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Status Updates posted by Briamoth

  1. Okay, sounds good.

  2. I swear on a the Big Book of Cake, Cookies, and Minecraft that I'm not a creeper. Does that work?

  3. What would it take? Just wondering.

  4. Just kidding. I don't do that kind of stuff.

  5. *hovers while you sleep*

  6. I found you again!

  7. Aw. That's sweet. I'm glad I could make you feel better. :)

  8. Hi. You're awesome. That is all.

  9. Yes, I'm really back this time. I love this server too much to leave.

  10. For a new character, do I just need to kill of my current one and create a back story for a new one?

    1. Sykogenic


      Both. you dont really have to make a backstory but it helps a 100-fold to know their past experiences, etc.

    2. Swgrclan


      Not really. You can

      have an alt character,

      along with your main.

    3. Briamoth


      No, I just wanted a brand new character. Thanks for the help guys.

  11. I can't see the "Change Display Name" button. Help?

    1. Thatpyrodude
    2. Nero


      If you've changed it twice already, I guess it disappears :3

    3. Briamoth


      I haven't changed it at all. That's the problem...

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