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Posts posted by Wyrd

  1. I can tell you're enthusiastic, but I'm not exactly inclined to accept young players, and you didn't really sell me with your answer to the role-playing question.

    This is a serious server, and if you can't even polish up your application and put the time into it to check your spelling and grammar, I'm not sure that this server is right for you.

    I like the content of your bio, but the rest of your application isn't quite there yet.

    For now:


  2. I think you might overestimate your ability to spell. It's not quite on par with your advertised "top standard" education. However, the content of your application doesn't have that much wrong with it - maybe add a bit more to the question about role-playing.

    Polish it up and repost it. Then I'll know you're serious about this.

    For now:


  3. I'm on the fence about your application. Overall, it's well done, however, there's an unwritten rule about writing powerful people into your application - it's considered unapproved lore. Also, your application, though it does seem to have a lot of thought put into it, has a lot of errors.

    Look over it once more and be a little more discrete with your backstory. I'd really love to accept it.

    For now:


  4. I think that you need to give it a few years before you're ready for this server. With spelling like that you'd spoil the experience for others who talked to you, and since you don't seem to use a spell-checker, a lot of your mistakes wouldn't be translatable by others who don't know english as their native language.

    Also, posting a picture of your skin itself isn't useful to me, I have no idea what that would look like in-game.

    Lastly, saying that you've played role-playing games doesn't convey to me any sort of knowledge or experience role-playing with other people.

    The content of your backstory itself was alright, though. It's sweet, and I enjoyed it.

    For now:


  5. I'm sure that you heard a lot from your friends, but I don't think that you read the lore, specifically, the lore regarding Iblees. Also, your character just sounds like a marty-sue with a cliché backstory, so I'm not inclined to give you any leeway there. In addition, it is a requirement that you post your picture on your application - I'm not going to take the risk of attached malware.


  6. Overall, I like your application, with the caveat that your Clark Kent backstory is a little disappointing and that outright adding your own lore without permission is against the rules.

    Keep that in mind, and I hope that you enjoy our server.


  7. It is required that you post a picture of your character in your application. I can't change that rule. Find some free pic hosting and post it that way.

    I really like your bio, but you didn't really expand on your knowledge and understanding of role-playing.

    For now:


  8. I can understand that you're excited, but it doesn't even look like you took the time to check your application for grammar, spelling, or basic punctuation. However, since your timezone is GMT +1, I'll make the assumption that english isn't your first language and forgive the homonyms.

    That said, your character comes off as a marty-sue, and your explanation of role-play is poor, at best.


  9. Your backstory and abilities aren't exactly congruent with the world we've created, which makes me think you didn't take the lore seriously. You also don't explain the role-playing that you've done previously. Role-playing games is not synonymous with role-playing itself; listing games gives me no idea what sort of role-playing you've done before.

    Repost your application after you've fixed it, but for now:


  10. Your paragraph on roleplaying is disjointed and nonsensical. Also, your bio is similar in quality.

    Please don't ramble. Polish and repost your app with a detailed and thoughtful response to the roleplaying question as well as a bio that conveys character rather than a series of events.

    For now:


  11. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

    Did I mention, yes?

    Yours is one of the best applications that I have read in a very long time. Thank you very much for putting so much time and thought into it. I loved reading your bio.

    I hope you choose to stay with us.


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