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Posts posted by Wyrd

  1. I'm glad you went through the trouble to clean this up, and it's much better now. Please just be aware that dyslexia is not something that everyone on the server expects to deal with. Other players will hold you to a higher standard than you might be used to, so keep that in mind as you play.

    Welcome to the server.


  2. Subject: jojo6903 Application (ReRePost)

    How is my skin inappropriate? It is a ninja! And I plan to change it using the LoC skin pack before entering the server. Please explain.

    It doesn't look like a ninja, it looks like a black model with extremely saturated lines of color.

    This server has a certain standard of realism to hold to. That's why it's inappropriate. Also, the concept of a "ninja" doesn't hold well with the Lore we've written. Aegis is a western-medieval fantasy world. You'd know that if you'd paid any attention to what we went through the trouble of writing.

    I give leeway on this for very good applications, but yours is mediocre, so I'm not willing to cut you any slack.

  3. Your application is short and to the point, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't seem like you put much effort into it.

    You also didn't link a picture of your character, so I'm going to have to ask you to reapply if you'd like to role-play with us.


  4. If you "dont feel the need to apply correct grammer into video games" then maybe this isn't the server for you. You don't seem very serious about this at all. Rewrite your application and apply again, if you do actually want to role-play.


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