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Posts posted by awesumninja123

  1. We are working on it. It will be juicy with lore, but right now, I shall reveal only one detail -

    Boats will be involved.


    I have a question though. WIll Aegis get wiped? Or will it be part of the map. Also, if our things to get wiped, can we get them back if we provide screen shots?

  2. Rp name: Brian Tarus

    IGN: awesumninja123

    weapon of choice (bow,sword,fist,axe.TnT,Brain,Mobs): I prefer the sword, but I am also proficient with a bow and the fist. I am an all around soldier.

    Why ye want to join: I want to join for the overall fun and assasinating bandits! That is all, but if you want me to write a lenghty application, I will do so.

    I will be writing a villain application (1, 2a, 2b, maybe 4).

  3. Brief Character History:

    Character Name (I.C.):Symodimi

    Character name (O.C.):Simidimi12

    How much time do you spend on the server?: I've spent I think about 2 months on the server.

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 40 years old going on his 41 soon.

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Symodimi will be a soldier.

    Goals in the FOA?:Become a glorious soldier that everyone will know, make myself a name in Aegis and kill some Undead fools!

    Good deeds you have done?: I have helped in many battles against Undead, and in one of them I killed one of those fools.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Syomidimi abandoned a man that was about to get tortured because, but he learned later on that the man did something bad and that the people who we're going to torture that man we're Oren Guards.Even though, Syomidimi still regrets he has abandoned that man.

    How did you hear of us?: Someone told me about the Battle of the Undead Stronghold and he also told me that you took part in that battle.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes, through the years Symodimi discoverd that the man who killed his father in the duel, was an Undead. The day his father got killed we swore to avenge him.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Symodimi prefers to fight with a sword, diamond obviously but he can fight with any type of sword, except wood. ((for the skill level, I think the stat system is gone now on the server, so I cannot tell you. ))

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes I am a capable builder, quite a good one.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: Yes, Symodimi can also use a bow, but he prefers the sword.

    Any special skills?: He is a very strong man, that's probably his only skill. He is also an expert at wielding a sword.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Symodimi has a lot of fait in Aeriel, since the day his dad has died, he prays Aeriel for revenge. Even though he didn't not get revenger yet, he still has faith and tells his faith to people he knows, like his friends.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: Symodimi is a very loyal person, he will follow your orders with no hesitations and he will protect everyone of the Followers and the people of Aegis from the Undead Threat that stands upon us. He will also try to spread the love of Aeriel around the kingdoms.

    Left Biography blank.


    Remember to add your biography!

  4. Brief Character History: He was a former guard who is looking for a job at the moment. He is an amazing archer also. (hence the name "Bowman")

    Character Name (I.C.): Bowman_The_SMith

    Character name (O.C.): Destroyer_Bravo

    How much time do you spend on the server?: Lots on weekends

    Race: Dwarf

    IC Age: 100 ((Or something))

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Well, I'm an archer. I guess backline soldier

    Goals in the FOA?: To get a new guard job. I was fired from my old job. And to protect Kal'Urguan and other nations.

    Good deeds you have done?: I was in Kal'Urguan guard. ANd I'm in the Legion.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Executing Undead, and allied people. But I don't think that counts

    How did you hear of us?: A friend of mine in the Guard, as a replacement job

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I was in the Kal'Urguan guard. It was my job to protect.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My name is Bowman. Need I say more?

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: ((I lag alot, so I'm not very good with a blade.))

    Any special skills?: An excellent archer, and he's a smith too.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: WHat? I just want to prevent the Undead from destroying the world.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I'm an excellent archer. I can also climb high, and direct people. And shoot too, but I would need a ready supply of arrows.

    Accepted. Report fer duty (/tell maur for the perms and such. If you don't know where the base is, ask any FoA member, including myself (awesumninja123). Maur's mc name is maur0821. And if you are to apply for any other guild, write more in your bio. ))

  5. *Another Courier approches the Keep. This time the letter goes into the hands of Sam Tarus*

    Latz tink latz will win??!?!?! HURHUR! Meh men and meh will crush latz and make latz our slaves!

    And tah da enlightened: LATZ TOOPID! Krug is da mighty ancestor and latz false god would be eatin fo' breakfast by da ancestors!

    Latz and your puny armiez gunna all die in meh fist! LATZ BETTA BEH READY!

    ((Also you don't really know who this is from other than it is an orc! THIS IS NOT ON BEHALF OF KRUGMAR THIS IS MY OWN GUILD so don't attack the orcs!))

    (( actually, another orc said that it was from you so...))

    We will see about who wins. The FoA shall prevail throughout the darkest times, as it has done before. We are not alone....

  6. Brief Character History: Darius is only 15 as of now and has learned much in his extremely short life. Darius is a son of Burkester and Leka which were both white ravens. At the age of 13 darius had helped save two people ((He had accidently poisoned one of them mistakenly)) by calling for a nearby druid in laurelin. Thank aeriel they had both survived and were well from the druid's powers. A year later darius's mother passed away from a fatal heart attack which almost destroyed his spirit. But. He knew he had to stay strong for his brother and his father. Which was no where to be found. Darius decided to leave his brother with the white ravens and to set out to go on a journey to find a job so he could support his brother.

    Character Name (I.C.): Darius

    Character name (O.C.): KingToten

    How much time do you spend on the server?: Last week alone i had spent most of my days on the server from periods between 6-7 hours.

    Race: Woodelf.

    IC Age: 15

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I wish to be a soldier.

    Goals in the FOA?: To help spread the word of aeriel and fight to stop the undead menace that threatens our very existence.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have saved two people ((Above in the brief history)). I have rebuilt a mans boat for the purpose that a beautiful boat should not be left to die.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: No.

    How did you hear of us?: Much talk from the white ravens.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I have seen what their impact on this world has been and it is appalling to say the least. Dead people lining the streets from one of their attacks. Burning buildings. Farmlands burning. All are reasons why they need to be brought to justice and be obliterated from this world.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I am fond of a sword but my true calling is a bow and arrow.

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes. Me and my brother built a house in the wilds after our father left us there for a year.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: What other weapons?. ((Darius does not know that a axe or anything else can be a weapon as of now))

    Any special skills?: I have a knowledge of healing herbs to help the wounded.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes. Aeriel has brought much hope to me and my family. I found aeriel after my mothers death and it has been a large part of my life since. And yes. I would spread the good word of aeriel if need be.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will always be a light in the darkness. No matter the odds i will strive to help all others. If i am being stared down by a army of undead i will stand and fight back with my bow pulled strong and my faith even stronger.

    Accepted, but I do wonder what a heart attack is. ((remember that they didn't know what a heart attack was, so be aware! Anyways, ask maur for the perms, and if you don't know where the FoA base is, contact me (awesumninja123) or any other FoA member. Maur's mc name is maur0821))

  7. Brief Character History: Skippy is a dwarf from Kal'Urguan. Both of his parents were killed by Undead in a raid. Ever since then Skippy has been searching for a way to get back at the Undead for what they did to him.

    Character Name (I.C.): Skippy

    Character name (O.C.): Skippy369

    How much time do you spend on the server?: I spend about 6-8 hours a day on LotC ( When it is online )

    Race: Dwarf

    IC Age: 273

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Skippy is a talented soldier and Scout, so he would be a soldier.

    Goals in the FOA?: My goals are to get back for what the Undead have done to many familys in Aegis. I want to destroy the Undead in Aeriels name!

    Good deeds you have done?: I always give food to the poor, help take down the Undead if they attack, and make shrines for Aeriel.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: No, not that I can think of.

    How did you hear of us?: When the FoA needed reinforcements the Dwarfs came to help! I was troop for them, so I came and we helped win that battle.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am against the Undead for many reasons; One is that Undead killed my family. Another is Skippy has been getting more mad at the Undead ever since they have corrupted many of his friends.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I tend to use an Axe and a Bow & Arrow in battle. ( Skills are gone so... )

    Are you a capable builder?: I am a fairly good builder, but I was not put into this world to make huge temples.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: Skippy can wield swords, axes, and bows, but he can't draw the magic out of a Golden Staff.

    Any special skills?: Skippy is talented in the ways of combat. He has trained many years of using a Bow & Arrow

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I have complete faith in Aeriel, and I will spread the word of Aeriel to all the souls of Aegis. I will do this because I need to avenge my family.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I can serve the FoA by donating Magical Staffs for the Ascended to use in battle, and I can provide swords for the FoA.

    Thanks I hope you enjoyed my Application ( If it is too late to apply tell me and I'll post this app later )

    It's never too late to join. Accepted. Report ta Aerial's Keep and ask Maur for the keys ((/tell maur ingame, and if you don;t know where the keep is, ask him. His mc name is maur0821

  8. Brief Character History: My character, Reag, is a Minas hungry traveling tinker who wishes to be employed by the FoA as an engineer. He is currently a morally neutral character, however, his character is ready to be shaped for great good, or great evil.

    Character Name (I.C.): Reag Anitaan

    Character name (O.C.): Dgco

    How much time do you spend on the server?: Just started, but I will probably spend at least seven hours a week here.

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 27

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Technically, neither. Reag is a tinker and a horrible fighter. However, he will be helping build up any towns and advanced bases the FoA needs.

    Goals in the FOA?: ICly, Reag wishes to be able to pull in a steady income for his work as a builder.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have just joined the server, so I haven't performed anything in game yet. In Reag's history, he is an extremely skilled engineer who has helped save many a castle.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Reag has never done anything evil. He has a kind heart, and is unable to bear the site of blood or suffering. That being said, he does have a strong desire for Minas.

    How did you hear of us?: Reag ran into a FoA field medic in the wilds, who invited him to help build up the defenses of a nearby outpost. This application is the extension of that RP meeting.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: The undead never pay Reag for his work.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Bow, novice.

    Are you a capable builder?: Reag is an extremely capable engineer

    Can you wield any other weapons?: Reag does have a small iron dagger on him, but he is more likely to kill himself with it, rather than his foe. Its for intimidation.

    Any special skills?: Im awesome with red stone, and by extend, so is Reag.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FoA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: The defense of ones home is critical. If the FoA falls, it cannot serve the Ascended and Aeriel. Reag will help the FoA by doing his best to insure that the FoA does not loose any of its bases.

    Summary: In short, think of Reag as an ally. He is a morally neutral character who has the capabilities for great good, or for great evil. He is loving, but greedy. I feel that my character could lead to some very interesting RP opportunities, even if he doesn't exactly fit the mold of the standard FoA member.

    Accepted report ta maur for more details. ((mc name is maur0821. ))

  9. I'll bring my sword.

    (( lol ))

    *A courier approaches Aeriel's Keep and hands Maur a bloodstained letter*

    Tolta, 26 of The First Seed, 1328

    I have been listening in the shadows. You have all sat in your gilded Keep far too long doing nothing to protect Aegis. None of you are TRUE Followers Of Aeriel. I have watched as you banished your innocents and kept your darkest members in your ranks. I have seen your weakness and don't expect I will not exploit them. Soon, FoA, very soon, you will feel our wrath. Your keep will crumble under our Diamond Fist and you will bow before us.


    Your Bringer of Death

    ((I am making a new Evil guild to help start up some more conflict and you guys are my first target))

    *you see a neatly written note attached to the letter. The courier sends it back to the man who sent it*

    Ye really think we do nothing fer Aegis? Is that what ya think? The UAC where there for Alstion, The FoA were there for the many raids on Al Khazar. We were there fer Laurlin, and fightin' the Undead at their base. We did loads, and this is what we get? We fight for freedom, we fight for peace and prosperity. We fight fer Aerial. We have not banished our innocent, we have banished the ones who have gone toward Iblees. We do not keep the dark within our ranks, and we are not weak. We remained strong, through the betrayal of the sages, and through our beloved leader Blaedr's death. We will feel yer wrath, and we shall imbrace it. We have gone through much worse then what ye will bring, and we have friends. We have allies that are willing ta risk their life fer us. No, we will not crumble, but prosper. We feel Aerial's warmth, unlike the evil men that lurk Aegis. And we will not crumble under your 'Diamond Fist' for we have Aerial with us. Begone fool, we do not take empty threats, nor will lose ta anybody. We have the enlightened, and trustworthy soldiers.

    ~Sam Tarus, a proud FoA Captain.

  10. Brief Character History: I have/am a member of the guardians the shrouded and the whispering order(whispering isles army). I have fought in many battles like wraths clutch, Plus battle 1 and 2 of the undead relic thingy. I have also worked as a wood cutter

    Character Name (I.C.): Henry_Johnson

    Character name (O.C.): Henrya15

    How much time do you spend on the server?: about 5 hrs a day

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 27

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): would like to be a soldier

    Goals in the FOA?: To get rid of the undead

    Good deeds you have done?: Helped a man with a broken leg. I also donated books to the men rebuilding the orc library

    Have you done any bad deeds?: maybe grief once on what i though was a deserted town

    How did you hear of us?: Forums

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes because they are a threat to us all and have killed many of my friends

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): mostly sword but i am a pretty good shot with a bow

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes i am but im not great at building

    Can you wield any other weapons?: i can weild axe since i chop wood a lot

    Any special skills?: chopping wood and mining

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes do because in the battle of wraths clutch she rained down gold apples that saved my life

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I have great ties that i can get to help us in battle if needed. I will fight to the death for the FOA and Aeriel to stop the undead menace

    Accepted, though you do have a really short biography. Report ta Maur fer more details ((ask him for perms. His mc name is maur0821 ))

  11. Brief Character History: Mili was born into the great family of the Ironguts. He is Hiebe's brother and some relation to the Dwarf king Algrim. Mili started off good and worked in the Kal"Urguan guards for a long time. After his service in the guards Mili went to the Free Dwarven Army and rose to become second in command. Mili went to the battle where we retook the outpost of Snowy Fields from the Undead and served in the medic tent helping many to remain alive. After the battle I was recruited into the Undead minions from which I have come here to serve against my former masters.

    Character Name (I.C.): Mili_Irongut

    Character name (O.C.): Leland22

    How much time do you spend on the server?: I would say around 15-20 hours a week

    Race: Dwarf

    IC Age: 105 (I think)

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):

    Goals in the FOA?: To serve Aegis and Aeriel to the best of my abilities and to fight the Undead scum.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have helped many by giving them food along the kings road and I lend money to those in need.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Yes, I was an Undead minion before I saw the falseness of Iblees and his spawn. I regret to say that I protected the Undead in one of the attacks on them.

    How did you hear of us?: Jayius found me in the minion base and recruited me.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes, during my time as a minion I was mistreated by them so much they drove me to leave them.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I use a sword (32) and a bow (0) I use the two interchangeably.

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes, I was the Head Architect of Celestine and I was responsible for the moat and other defensive structures that were built.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: No

    Any special skills?: I am a good shot with a bow and I have gained access into the list of Undead minions.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes, I have seen firsthand the destruction and unhappiness caused by Iblees.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I think that I can plan and fight well. I can farm, build, and mine. I plan on protecting the Ascended and their people from the horrors which I have endured.

    Do you want to be a soldier, or a preacher. Other than that, accepted.

  12. Real Name

    I do not wish to put my name down, due to safety issues on my part. I hope you understand (I will, however, PM Availer or any other mod, if needed).

    Ingame Name


    RP Name


    Time Zone

    Pacific Time (USA)

    How Long will you be online per week.

    I can be online in-game on weekdays (Mon. - Thurs.) for about three hours, because of school, and on weekends (Fri.-Sun.) about 8 hours, which adds up to a total of 36 hours a week. Forum wise, I will be online for 6 hours a day (most of the time more), which gives me plenty of time to browse the forums, looking for anything that is needed to be looked over.


    Honestly, I have little to no experience, due to lack of participation on other forums, but I am willing to spend a lot of time into this forum. .

    Previous Forums

    I have been on many forums, though I haven't participated as much as I have to this forum ( look at my post count :) ).

    Why I should be a FM

    I should be a Forum Moderator because :

    -I want to give back to this wonderful community. I wish I have the money to donate, but I do not, so I am willing to give back by doing free labor.

    -I help people in game, and out of game

    - I help out new players make their player cards.

    -I think I post helpful comments on the forums (Ban Appeals).

    -I have exceptional grammer, most of the time .

    - I am online for about 6+ hours a day, forum wise.

    - I remind them to not metagame and powergame, if they do. ( I also put a smiley face at the end, so they don't feel offended :) )

    - I also browse the forums, sometimes catching things that some FM/GM's miss.

    - I think that I am nice, and a helpful person to this community.

    - I will also do server applications, of course, if allowed.

    Other Info

    I am a very helpful person IRL. I help others (school wise) understand the concept that is being taught, if they need it. I am also in middle school, so I do not have that much homework as other people that are in high school do. I think I would be a great addition to the FM team, because I strive for the server, and other members to succeed. I do not have many after school programs to attend, so I can be on the forums much longer than others.

    If I am Denied, then just say denied in the comments. I will not feel bad.

    Other then that, thanks for reading!

    ~Sam Tarus

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