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Posts posted by Nononymous

  1. Kelasto is a town in the nation of Salvus, its leader is prince talion and they are quite active. I am busy with work but would be happy to set up some sort of rp meeting with you. If you go through with this claim you would be at war with Salvus and its allies.

    ((Erm, no. Kelasto hasn't been active at all. I've been watching that town like a hawk for two weeks now with no movement. A week before I started watching it I contacted Shift and he said that none of its residents had logged on for a week.))

  2. *Redbain frowns when he reads the note. Then he smiles. Then he frowns. This pattern conitinues for ten minutes until he decides to pick an emotion*

    "I can't wait till the wedding, but what could I possibly get a king that he doesn't already have..."

    *Redbain grins, a plan emerging in his head.*

    "This otta' be good!"

  3. *Redbain begins reading the note, his eyes quickly enlargening with each word.

    "Lykos is alive!? I thought he was long dead! He should join House Flay!"

    *Redbain scribbles down on a note pinned to it details for joining House Flay for Lykos, hoping his friend will join him.*

    ((You need a VA to join, so hopefully yours will be accepted soon.))

  4. ((Yeah, even if you all have full diamond or something I am a good tactician and almost killed the whole of House Flay but someone nicked the netherrack from Ascella's death pit so they fell into a ditch))

    ((Shameless lying... Really Demivar? No one has come close to killing the entirety of House Flay, we are basically a third of Renatus's military strength. You never even got close to killing us, we could wipe out your entire guild with just three of us.))

  5. *A bright red sparrow and a majestic black hawk roam around the nations, dropping hundreds of white invitations on the ground and in the hands of people that Redbain and Alexis wanted more than anything to come. Invitation after invitation is dropped, soon the whole world knows.*

    You are cordially invited to the holy matrimony of the two young lovers, Redbain Adelban and Alexis Erimda! All are welcome to attend this festivity! There will be plentiful amounts of food and especially cake! No ale will be provided as the couple is trying to avoid any possible chaos. The first two aisles of the church will be reserved for the following people.



    -Count August Flay

    -Count Braxus Silverblade

    -Ella Dragonblade

    -Conrad Adolphous

    -King Godfrey of Renatus


    -Shas O'Kais

    -Gawyn Flay





    -Susiana Mauviette



    -Delthor Alzorth


    -VorKalan Kelzyr

    For any who knows a priest, please contact him and ask him to send word to either Redbain ((Jtheo2016)) or Alexis ((theSUPAHstar)) of whether or not he can perform the ceremony. Also, the couple is in need of a tailor to create some wedding ware ((we need wedding skins from someone)). A set time will be added to future invitations, so stay on the look out ((not decided on the day/time)). Also, we hope we will be granted permission to hold the wedding in the Salvus church. We hope you are looking forward to the event as much as we are!

    -Redbain and Alexis

    *As the birds fly away, you notice how they are always together. You smile at the site, realzing this is just another representation of the bond between the two lovers.*

    ((Subject to editing, posted hastily))

  6. *Redbain yells outloud, so loud for everyone to here.*

    "Going once! Going twice! Thrice, sold to the man who offered 18,000! I should like to ask that the fellow that offered 17,000 keep in touch just incase the other man cannot pay the price. I will give him a minute ((One IRL day)) to tell me whether or not he is still interested and then the man who offered 17,000 will get the armor!"

    *Redbain walks off to talk to the man who offered 18,000.*

  7. ((This is clever and creative, for that you get a plus one from me. Perhaps a cooking school opened in one of the nations would be cool too? Perhaps serve as a guidhouse too? Regardless, I love the originality of this idea. Unfortunately, I cannot cook for my life so I myself won't be joining. However, I wish you luck and look forward to this thread being expanded upon!))

  8. *Redbain's face contorts into a large, ugly smile upon hearing the two offers. He suddenly remembers a slight detail he left out when announcing the bidding process to the crowd.*

    "I almost forgot! The bidding shall oficially end in two elven days, so don't forget to keep checking your bids! And for the two of you that have already bid, realize you both have bid for a different set, meaning there are two. So if one of you is going for both sets, than I suggest saying so aloud."

    *Redbain grins, feeling that he explained himself well. He continues answering questions from his pedestal as the bidding continues.*

    ((Everyone, please say specifically whether or not you are going for one set or two, it makes my life just that much easier. Thanks, and happy bidding!))

  9. *A small crowd of tough looking men has gathered around a single pedestal in the Cloud Temple. A man with bright blonde hair, a young and handsome looking face ruined by a scar, and bright blue diamond armor on stands on said pedestal. The pedestal is covered in black and red colors, with the emblem of House Flay covering the entire first side. He is shouting words that are quickly overtaken by the loud common talk of the men around him. Eventually, you hear a single shout over all the voices, a single piercingly loud word.*

    "Silence!" yells the random man hiddin within the crowd.

    The blonde man replies to this sudden outburst with, "Thank you. Now if that is all, let's get this started."

    *The man opens his mouth to continue when he notices you just outside the main mass of the crowd.*

    "Well don't be shy, come on!"

    *After saying this, he waves for you to join them. You nervously enter the crowd, glancing at everyone around you as if they may eat you. Some of them might.*

    "Now, without further disruptions, my name is Ser Redbain Adelban. You all have probably read the posters and flyers I spread about not hours ago about an auction of diamond armor!" The man now identified as Redbain clears his throat and continues. "So, before I talk myself into a rut, the auction! The starting bid is 10,000 minas! The two highest bids will be given the armor unless the highest bidder requests BOTH sets of armor. Note that there are only two sets available at this time. So, do I have a bidder?"

    *You open your mouth to shout your bid.*

    ((This is a Trade Forum post so please RP everything you do with emotes and words. I would like to see this turn into much more than a trade post but rather some forum RP. These two diamonds sets ARE for sale, this is not just a simple RP section. Please respect this thread and do note that I AM selling this armor, this is not a scam.))

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