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Posts posted by Nononymous

  1. ((Y u troll? There are no one there.

    Glenwood is pretty active though. You should check it out. Just follow the blue human road. When you reach a mossy pillar that splits the road in 2 paths, turn right. Just head down there, and you'll see a sign. ((On phone))))[/i

    *Thinks about visiting*

    *Remembers attempted assasination*

    *Thinks of more places to visit*

  2. ((Here's ya damn 2 questions you wanted Redbain! Even though you said, have the code have the code! The code doesn't work and makes everything look very bad. I'd you show if you need to, everything goes black and some things are multiple colours))

    1.A small halfling girl stands alone in the forest,nibbling on some bread. The trees overhead barely manage to cover your body, creating the illusion that you are part of the surrounding foliage. You can hear the shouting of men from where you hide, and while looking back to see if you can make out their location, you notice an iron axe leaning up against a tree and a workbench next to it. How do you react?

    Delthor looks up to the trees covering himself, cloaking himself in the darkness, Delthor walks in between the trees keeping his eyes risen upon the girl, the girl Delthor names Candy nibbles on the bread. Candy sits in a circle of light green grass where the light from above shines bright down upon her. Delthor crouches behind a bush as he heres men coming. Delthor mumbles to the girl, "Stay down and shut up." Candy looks at Delthor with fright and stares at him frozen. Delthor goes down under the bushes and hides, awaiting the people to come.

    The people come into the forest rushing, slicing everything down like a chainsaw running into the open air by the girl, Delthor spots them, looks at them briefly, observing their choice of weapon and tags them all as bandits, there are 3 people. Delthor mutters very quite tune to himself. He eyes the bandits as they begin to abuse the girl. The girl struggles to hold the bread as the bandits grab her and force it off of her, the girl moans out crying. Delthor jumps out of the bushes gripping his axe.

    The bandits turn around glare at Delthor as if they've done nothing atoll, Delthor stands in front of them inspecting them, then letting out a silent grunt, Delthor then rises his head to look at the bandits, the bandits still stand their like a zombie with a sword in its head. Delthor shouts at them."You bandits got no dignity round 'ere! Assaulting a mere child, you men 'aw *******!", the bandits grip there swords slowly, Delthor grips two hatchets, the bandits all lunge at Delthor, 3 of them holding golden swords, Delthor ducks under the first bandit attack and sweeps down with his leg, kicking the bandit on his arse, without giving the bandit time to react he jumps over to him moving away from the other two attacking bandits and drops an axe blow straight into the bandits chest, as Delthor goes to assault the next men oposing him he pulls the axe up pulling the bandit into the air for a second, the bandits body falls off dead, Delthor pulls out all the man's guts and organs as he pulls it out to lunge at the next bandit.

    (Bandits will be named bandit 1 and 2 now.)

    Bandit 1 swings his sword at Delthor, Delthor drops low and hits the man's golden sword, then both men going high and hitting eachother again, Delthor slides his axe to the right and flips the sword out of his hand, then tackling bandit 1. Bandit 2 begins to show his fear and backs off into the corner of a tree, falling into the bushes, Delthor grabs the unarmed bandit he tackled and quickly pulls his neck to the right and cracks his neck killing him. Delthor turns around to see the other bandit gone as well as the girl...

    2. Two Wolverines stand by the road, speaking of the oncoming battle. They seem to be worrying mightily when you hear them mention something about secret plans. Another Wolverine is walking behind them, their back turned to the two. A fellow bannerman of House Adelban is hiding with you in a cave, watching the scene unfold. The light in the cave is fairly dark, and you cannot see well behind you. What do you do?

    (Bannerman will be named Dave)

    Delthor and Dave look at each other, both light weight, wearing a form of leather armour Delthor created himself, he does this by stripping the fibres down to the last strands, this is the hardest and most durable thread. He infuses this with cow leather. Dave and Delthor are only carrying small one handed iron axes, a bow with a quiver of 10 arrows each. Delthor and Dave watch as the two Wolverines reveal out juicy information about the upcoming battle. Delthor watches the Wolverines, one pulls out some sort of map, a document, a piece of possible capture able intelligence.

    After a good 10 minutes, Delthor pulls out his bow as Dave does so too, as they do this Dave knocks a rock off the ledge they're hiding in, it bounces down and rattles as it hits the cold wet cave floor. The two wolverines both yet out a sound. "Huh?". Delthor and Dave pull an arrow out into the bow and shoot straight at the Wolverines, Delthor's arrow plunging deep into the left ones heart killing him. Dave's arrow misses and hits the cave and breaks. The Wolverine touches the floor and grabs the document and begins running. Delthor and Dave shout. "****!" They begin running after the man with their axes out.

    The Wolverine running as he begins to shout, "Hel-!" Delthor's axe flies through the air as he throws it at the Wolverine, killing him instantly. They leave the bodies down and leave evidence to prove House of Adelbain guilty. Delthor and Dave escape the area uncaught, they go down the river nearby.


    Welcome aboard the Red Raiders Delthor! We shall meet soon and I shall hand you your uniform. I look forward to your arrival!

  3. ((Gonna be remaking the ENTIRE post! Last night I had some pretty good ideas that I plan on implementing. No longer will we be a solely Villainous house, I have something much better planned out.))

    ((Also, Bannana, if you can edit your app and send it to me over the forums I would gladly look it over. I really do want you in this guild, but if you wish to join you have to show at least some effort and dedication.))

  4. Application to Join:

    OOC Section:

    1. MC Name :BannanaToYou

    2. Are the prerequisites to join met? Most certainly my good sir.

    1. Must have a VA for 1 and 2a I’ve got 1,2ab and 3 of the moment sir!

    2. Must have a level of 60 or more in any kind of weaponry I’ve got 100 Axe Mastery, 100 Lumber Jack and 77 Blacksmithing.

    3. No ties to Hanseti No sir, I wouldn’t lie, oh jolly no!

    4. Must have spent a month or more on the server before applying, I’ve spent a fair amount of time here on this rather spectacular server!

    5. Must show good RP when tested after application is accepted I’m ready for it

    3. Link to your VA: Here ye go sir! http://goo.gl/yfeHY (Copy/Paste into URL)

    4. How long have you been on this server? 9 Months and 12 days.

    5. Must show good RP when tested after application is accepted I’m ready for it!

    5. Previous Occupations? My occupations before this application are just to have fun RPing on the server. It’s a hard question for me but I can show you In game! Somehow.

    6. Skills (What are your skill levels?): Axe Mastery: 100 Lumber jacking: 100 Blacksmithing:Soon to be 100, it’s 77 as of this second!

    7. What is your time zone? GMT + 1 Britain for the win.

    8. Do you haveTS? Skype? Ifso, what is your username? I’ve got Teamspeak, I’ve got Skype, and here ye go.“huggablefudgems”.

    RP Section:

    1. RP Name:Delthor Alzorth/Delthor Ulfgar

    2. Short Biography: Delthor was a young boy who was raised as an Alzorth long ago whenhe was born. Recently he’s found out his true ethnicity of Subudai Viking. Besides that, Delthor stands 6 Foot 5. He carries 2 weapons on himself to kick off other bandits and useless Skravians. His two-handed diamond great axe, and his gold 1 handed flail.

    3. Experience: Various Oren battles in Aegis, killing people in Aegis, beating the useless crap out of Skravians, just destroying everyone killing everyone I can. I’ve killed a lot of people, I keep a book of who I’ve killed but I’d keep it for myself. ((Been DB, WP, SA, KOTF, Skravian Guard, as they were fooled enough. And many more.))

    4. Previous noblehouses served (if any): You could say I served Flay I guess. Meh.

    Answer at least one of the two questions in at least a paragraph. Please try to show as much originality as possible. These questions are heavily weighted and could be the final factor when it comes to the acceptance of your application.

    1. A small Halfling girl stands alone in the forest, nibbling on some bread. The trees overhead barely manage to cover your body, creating the illusion that you are part of the surrounding foliage. You can hear the shouting of men from where you hide, and while looking back to see if you can make out their location, you notice an iron axe leaning up against a tree and a workbench next to it. How do you react?

    *Delthor enters the forest with no food nor weapons. * Delthor would run over to the axe quickly, and grab it, he’d then grab the girl and hold her hostage if the men running after him were hostile, Delthor would also steal her bread, Delthor thinks that himself surviving is more vital than a small girl.

    2. Two Wolverines stand by the road, speaking of the oncoming battle. They seem to be worrying mightily when you hear them mention something about "secret plans." Another Wolverine is walking behind them, their back turned to the two. A fellow bannerman of House Adelbanis hiding with you in a cave, watching the scene unfold. The light in the caveis fairly dark, and you cannot see well behind you. What do you do?

    My friend and I’d silently pull out our axes, andchose action over surrendering. Delthor and the bannerman would jump out at the Wolverines trying to Un-arm them, seeking these “secret plans”. If no knowledge was found and the Wolverines were not allied with Renatus and the noble houses, Delthor would order his friend and himself to slit their throats and take over the loot.

    ((Sorry about some words stuck to other words, it seemed Word didn't like flying over to here. I'd also like to state that this isn't Lore writing, just quick typed up stuff to join.))


    I'd appreciate some more work on the questions and the proper format with the coloring. The questions needed a bit more detail. Repost or edit the current application and I will reconsider it.

  5. House Adelban of Renatus


    "Life is a priviledge easily taken back..."

    The Beginnings of House Adelban:

    The Adelban House began with a dream, a dream not created in Asulon. This dream began as a seed and was planted deep in the lands of Aegis, where it continued to grow despite the change of ownership. This seed sprouted the day that two long time friends, Redbain and Will shared the idea of a house, a house of power and wealth, a house to be feared by its enemies and blessed by its allies. They called it, House Adelban. Redbain took up the name in a heartbeat, but his associate, Will, went missing several weeks later. Despite his saddened heart at losing a good friend, Redbain pressed on with his and Will's dream, carrying its burden all the way to Asulon.

    Having served as a Phoenix Guard in Galahar, Redbain was a patriotic member of Renatus. Many of his friends and allies lived within the sanctions of the beautiful nation, some of his better friends being Silverblades. A long time friend, August Flay, who was formerly known as "Prince" to Redbain, recruited him as a household knight. Despite his loyalty to his friend and ally, Redbain was slowly drifting from the path of violence and murder. It was during this time that Redbain fell in love with a woman by the name of Alexis Erimda. Further encouraged to gain power, Redbain spent countless hours collecting a horde of wealth to present to the king in return for a noble house. Alexis and Redbain got married and had a child, Alikia Adelban, thus starting the chain of events that led to Redbain's possesion of a barony. Once married and with a child, Redbain's best friend, Rusen Ubel, disappeared, just as Will had. It was a dark time for Redbain as he had to watch his daughter grow up in a cold, unforgiving mountain amongst violent thugs who, despite himself, Redbain thought of as friends, whilst he dealt with the loss of his friends. Redbain recognized that his new friends were a poor influence on his daughter, forcing him to show his hand.

    Redbain and his new bannerman approached the king, asking for an audience. Nodding his head and granting him his wish. Noticing his friend, Braxis, standing by the water fountain, Redbain gestures for him to follow as had been planned. After a few hours of discussion, Redbain was granted a large barony and would serve House Flay as a bannerhouse and a squire, a Dark Elf by the name of Rhazev. Pleased, Redbain and Rhazev retired to his new estate where he began construction of what he called, "Fort Rin." After countless days of working, Redbain was approached by a seventeen year old boy who eagerly wanted to help. His name; Angelos. He and Redbain now continue to work tirelessly to bring Fort Rin and its occupants to power.

    Pay for Bannerman

    Loot from Battle

    Bed and Chest in Fort Rin


    100 minas per elven week (to active bannermen)

    Bonuses for jobs well done, raging from 100-300 minas

    A set of iron armor after two elven weeks of loyal service

    Pay for the Red Raiders

    Loot from Raids

    Loot from Battle

    Bed and double Chest in Fort Rin


    200 minas per elven week (to active Raiders)

    Bonuses for jobs well done, ranging from 200-500 minas

    A set of iron armor after two elven weeks of loyal service

    Pecking Order of House Adelban






    The Red Raiders


    Alikia and Faren


    House Hold Knights (Rhazev)


    Torture Masters (Jynx and his Associates)



    Current Lord(s) of Adelban:

    Baron James Adel(ban) (Jtheo2016)

    No Baroness (None)

    List of Red Raiders:

    Red Raider Cailean(Pheonixpro1)

    Red Raider Rocco(Chuckaboo)

    Red Raider Grogtar(Amanlu)

    Red Raider Jaren Voul(Hobolympic)

    List of Bannerman:

    Captain Lance(Voidsoldier)

    Bannerman Hector Drake(DeathMoofin)

    Recruit Piper(Numirya)

    Recruit Epilon_Del_Sual (ePilon1)

    Recruit Bernard (ShadowGunX)

    Bannerman Ben_Linus (BenLinus)

    Lieutenant Wolf Graymane(WizardInABox)

    Adelban Doctor Alex Graymane(WizardInACan)

    Recruit Rinn Swiftblade(NorAlvarin)

    Recruit Rin Ashfield(callumrh)

    Recruit Vashod(Speedillion)

    Recruit Ranro(Greeno31)

    Household Knights:

    Knight Rhazev (SnazzyEnglishman)

    Torture Masters:

    The Perfectionist (Geoboy66)

    The Difference Between Red Raiders and Bannermen:

    Red Raiders are the elite force of the Adelban house. They are considered officers of House Adelban. These individuals MUST have VA's and will be given select jobs and significant higher pay than bannermen. A job system has been organized for Red Raiders. These jobs will be assigned by James Adel, and usually involve something personal:

    1. Kidnapping: Two or more Raiders will be dispatched to go kidnap a person of their liking and ransom them. The kidnapped individuals will be brought to Baron Redbain who will set up a trade forum auction for them. Depending on the importance of the individual kidnapped, the beginning bid will vary.

    2. Assasinations: A select amount of Raiders will find a target and kill them upon orders of James or Angelos. People outside of the guild may pay James and the Red Raiders to assasinate a certain person. Of all the jobs, this job will be the least handed out.

    3. Raids: 3-4 Red Raiders will be led by James on a small scale raid of a smaller location and less armed. No places inside Renatus will be attacked upon orders or Redbain.

    In addition to these jobs, every once and a while Bannermen and Red Raiders will participate together in what is called a "Hostage City:"

    4. Hostage City: The entire force of House Adelban will march upon an enemy or neutral city and conquer it (will have a warclaim for each one). Then, the land will either be given to Renatus OR it will be sold back to the owner. Pay will be distributed amongst the soldiers appropriately.

    Progress of Fort Rin

    Main Entrance/Gatehouse: FINISHED

    Main Room/Great Hall: FINISHED

    Roof: FINISHED

    Blacksmith: FINISHED


    Stables: INCOMPLETE

    Housing for Occupants: FINISHED

    Stair Wells: INCOMPLETE

    Prison Cells: INCOMPLETE

    Torture Chambers: INCOMPLETE

    Main Storage: FINISHED

    Adelban Private Vault: INCOMPLETE

    Meeting Room: FINISHED

    Adelban Personal Chambers: FINISHED

    Building Materials Needed for Further Construction of Fort Rin:

    1. Birch Wood (White Logs)

    2. Pine Wood (Dark Logs)

    3. Stone

    Requirements to Join as one of the "Red Raiders:"

    1. You NEED a VA (At least 1 and 2a)

    2. Must have a level of 80 or more in any kind of weaponry

    3. No ties to Hanseti

    4. Must have spent at least two months on the server before applying

    5. Must show great RP skills when tested after application is accepted

    Requirements to Join as a Bannerman:

    1. You do NOT need a VA of any kind to join as a bannerman. Reccomended, but not needed!

    2. Must have a level of 60 or more in any kind of weaponry

    3. No ties to Hanseti

    4. Must have spent a month or more on the server before applying

    5. Must show good RP when tested after application is accepeted

    NOTE: If recruited in game, you do NOT need to create an application and you do not need to fill the requirements. You are accepted upon James's word. Also, if you wish to become a member of the family, fill out the Adelban Family Application.

    Adelban Family Application:

    [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]Application to Join as a Family Member:[/color][/size]
    [color="#008000"]OOC Section:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. MC Name?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"](Optional) 2. Link to your VA (Put none if you don't have one):[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]3. How long have you been on this server?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]4. Previous Characters?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]5. Skills (What are your skill levels?):[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]6. What is your time zone?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]7. Do you have TS? Skype? If so, what is your username?:[/color]
    [color="#008000"]RP Section:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. ((RP)) Name:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]2. Short Biography of New Character: [/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"] (Optional) 3. Past (notable) RP Experiences:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]4. Previous noble houses served (if any):[/color]
    [color="#008000"]Answer at least one of the two questions in at least a paragraph. Please try to show as much originality as possible. These questions are heavily weighted and could be the final factor when it comes to the acceptance of your application.[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. A small halfling girl stands alone in the forest, nibbling on some bread. The trees overhead barely manage to cover your body, creating the illusion that you are part of the surrounding foliage. You can hear the shouting of men from where you hide, and while looking back to see if you can make out their location, you notice an iron axe leaning up against a tree and a workbench next to it. How do you react?[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]2. Two Wolverines stand by the road, speaking of the oncoming battle. They seem to be worrying mightily when you hear them mention something about "secret plans." Another Wolverine is walking behind them, their back turned to the two. A fellow bannerman of House Adelban is hiding with you in a cave, watching the scene unfold. The light in the cave is fairly dark, and you cannot see well behind you. What do you do?[/color]
    Adelban Bannerman Application:
    [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]Application to Join as a Bannerman:[/color][/size]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. MC Name?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]2. RP Name:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]3. Skills:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]4. Time on Server:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]5. Previous Occupations:[/color]
    Adelban Red Raider Application:
    [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]Application to Join as a Red Raider:[/color][/size]
    [color="#008000"]OOC Section:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. MC Name?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]2. Link to your VA:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]3. How long have you been on this server?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]4. Previous Characters?:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]5. Skills (What are your skill levels?):[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]7. Do you have TS? Skype? If so, what is your username?:[/color]
    [color="#008000"]RP Section:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]1. ((RP)) Name:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"] (Optional) 3. Past (notable) RP Experiences:[/color]
    [color="#FFFFFF"]4. Previous noble houses served (if any):[/color]

    How to Join Once Application is Accepted

    1. Kill an enemy of House Flay/Adelban or Participate in a raid

    2. Show skills and battle and the proper formalities

    3. Serve Adelban without question for three Elven days

    4. Swear allegiance to House Adelban and Redbain himself

    5. Swear to protect Fort Rin at whatever cost.

    Our Attitude

    We are made to serve; Renatus, Flay, and Horen. Any one outside Renatus, Flay, or Horen is scum to be executed by the hands of an Adelban. Those who are not members of Renatus are not fit to live, they are to be treated like nothing more than pigs ready for the slaughter. We kidnap, ransom, pillage, and conquer with no mercy. Occasionally, feuds with other houses may start, and they are to be treated like the other scum of the world. Even worse than the scum who are not Renatus is Hanseti, target number one in the eyes of Adelban. They are to be exterminated at whatever cost.

    Any "oath breaker" is to be treated like the scum who are not citizens of Renatus; slaughter them with ferocity and without mercy.

    Graphics for House Adelban:

    Uniform: http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4fab11db3aea5541329252499841238417841191 (Please don't put this skin on your character until I hand it to you in RP)

    Lord's Attire: http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4fab12e74e80b716256318789816238167816191 (Only belongs to Redbain at the time, please don't put on this skin unless given to you in RP)

    Lady's Attire:http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4fb43cefd4675250276232919850238507850191 (Only belongs to Alexis at the time, please don't put on this skin unless given to you in RP)

    Red Raider Uniform:http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4fb59229bf482241704176979841238417841191 (Please don't put on this skin on your character until I hand it to you in RP)

    (This thread is not finished, but I do need recruits. Applications are open to acceptance)

  6. *A few notes are scattered on the ground where you walk in the cloud temple. Believing it litter, you pick it up to throw it away. You notice the writing and begin to read.*


    I am Baron Redbain Adelban, and I am currently constructing a fortress. I am in great need of dark wood and would be willing to pay 100 minas per stack of dark wood logs. Please respond soon!


  7. ((Is that a reference to Rey Lewis from the Baltimore Ravens? I may be English but I like American Football))

    Sir? could I please have a response to my gunpowder offer, I am postponing another trade for this and I need an answer.

    ((I answered that days ago...))

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