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Status Updates posted by Groobs03

  1. I for one.. would like for politics to stay away from LoTC.

    1. Slic3man


      Surely Vermin Supreme is the exception?

    2. Groobs03
  2. Was watching an old Lord of the Craft Video and came across a map of Aegis. Nostalgia :) http://imgur.com/v7nDc

    1. Areon


      groobs come back to me

    2. Groobs03


      751,365,200 minas.

  3. 01010110 01101111 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01001100 01101111 01010100 01000011

  4. For he who roams LoTC with an eyepatch, I bring you, our new secret handshake. http://gyazo.com/0ee3904832081464b8e588b076ec6fd5

    1. hex37


      This is now what nienna will do.

  5. Starting a planetside 2 Outfit but we aren't sure what race to choose. Come here and vote. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/84950-planetside-2-lotc-faction/page-2

    1. Groobs03


      Voting ends at 1:30 if we get some votes.

  6. Wait... Villian Applications are gone AND I get to use all of my lwc again!?!?!? Guess who's back!!!

    1. Anawkin


      Good to see an old geminin back.

  7. Hey Baybee miss u 

    1. psiop412


      Been a long time baby, miss you ❤️

  8. Don't have my laptop tonight... disappointment

  9. 11/11/11 THE PLANETS ARE ALLIGNED!!! lol

  10. Feel like being active on the forums right now... off i go

  11. Flying SQUIRRELS!!!!!!

  12. Is a very very excited dwarf!

  13. Time to call it a night I suppose..

  14. 1 more day of exams, then break!

  15. Merry Christmas LoTC!!!

  16. You think I won't figure it out?

  17. Simon Cowell your days are numbered, owls will get you while you slumber..

  18. All done for the night.

  19. Dreading the dishes... Maybe I can rp my way out of this one.

  20. Trying to clear the Whitelist applications can be a bit like running on a treadmill

  21. Remember kids, if you see two "remember kids" posts underneath you, cleverly make your own.

  22. We are 25ish votes away from the top of xtreme Top 100! Vote!! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

  23. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774 If you don't do it, I will be very unhappy with you! >:(
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