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Posts posted by awesumninja123

  1. Brief Character History: Alvarius Kashi once ruled a small city, but it was pillaged by the undead many years ago, and his wife and children killed. Before the undead were able to kill him, an unnatural light emerged from the darkness of the night and the undead were burned alive, their screams filling the light. Having left the ruins of the city, Alvarius travelled East to a man he had heard of, called himself a 'Sage'. He told the Sage the story of how he had survived the night, and the Sage told him it had been the doing of a deity, one named Aeriel. "Travel South," he said "to the land where Aeriel is known, and seek out those who follow him, for only then will you come to understand..." Alvarius spent many years trying to find the land, until he finally came across a Grand Temple. The monks there sent him up what was called the King's Road, to a city called Oren, where there were said to be many followers of Aeriel

    Character Name (I.C.): Lord (Alvarius) Kashi of Oren

    Character name (O.C.): Lord_Kashi

    How much time do you spend on the server?: Generally 1-2 hours per day on weekdays, 2-5 on weekends and sometimes longer during holdidays

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 35

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I have spend much of my life fighting undead, so a soldier would suit me better, though I still intend to spread the word of Aeriel's greatness

    Goals in the FOA?: To learn more about Aeriel and to spread the word of him, but also to hear other people's experiences with Aeriel and to get to know many other followers, maybe even to help put an end to the undead.

    Good deeds you have done?: I often share food and money with those in need of it, and have helped many a person in Oren with problems (ie being robbed, or acquiring something etc)

    Have you done any bad deeds?: I have mistreated criminals in the past, sometimes punishing them too harshly just because I am having a bad day.

    How did you hear of us?: Many a man passes on word of the FOA, and I know a man who has joined your ranks very recently

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why: My city was plundered and my family killed by the undead, I will always be against them

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I will almost always use a sword (however I joined after the skill system was implemented)

    Are you a capable builder?: I would say that I am able to build fairly well (I am currently in the process of building my estate)

    Can you wield any other weapons?: I will use bow if necessary. I find axes unruly and hard to use effectively.

    Any special skills?: I am a keen writer also a trained diplomat. I am a Lord of Oren, and have lived many years scavenging (ie cutting wood mining etc)

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why: Aerial saved me from death, so I will always have faith in u]her, and will encourage others to do so

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will provide and give what I can to the FOA, and I will worship Aeriel. I will fight when need be and provide refuge for anyone in need of it.

    Accepted. Also, Aerial is a woman, not a man...

  2. Can I be a ranger?

    ~Eugene Tarus (( I play three char's. Eugene, Brian, and Sam Tarus. Instead of Sam Tarus being a guard, can I make Eugene Tarus be a ranger? Or can Eugene be a guard AND a ranger. So my app that I posted was for Eugene Tarus instead of Sam. ))

  3. For which job are you applying? High Treasurer.

    How often you are online per week? 2 hours each on weekdays(Not including friday.), and about 6 hours each on weekends (Including Friday) which adds up to 26 hours every week.

    Why you want the job? I want the job, so I can spend the money on appropriate things (Military, Building, etc.), and spend less on others (Diamonds, Gold, etc.) I want Al Khazar, and the nation of Oren to succeed and thrive, not to fall, and wither by the undead. I am also trying to get into politics more.

    What experiences you have of this job/similar: I 'ave organized MY money many times, and I spent it appropriately, while remaining extra.

    Why you think you should get the job: I think I should get this job because I am a trustworthy guy, and I will even use my own minas to help out Oren, and pay the royals, and the millitary with it, if needed.

    Thanks for reading!

    Sam Tarus

  4. Brief Character History: I was born in a small village called Bryoth but my childhood isn't all that important. When I came to Oren I became an Oren Guard Sergeant. I served with them for a long time and I later went on to be Captain of the Tur Evelon Guard. I have also been a Ranger and I learned survival and tracking skills.

    Character Name (I.C.): Janos Baelish

    Character name (O.C.): benny508

    How much time do you spend on the server?: About 4 hours every day and about 6 on weekends. So thats 32 hours a week and sometimes it can be around 40 hours a week.

    Race: Human.

    IC Age: 32.

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I shall be an FOA soilder.

    Goals in the FOA?: I have spoken with Tylos about this and because I am in the Oren Royal Council and I am running for High Treasurer , I can bring some wealth and resources to the FOA.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have helped the Oren Guards catch criminals , defended cities from the Undead and given food and a little mina to people in great need.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: I once let a criminal go free because I had been having an extreamly tough and bad day and it was my last couple of minutes on duty that day , so for some reason I allowed him to escape.

    How did you hear of us?: Through a friend of mine called Ellser.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am against the Undead yes. I am against them because they threaten all of Aegis and have killed hundreds of innocent people. I am against criminals more than anything and to me and probably to the rest of Aegis , the Undead are the worst criminals around.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My primary weapon in battle is a sword and I am level 31 with my sword. So that would be Lt. in ranls.

    Are you a capable builder?: Aye , I am a capable builder.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: I can weild an axe and I am quite good with a bow although I am definately best with a sword.

    Any special skills?: I have great tracking and survival skills since I was a lone ranger wandering in the woods hunting down criminals.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I have faith in Aeriel and I will tell others about Aeriel and that they should have faith. I do this because Aeriel is the only light in a world surrounded by darkness , and Aeriel can and will save us.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will help not only by helping find Undead forts and kill or capture the Undead in them , I will also bring some money and resources to the FOA.

    Accepted. Pidgeon Maur fer more details ((and perms. his mc name is maur0821. ))

  5. Brief Character History:

    Character Name (I.C.): Dom

    Character name (O.C.) Domainoft

    Race: High Elf

    IC Age: ??

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I wish to join the FOA in a different respect, Please contact me in person for details. Either by bird or Mail.

    Goals in the FOA?: To create a useful alliance, and the end of Iblees.

    Good deeds you have done?: Converted two sons of Iblees, one as a wizard, one as a knight. Helped feed the fighters at the gates of Laurelin during undead attacks. Forged an alliance with the people of Alras against Iblees, Created a place of worship and study with over 300 books. Trained several new wizards that they might one day form the Council. Began the series of events that will free ages of our dark times, and rid us of several corrupt government officials.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: I have killed many people, it is always sad to do so but only done with the presence that Aegis will be better off for it.

    How did you hear of us?: Many years ago I found your base high in the lands of Aegis.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Please see the good deeds section, and know that they send assassins for me at my home.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Staff

    Are you a capable builder?: I am. A builder of wisdom.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: I don my golden armor, and sword. And on Occasion a bow.

    Any special skills?: Many

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I am a Templar of Aerial, as such have utmost faith in her.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I shall guide the FOA with wisdom and what I have learned over the years. If there comes a time for battle I am not shy there as well.


    High King Syrio of the grand city of Alras.

    Mayor of the city of El'ona (Hustonruss)

    Librarian of the Wardens (Ranovak)

    Seer Delesalva

    Denied, forgot biography, and specify on the 'Any special skills' part.

  6. Brief Character History: link was born in kal'Urguan with his family in 1295 and has grown up to be stronger than ever although he has never thourght of what he wanted to be or do when he grow up in addition he had one idea in his mind, that was defeating the undead and being a hero but one of Link's characteristics is ambition and thats were he gets his enthusiasm from, his father. Also Link was good with bows and went to archery school everyday until he turned 122 and by teachers perspective, he was one of the best in the class and he got him a place in the dwarven army but he denied and said "Its not my future to be in that army" but as times go on he looked at his photo of his father and then tears dropped from his eyes and then he said to himself "I'm going to be successful" And then as he goes home and he is now writing a letter to the FOA saying...

    Character Name (I.C.): CaliMkali

    Character name (O.C.) Link_Runevill

    Race: Mountain Dwarf

    IC Age: 122

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): FOA soldier because my character wants to be involved in more battles and his ambition is to protect and serve the followers of Ariel.

    Goals in the FOA?: To be a stronger man and protect the land of ageis, with success.

    Good deeds you have done?: I had done a lot of deeds including the time when I scouted for the Kal'Urguan head guard and brung back very important information also I have saved a few people from monsters at night even Iv travelled from Kal'Urguhed to the far north and search for the undead and kill them all one by one. (but oviasly failed)

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Nay not really

    How did you hear of us?: Well as I was walking in the streets of haven I seen a few FOA soldiers walkby and I gasped other and asked them about any recuitments and they said "Try and write a letter with your qualifactions son" and thats what exactly im doing now...

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: what did we do to them, for what they did to us so really I want to slay every single undead alive and make the Land Of Ageis the safest place for everyone to live in, escapacially children. If you remember the time the undead attacked snowy fields, it was madness, men and women crying.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Bow and sword (lvl 28 for sword)+(lvl 3 for Bow)

    Are you a capable builder?: I can build but im not the best, heres some pictures:

    Can you wield any other weapons?: I can wield an axe but Im (lvl 0) and I can wrestle (lvl 15)

    Any special skills?: Not of am aware of...

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: because they try to do everything they can to defend us all and i would be honoured to spread the word.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: i would help by following Ariel and recovering recources also i would help people with there Bow skills and i would be a pleasure to train anyone who needs to be.

    Your Faithully

    Signed Link Runevill

    PERMA-DENIED. Stop, or I'll contact a GM ( I know you said you would stop, but would you really? That is the question. ).

  7. Brief Character History:From a young age Ellser lived with both his mother and father on the outskirts of the city Oren which lay a couple hours away. His father is a hunter and his mother is a farmer. Life has been hard on them following years of work so they can gather enough money to return to the holy Princedom Malinor where they belong.

    One Evening it was getting dark and his father had not yet returned. Ellser's mother was getting worried so went out to look for him. Neither of his parents had returned at dawn so Ellser ran to Oren looking for help. On the way Ellser stumbled across some Bandits and was attacked and left on the verge of death. With all hope lost a small group of Elfs travelling back home from trading in Oren found Ellser lying injured by the side of the road. The elves helped him to the gates of Oren where they found Ellser's mother with tears in her eyes. His father had been attacked by the same bandits as Ellser the night before but did not survive the attack.

    As time went by the elves went home back to The Holy Princedom Of Malinor and Ellser and his mother returned to their home in the forest.

    Together they gradually got enough money to live in the city of Oren. Ellser got a better education and met new people but he has never forgotten how kind the elves were to him and his mother....all healed up Ellser gathered his stuff and began his journey through Aegis.

    Once on his way he began to hear of the followers of aeriel... He heard of there almighty deeds and made his ambition in life to become as kind hearted as them... to become a Follower Of Aeriel !

    Character Name (I.C.): Ellser Galleon

    Character name (O.C.) tigergamer

    Race: High elf

    IC Age: 357

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):preaching is in my blood.

    Goals in the FOA?:To protect innocent lives and bring peace in the realm of Aegis.

    Good deeds you have done?: The people of Aegis come first, i have helped protected Alk'hazar for the undead countless times, Led a group of men in to Crimson vale, brought justice there and returned it to good hands. Arrested undead minions and Defended people on there travels against monsters.(( mobs ))

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Nay i believe not so.

    How did you hear of us?: I fought along side the Ascended and gained knowledge from them about the FOA, and also in Alk'hazar city square.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Well i am as the undead have destroyed innocent peoples homes and killed their families leaving them no where to to go.And as my good friends where executed by the undead....

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My primary weapon is the bow as i am quite skilled with it. (( no level as the levels are not working.. ))

    Are you a capable builder?: Indeed, I am very, very skilled at building.

    Can you wield any other weapons?:If i was on the battle field with no bow my first choice would be my sword 'snow'.

    Any special skills?: I am training in the ways of magic and am a skilled at architecture as i said. Also i never give up!

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:Aye, i have faith in few people but i can tell that Aeriel will light the path for me as she has done to others.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:Serving the FOA would be an honour.I would build homes for those who have no where to go, I will grow crops to feed people that unable to buy food and starve to death, I will protect the land of Aegis from the bad souls in this realm and I will let nothing get in my way to help.

    Accepted. Report ta Maur fer more details. (( his MC name is maur0821 ))

  8. Brief Character History:By meeting an bandit one day on the roads whose purpose was my purse he draw the knife at my throat.As i told him i did not want any problems so i asked him why he made this decision to attack and steal from me. He told me that had been thrown out of his town for helping an old man that was chained by giving him something to eat.I told him that it was a deed of true compassion he made. "yes" he said and i saw that he began to soften up a bit. This man is no different than anyone else i said to myself. Even the meanest or the most evil do have compassion,there has just not been a way to show it. I asked him why he had to take this path and not another and he told me that why should he be kind when others is not? I simply told him that no matter where you go you will always meet someone,who had been having a bad day and treat you bad. He nodded and said "you are right" We talked a lot that night,And as the sun rose he told me that had to go,i told him to take with him the things i had told him and that he did not have to do this. I looked at him and said,take this book and these coins for you shall have a good use of it,Buy some bread and somewhere to sleep. And don't forget to read the book i yelled as he became smaller and smaller until i could not see him. I met the man a few years later and i did not even recognize him,with fine clothing and with no knife this time. He had a gotten a job in a library he said,he had a house,a wonderful wife and kids,and all thanks to me he. For i shall always remember that day for it had given me faith in life and all living beings. For that day was a blessing like no other.

    Character Name (I.C.):Scholar_Duvain

    Character name (O.C.)Javelberg


    IC Age:))97

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):A preacher

    Goals in the FOA?:To spread the word of Aeriel and bring peace to the realm

    Good deeds you have done?:Donated money to those in need,spread the word of Aeriel,Talking bandits out of doing bad deeds,put others before me.

    Have you done any bad deeds?:I have stolen a book but no more.

    How did you hear of us?:From an close friend.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:For not loving all life and having the goal to destroy everything with beating heart.And for making others do evil deeds.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):I use none as i am a man of word and wisdom nor the edge of a sword.

    Are you a capable builder?:i would say...no but i can build some things

    Can you wield any other weapons?:A quill

    Any special skills?:Talking and preaching

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:Yes as i am to devote all that i have to serve.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: By spreading the word i shall prevent others to choose the dark and learn them to live a life with love, hope and faith.


  9. Brief Character History: link was born in kal'Urguan with his family in 1295 and has grown up to be stronger than ever although he has never thourght of what he wanted to be or do when he grow up in addition he had one idea in his mind, that was defeating the undead and being a hero but one of Link's characteristics are ambition and thats were he gets his enthusiasm from, his father. Also Link was good with bows and went to archery school everyday until he turned 122 and by teachers prespective, I was one of the best in the class and he got me a place in the dwarven army but i denied and said "Its not my future to be in that army" and then as he goes home and rests for the night meanwhile he started thinking about the past, and what eactly happended to him because Link doesnt know anything about his father when he gone missing and thats Links goal, to find his father, he has an idea of were his father might be, the nether... And now is now writing a letter to the FOA saying... ((Sam here, might wanna fix it up a bit. ))

    Character Name (I.C.): MinecraftGamer44

    Character name (O.C.) Link_Runevill

    Race: Mountain Dwarf

    IC Age: 122

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): FOA soldier because my character wants to be involved in more battles and his ambition is to protect and serve the followers of Ariel.

    Goals in the FOA?: To be a stronger man and protect the land of ageis, with success. And find his father...

    Good deeds you have done?: I had done a lot of deeds including the time when I scouted for the Kal'Urguan head guard and brung back very important information also I have saved a few people from monsters at night even Iv travelled from Kal'Urguhed to the far north and search for the undead and kill them all one by one. (but oviasly failed)

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Nay not really

    How did you hear of us?: Well as I was walking in the streets of haven I seen a few FOA soldiers walkby and I gasped other and asked them about any recuitments and they said "Try and write a letter with your qualifactions son" and thats what exactly im doing now...

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: what did we do to them, for what they did to us so really I want to slay every single undead alive and make the Land Of Ageis the safest place for everyone to live in, escapacially children. If you remember the time the undead attacked snowy fields, it was madness, men and women crying.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Bow and sword (lvl 28 for sword)+(lvl 3 for Bow)

    Are you a capable builder?: I can build but im not the best, heres some pictures:


    Can you wield any other weapons?: I can wield an axe but Im (lvl 0) and i can wrestle (lvl 15)

    Any special skills?: Not of am aware of...

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: because they try to do everything they can to defend us all and i would be honoured to spread the word.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: i would help by following Ariel and recovering recources also i would help people with there Bow skills and i would be a pleasure to train anyone who needs to be.

    Your Faithully

    Signed Link Runevill

    Once again, denied. Please change/fix the bolded area's. Also, fix your grammer a bit as well as your bio :), and re-read your app before you submit.

  10. Aye, I will not rise th' price. Don't worry, I'm just lookin' fer more income in cash. I'll sell ye 5 stacks o' logs. Would ye like dat in logs or wooden planks? It doesn't matter to me. Also where do ye want to buy these? I am usually found in Kal'Urguan (( I usually get online at 3PM Eastern or what not ))


    (( earliest I can get on is friday, but I still want them! I'll come to you, and /tell me when Im online. MC name: awesumninja123

  11. Brief Character History: link was born in kal'Urguan with his family in 1295 and has grown up to be stronger than ever although he has never thourght of what he wanted to be or do when he grow up in addition he had one idea in his mind, that was defeating the undead and being a hero but one of Link's characteristics are ambition and thats were he gets his enthusiasm from, his father. Also Link was good with bows and went to archery school everyday until he turned 122 and by teachers prespective, I was one of the best in the class and he got me a place in the dwarven army but i denied and said "Its not my future to be in that army" and then as he goes home he is now writing a letter to the FOA saying...

    Character Name (I.C.): MinecraftGamer44

    Character name (O.C.) Link_Runevill

    Race: Mountain Dwarf

    IC Age: 122

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): FOA soldier because my character wants to be involved in more battles and his ambition is to protect and serve the followers of Ariel.

    Goals in the FOA?: To be a stronger man and protect the land of ageis, with success.

    Good deeds you have done?: I had done a lot of deeds including the time when I scouted for the Kal'Urguan head guard and brung back very important information also I have saved a few people from monsters at night even Iv travelled from Kal'Urguhed to the far north and search for the undead and kill them all one by one. (but oviasly failed)

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Nay not really

    How did you hear of us?: Well as I was walking in the streets of haven I seen a few FOA soldiers walkby and I gasped other and asked them about any recuitments and they said "Try and write a letter with your qualifactions son" and thats what exactly im doing now...

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: what did we do to them, for what they did to us so really I want to slay every single undead alive and make the Land Of Ageis the safest place for everyone to live in, escapacially children. If you remember the time the undead attacked snowy fields, it was madness, men and women crying.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Bow and sword (lvl 28 for sword)+(lvl 3 for Bow)

    Are you a capable builder?: I can build but im not the best, heres some pictures:


    Can you wield any other weapons?: I can wield an axe but Im (lvl 0) and i can wrestle (lvl 15)

    Any special skills?: Not of am aware of...

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: because they try to do everything they can to defend us all and i would be honoured to spread the word.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: i would help by following Ariel and recovering recources also i would help people with there Bow skills and i would be a pleasure to train anyone who needs to be.

    Your Faithully

    Signed Link Runevill

    I 'ave 'eard that ye are in the black hand. Explain yerself.

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