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Lore Master
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Posts posted by Zarsies

  1. One particularly ancient, disembodied bastard ensnared in the occult trappings of a devilish man weeps into the mind of his host as the parcel is read simultaneously in their minds. He wails from the moon, "Gal - a - har! Alstion! Sol - ace, Sal - vus! Woe, woe, ill-begotten, roil in the pit! B A R R O W!"

  2. 2 hours ago, WonkManBad said:

    Sorry, the lore says I can't divulge in details of the who's and am's





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    All your characters are PKed. What's the next character you craft?


    What crowd/community have you always wanted to break into but have yet to?

  3. Real talk, may you and whoever whoever else consider changing gleaming to some degree as to allow a modicum of public casting viability where mystics aren't instantly revealed as a spook? I.E. allow some spells to have a specter's white stylings so a mystic blade could pose as a Canonist hexer and use spiriting / expulsion / whatever or a conjurer can use handling and come across as a holy exorcist rather than a blue necromancer. Imo part of mysticism's problem is that it's overtly flashy (because gleaming can be so scary at later tiers and is obviously dark) and doesn't have a middle ground to let it blend into semi-normalized use depending on cultures (like a delf ancestral priest or a Canonist paladin). That doesn't have to be only the white vibe of specters but it comes to mind.

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