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Status Updates posted by Groobs03

  1. 10 days and I will have been here for an entire year. Wow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      What Scarlet said.

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda has been here for two months! ^w^

    4. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      Hah, seven days for me. Lotsa memories.

  2. Feel like I am on rp vacation, I have no job but to be a nuisance. My suggestion is that if you don't know what you want your next character to be, be a child.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      If you want RP... Not mindless PVP.... Jokes....

    3. Viper3X


      Or join the Subudai!

    4. Groobs03


      ... Didn't mean for it to be an advertisement...

  3. Now to begin a new character Alianor Geminine. Long Live the Wolverines!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buk


      Neva ;p

    3. Mucky


      It was horrible, when we seiged you then it was deserted...

    4. Groobs03
  4. Trying to clear the Whitelist applications can be a bit like running on a treadmill

  5. Just realized I have played Lord of the Craft for a pretty long time

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      So have we....so have we...

    2. Groobs03


      Your comment kind of confuses me, what did you mean by it?

  6. Dreading the dishes... Maybe I can rp my way out of this one.

  7. All done for the night.

  8. Simon Cowell your days are numbered, owls will get you while you slumber..

  9. You think I won't figure it out?

  10. 3 accepts and 1 deny tonight... maybe I'm being too soft tonight... *Gets off*

    1. Groobs03


      No, but really, I have been lucky to get some good apps tonight.

    2. Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Yeah, there have been a lot of good apps lately which I've reviewed.

    3. Groobs03


      My last accept was like the 27th, I've been quite unlucky since that night.

  11. Merry Christmas LoTC!!!

  12. Now sets in Christmas break, and tons of LoTC

  13. 1 more day of exams, then break!

  14. Time to call it a night I suppose..

  15. I feel the same with SimplePancake ;) No worries, i'm about to start studying for exams so my response time wont be as fast XD

  16. :P :P :P :P :P :P

  17. Is a very very excited dwarf!

  18. Flying SQUIRRELS!!!!!!

  19. I'm just a poor boy, i need no sympathy because i'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low, any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me... -Groobs's words from the grave

    1. Azaghal


      Groobs, I'm just letting you know that I made a villain app; it is not undead or anything that bad, he is just mad at the Blackaxes for killing you and will attempt to get back. I can't pm you for some reason so I wanted to tell you here! Its just I would still like to be in the Wolverines and as I said to Psiop, the v app shouldn't impact on my character that much :D Azaghal~

    2. Groobs03


      Although you should know that I no longer have any choice in the area of you becoming captain and such, but you probably still will be.

  20. Farewell Groobs

    1. williewonka01
    2. Azaghal


      I missed out :( Had to drive to my nans house for her birthday. *slits wrists* Wish I could have been there at the end, old friend.

    3. Groobs03


      I will miss him too.

  21. Didn't mean to add you, but why not :D

  22. *rolls a 1 out of 20

  23. Feel like being active on the forums right now... off i go

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