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Posts posted by Nononymous

  1. -A poorly written waver is posted in almost every major city of every race, except the Kharajyr. The note is covered in an odd blue colored ink, the edges of the note oddly turned red. How, you are unsure. As you read the note you see that it was written fairly recent.-


    I, Redbain Adelban of House Flay, am purchasing Diamonds and, depending on price, gold ingots! Just insert your price and I will decide whether it is reasonable or not. I will get back to you as soon as I can! I look forward to the first offer as I have 5,100 minas to spend!

    -Ser Redbain Adelban

    ((You have my OOC promise that this is not a scam and I will actually be paying for these items.))

  2. *Growls noticeably, feeling his Father's goals and dreams betrayed. He mutters to himself, careful to make sure no one over hears*

    This is not right... My father dies and they sign a treaty disregarding all his past actions... They shall pay.... And if they so much as touch my promised lands...

    *Growls considerably louder, walking from the scene with a snarl stuck upon his face.*

  3. ((Maybe you should toss one to your old friend Faceless! He would know what to do with it! (I NEED FOR MY UPCOMING CHARACTER! PLEASE GIVE ME A SPECIAL COPY AND I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!) Any-who, hope to see more of this! Happy writing!))

  4. *A man swings back his forth, his feet hovering above the ground, his neck twisted in a 55 degree angle, and his entire face contorted in pain, his teeth snarling but his throat making no sound. He has the face of a knight by the name of Redbain Adelban, beloved in the city of Ascella, leader of the recently disbanded Merry Men. Birds are chirping outside of Ascella, Redbain's home, unaware of the recent atrocity. The trapdoor to his basement creaks open, releasing a horrid stench of two days decay and a cold, harsh air. ((Character to be decided, look at the poll above)) walks in, examining the corpse as he does so. Speaking to himself at the sight....*

    ((This section will be written once the votes are in. The new character will be decided in a week's time and will not be released until I return to LoTC. Please vote so I can tell what people would rather see in LoTC character wise. The votes are here only to help me get an opinion, just because something gets the most votes doesn't mean I will RP it for sure, but it does increase the likely hood. See you in LoTC!))

  5. *John Locke tosses a crumbled piece of paper onto the floor outside of the Gazebo. Oddly enough, the paper was meant to be read by a man by the name of Botar. You pick it up and read it, skimming the roughly scrawled writings.*

    Dear Reader,

    If you are not Botar, please deliver it to him...

    Dear Botar,

    I heard of Medical Training! I was hoping to learn your ways as I am attempting to further progress my knowledge of not only the cultures of the world, but the physicalities and sciences that accompany it. In hopes of someday creating a college for the studies of such wonderful subjects, I would request becoming your student for the time being, at least till I feel I have a basic grasp upon the medical trade. I'd appreciate a hasty response, but I am willing to wait till the time best suits you. I hope to see you soon.

    You Future Pupil,

    -John Locke

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