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Posts posted by Wyrd

  1. Your "Fixed" application leaves much to be desired.

    Your bio also seems to indicate that you haven't read the lore about Aegis, and for an American your spelling is atrocious. If you type like that in-game I would be hard pressed to take anything you said seriously - or even take it at all.


  2. Wyrd hefts her sword, twirling it in her hand as she looks back down the descending tunnel.

    She visibly shivers and turns to the leading orc, weapon at the ready and her jaw set - though it's difficult to tell whether it's grim or angry.

    She catches up swiftly and walks a half step behind Thyst.

  3. A sneer flashes over Wyrd's face before she composes herself, "It must have been difficult, carving their last words into stone as the Tainted feasted upon them."

    She shakes her head as she rolls up her string, "I favor the ascending tunnel as well. The air here flows toward it and our own tunnel, which leads me to believe it might be another entrance to this dungeon," her eyes slide toward Relok'oth, "And if some ancient went through the trouble to write terrors on the wall, I doubt words were the only deterrent it left."

    She turns toward Thyst, expectantly.

  4. That was the most amusing answer to the lore question I've read yet. I hope that your "recruitment" goes well, but be aware that you have to play a bandit very well if you want to stay on the server.


  5. Your bio isn't too bad and I like your skin. I'm not quite sure you've proven how well you understand role-play, but you seem like you could learn - it's a lot more fun than "get minerals and buy stuff".

    I hope to see you in game.


  6. I'm fairly sure you didn't read the lore. "Lord of the Craft" and "Craft Kingdom" kind of gave you away. In addition, the link to your skin doesn't work.

    Asking to use a flying mod doesn't help your case.

    Read the lore, think about whether this will actually be fun for you, and reapply with a better application if you're serious about role-playing here. Otherwise, you should probably find another server.

  7. You've developed a character that I'm not sure is appropriate for this server... I understand wanting to play a thief, but you have to be a very good role-player to jump into a server just like that. I saw your previous application was denied because you didn't seem serious about role-playing and it really seems like you're just meta-gaming a character that's sole purpose is to take other's things.

    And, no, mods that give your character advantages such as sprinting are not allowed on this server.

    I'm not sure what to do with your application, honestly...

    Against my better judgement I want to give you a chance. Please change your skin to something that doesn't look like a coralsnake alien and PM me with a link to this thread.

  8. The only thing that worries me is that you haven't role-played before... Other than that your application is alright... That has put me on the fence, a bit.

    PM me with a message about what you think role-playing is (look it up and try to infer it from what you've learned about the server) - I just want to be sure you understand what you're getting into with us.

    Post a link to this thread in the PM.

  9. I like your application, the bio's a little cliché, but it's alright overall. However, I do want to say that role-playing doesn't necessarily mean restricting yourself to a race (since the newest update), class, wage, and job. It's about being a character, and playing that character consistently - which may occasionally mean changing up what they do.

    I think you've got the idea, though. And we'll certainly try to help you learn. :)


  10. Ah! I would love to accept you; you seem to have the idea down solid. However, you need to have a backstory that's in line with the lore. I know that it's really fun to get creative, and that you're probably tying in your transition from singleplayer to multiplayer, but the world has already been established, so please write a bio that meshes with the world we've created.

    Once you've edited that, PM me with a link to this thread, and I'll be more than happy to accept you.

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