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Posts posted by Wyrd

  1. Wyrd smiles slightly at Thyst's words and takes out a torch. She lights it on the dying fire as well and holds it up.

    "I'd just like to get out of the cold." She looks down the larger tunnel as well, "Though I've never known one of these tunnels to be completely free of Iblees' taint."

    She turns to the dwarf, "Perhaps we should defer to a tunnel-runner's experience?"

  2. "Surely you jest. Doom and hyperbole make fair firetales, but the creatures of the night are no worse or better for the storm."

    She throws her braid over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist, letting it fall with a heavy, wet slap against her armor.

    "Though, without the moon," She looks back in the direction of the cavern entrance, "It's certainly darker than on any other night..." The sentence trails away into the sounds of the storm.

  3. The last figure, wrapped in crude and bulky armor, watches the rain a second longer before sidling out of the shadows toward the fire. They sit after a moment, fidgeting before pulling off their helmet.

    The elfess pulls a long, ragged, green braid out of the back of her armor and sets her sword across her knees. She looks pointedly across the fire at the orcs as she begins squeeze the water from it.

    "Let me be neither tiring, nor the root of your distrust, then. I am called Wyrd."

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:

    Low Twenties

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Eastern Standard

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:


    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm sociable and enjoy company. I like roleplaying and I'm a fan of method acting. I work as a student and a glorified copymachine.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Ten or more, likely less than Twenty.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    About a year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    I enjoy acting out different characters. I've been roleplaying and acting since middle school. Stage acting and tabletop roleplaying games, with most of my experience in the latter.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I have hopes that it will be an exciting opportunity to interact with others' characters.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    This is the first minecraft server that's offered a thorough roleplaying experience - I've not been interested in joining others, so it would be my first.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:

    Yes, to both.

    -Name the 4 races on this server.

    Elves Dwarves Orcs Humans

    -How did you hear about us?:

    A friend pointed the website out to me.


    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:


    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:



    Wyrd was sheltered and lonely for most of her life, sequestered with her parents in the high trees to the west.

    A vicious storm ended that life, lightning setting it afire and burning her home during the night. With nowhere to run, most of her family was slaughtered, Wyrd only surviving by chance, tripping during her panicked flight and falling into a chasm. Stumbling in the dark, she fled toward the only light she saw, running from the screams of her family and the horrors of the night.

    She's unable to remember what happened through her haze of terror. She found herself tucked into a niche beside a burning pool, her pursuing monsters set ablaze by it's molten flow.

    She learned much of the dangers of the world during that first night, but lived to find her way back to the surface and her fire-ravaged home.

    Wyrd is no longer sheltered, but she continues to be lonely.

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    Young and tattered. She has dark skin and a long, thick braid of moss-coloured hair. Her eyes are the color of grass.

    -Character Personality:

    Wyrd doesn't know much about the world, but what she's learned has taught her to be wary of it.

    -Your ambitions:

    Learn and survive, Wyrd never wants her progeny to suffer as she did. Though, with her social skills, it would take a unique male to tolerate her long enough to give her any.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    She thought she could, but the words she's seen other people write, and the signs she's come across are meaningless to her.

    -Can your character mine?:

    She's found sanctuary beneath the earth, and is most at peace in it's depths.

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    She doesn't quite understand the concept of building, though she's stood in awe of the structures of the world. Pruning makes much more sense to her - pruning leaves, removing dirt, that is how she prefers to shape her environment.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    By necessity, and she takes a certain vicious joy in it.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    Farming wasn't something she was taught to do, and though she has the patience for it, she'd rather hunt than sow.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    Though she can't read or write in the common tongue, she does have a gift for language. She's poetic, and will sing what she composes if she believes she's alone.

    Picture of skin:


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