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Posts posted by Zarsies

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lord_of_losers said:

    what happens to existing crocs that do not want the incurable trait if this passes

    do they get to drop it or do they suck it? or do st decide that?


    Usual protocol is to allow people to drop it if they want so I expect (and hope) that to be the case. Corc certainly, silit I doubt. Same ol same ol for those already cured.

  2. To note, the reason we've done this is because we're pleased with silit lore but see things missing; how the mentality is roleplayed such as players being more human than monster, how there's no elder vampire monster aesthetic (e.g. wings), how the strong vampire trope isn't fulfilled (notably balanced by being noncombative), the weakness to sunlight being gentle, and so on. With this addition we mean to adjust vampire traits to hit the marks we want without laying on something that adds to their features too much or makes them too strong. As I said on the previous thread by Fooldude, I very much like how siliti are roughly mid. I'd call it competent but not competitive compared to other CAs and mindful changes like these satisfy my anxiety around powercreep. I hope this addition pleases the communities and gives them something they look forward to playing with!  

  3. Late to the party, apologies. Enjoying Finland ;^) . I dig and appreciate the enthusiasm but have nothing to add to the existing comments, this isn't a necessary or good edit and contradicts the spirit of the writing. I want siliti to remain mid roughly speaking and death timers aren't the place to explore tweaking them for the better.


    A dead silit has to rely on people reaching out through the rite of reflection to find out they're dead and then wrangle their court for revival. The many reasons either of those steps may not happen are reason enough for them to wait out the timer. Alt characters are good for gut health! 

  4. This character knows the following blood magic rites and bloodbending:

    Ensorcell material (BemoBlue)

    Ensorcell flesh (BemoBlue)

    Hail (BemoBlue)

    Call Calamity (BemoBlue)

    Gilding (BemoBlue)

    Quiet (BemoBlue)

    Spiritspell (BemoBlue)

    Engorge (BemoBlue)

    Seal (BemoBlue)

    Augmentation (BemoBlue)

    Hemorrhaging (BemoBlue)

    Scabbing (BemoBlue)

    Siphoning (BemoBlue)

    Tearing (BemoBlue)


    This character knows the following silit rites:

    Rite of Reflection (BemoBlue)

    Rite of Revival (BemoBlue)

  5. A thorny mantle crests through a pit of gore, the mangled remains of jungle fauna and split men sizzling from the passage of a blood-red inferno worn like a cape. Draz-Kulzattar hunches before his furnace-altar and there sheds all doubt, all fear, and feeds it to the flame. Ambition and glory engorge his titanic body. Viscera spills between his fangs as he drools in anticipation for battle and its traumas.


    "Dok unmatar-vuht huk ruth viizr."






    This is a prophetic vision accessible to seers, naztherak, farseer shamans, vivification clairvoyants, and mystics with hexing per Prophecy lore.


    In a feverish flurry comes warped sights to the third eye and a chant of shrill and thin voices which squeal in a hellish tongue, wracking the mind. Cutting through is the receiver’s own voice uttering an ill portent.


    Red licking up and weeping down. Howls.
    Dok unmatar-vuht huk ruth viizr. Khaenor. Rhanor.
    “What won’t bleed will burn. Wallow. Writhe.”


    A basalt altar, a pit of blood, a shrieking swarm.
    Zkrut aka zatar za’Draz-Kulzettar kittaz‘zak
    “Drink or submit to the Biting Bat’s tithe.”


    Hills and jungle canopies drenched in gore.
    Ra’Iiztri daz’thanzar, hanuvna tidak rokka.
    “The West wilts, awash with flames.”


    The daunting shape of a horned and eyeless evil.
    Hrar ukarka dondir. Huk kuul ikzlat daz’duhr.
    “Four wings wide. Blood and shadow reigns.”


    A grand black brazier lit with teal fire.
    Ra’Zevir Thoruuz, ketz kuul narthuz.
    “The Demon Chalice, boon and bane.”


    Elves, orcs, and men fall upon one another, many corrupted with fangs and feral while others sling red hellfire flanking demonic warriors.
    Daldel donothka aka kurav ta’nak tazug.
    “Marshal men or join his domain.”


    Scarlet consumes all sight. Screams rattle and fade. The blood of battle drowns you. You jolt back to lucidity briefly choking.

  7. This character knows the following blood magic rites and bloodbending:

    Ensorcell material (BemoBlue)

    Ensorcell flesh (BemoBlue)

    Gilding (BemoBlue)

    Engorge (BemoBlue)

    Seal (BemoBlue)

    Augmentation (BemoBlue)

    Scabbing (BemoBlue)

    Siphoning (BemoBlue)

    Hemorrhaging (BemoBlue)

    Call Calamity (BemoBlue)

    Hail (BemoBlue)

    Quiet (BemoBlue)

    Spiritspell (BemoBlue)

    Invoke ignorance (BemoBlue)
    Rune of Insight (BemoBlue)


    This character knows the following silit rites:

    Rite of reflection (BemoBlue) 

  8.  This character knows the following blood magic rites and bloodbending:

    Ensorcell material (BemoBlue)

    Ensorcell flesh (BemoBlue)

    Hail (Zarsies)

    Quiet (Zarsies)

    Seal (BemoBlue)

    Augmentation (Zarsies)

    Hemorrhaging (Zarsies)

    Scabbing (Zarsies)

    Siphoning (BemoBlue)


    Call Calamity



    Embark (Moon_Is_Innocent)

    Spiritspell (Moon_Is_Innocent)

    Invet (Moon_Is_Innocent)


    This character has learned the following Infernal Blood Rites:
    Rite of Corruption

    Rite of Damnation

    Rite of Devotion

    Rite of Whispers



    This character has learned the following silit rites:

    Rite of Reflections (Self-taught)


    This character has taken their second slot.

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