    ((Actually they seem to last about a month irl, you don't always want the same king over and over, because then new ideas won't happen. Probably around two months is about an average time of the life of a king, and that seems to fit well. ))

  3. I will not stand here and watch the Kingship go to a buffoon! My vote is for Gotrek

    Though I have no vote in this for the King must be decided by the Council

    Aye, while this is true, we still want to know who the people would prefer as their king, and that will be taken into consideration.

  4. Honestly I'm leaning towards kits, mostly cause here is my plan. New world comes out, use tip money to get my diamond status (I'm gold right now but my forum status hasn't went up) Get my protected plot and minas in the new world. Reestablish my keep/Knight order on hopefully a rather resource rich piece of land in the wilderness somewhere but close enough to civilization that people find us /hire us/ join us. Then stock pile resources to gear our people and set up a shop to sell excess food and materials. So in my honest opinion losing everything won't be a big set back, Simply because I plan on donating (not just for the money I really really would just love a protected plot I am sooooooo tired of griefers) But we might as well start with the kits simply so everyone has something to start with.

    Everyone will start with something if you just leave people with their minas/inventory items

  5. Dang it, did I bring up this issue again? Sorry.

    Nah, just in general people have been asking.

    We cannot have trees as we are trying to improve rp. I'm sure the Admins might think bout a forest dwarf side village near by just for you all.

    If it is like that, a side village, then it has to be like the halfling village. Oren has northerners and southerners, which can be compared to cave and mountain dwarfs, basically one the same. Then there is the odd one out, forest dwarf/hafling in both cases, and only the latter had the initiative to make a village.

    I agree, there should not be a tree village area in the new kingdom, it will ruin the look and feel of the new city.

  6. ((I do not bring them up in EVERY post I make. But equal representation and respect for forest dwarves are issues that I believe heavily in. I will remain vocal until we get the respect we deserve and people acknowledge us as a proper subrace of the dwarves, no longer telling us to "Just go play an elf", which in my opinion is insulting as it suggests that when we picked the race we enjoy we were wrong and another race should have been chosen. When that day comes, then I shall stop bringing up the plight of the forest dwarves. Until then you will just have to put up with my activism.))

    ((Its funny because I knew you would so that, "Not in every post" comment, but basically its in almost every dwarf roleplay post you make, of recent, and we understand your concerns. Go look at the development thread and post your concerns for forest dwarfs there.))

  7. Piston Stone Gates > Plugin Fence Gates

    Just wanted to put that here now it's about guarding stuff.

    If the piston's lag just as much as they do now, then it won't be used because of that.

    (("Welcome to the Dwarf Zoo. On your left, you'll notice the Forest Dwarf habitat. We try to recreate their surroundings to the best of our ability, but we find it hard to provide the same environment that they enjoy so much on the surface. On your right is the Mountain Dwarf area. You might notice that all of the dwarves so far are unhappy because we have to keep them cooped up down here all the time. But this next part is a treat. Follow me into this tunnel, and we'll see if we can find a wild Cave Dwarf in its natural habitat!"))

    Why do people complain so much about the subraces? The new city is apparently going to be built in and under a mountain, so that should ease the mountain dwarfs.

  8. There wont bemuch walls as the main gate will be built into the side of the mountain there will be guard towers sticking out of the mountain in various places to make sure we have a whole view of our great gates.

    If there are only one or two walls, then there is a risk of being over run much easier. Also, are you going to be doing the tier idea where there are "levels". If you do that you could have walls protecting each of the levels, with gates, not actively guarded but for defense, that works its way back to the main castle, which would have a final master gate.

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