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Alana (Previously Latsi)

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Status Updates posted by Alana (Previously Latsi)

  1. And you will always be mai balloon.

  2. eyup. Also, send me your skype in a PM if you have one. ^~^

  3. Hmm. Lets see. Well, for whatever it is, maybe I could give some input, I'm full of ideas. Also, your love for me is passionate, therefore you are blinded by love and want to give me a sneak preview! >:D

  4. I read through each post, and while Nud Lud's response may have been mature so are many other people. It completely goes against what everyone else is trying to say. He wants to community to stay silent, and if that happens, this will become a cycle. A very simple one to. Things happen, people leave, new people come. Things happen again, and so on.

  5. I specifically said that many of the staff aren't in it for just the community. Many doesn't mean all, there are still some who care about the communities betterment.

    You ask what I think should be done? I have already stated it in my post. Let the community rule, not those with given titles.

  6. I have never mentioned Dusk in a single one of my posts. I haven't said a single thing about promotions. I have commented on what the thread has become. I said that I wasn't going to comment on recent events, and I didn't. And again, just more titles. Team here, team there, team everywhere. Still, team community is the biggest.

  7. Be mature? Always. Maturity isn't what is needed here. Look in on a debate in real congress, for creating a new law. Do people stay mature? No. Do people even stay Classy? No. They voice their opinions, and the voices of others for what they believe in. As for rights? How about the right to be able to actually be able to have a say who stays a GM/Admin? I think that would be interesting.

  8. You keep saying that I need to make a thread. Then give me the power to make a post in the annoucments thread. You said you wanted to know whats wrong, and I'm trying to get the largest amount of the population to see it. If you don't want me to be able to make the thread, then make it yourself.

  9. Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the way. ~

  10. Runescape 2007, kinda wish I had money to play right now. #firstworldproblems

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