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Status Replies posted by andyboy124

  1. When riding a bike, remember to stop before you go into a lake

    1. andyboy124


      No, you keep going.

  2. Stright chillin' wit' my home dawgs: Braxis, Bog, ~Kashi, GavinTheViking, andyboy124, Boiendl, DrakeHaze, Falkor, Grimloth, LaTerre, Mdhegs, Romanen, Shar'ku. :)

  3. Uh oh, my parents are going to my skuuul OHHH NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  4. When does assassin's creed 3 come out, and who all is getting it?

    1. andyboy124


      Pre ordered it. Getting it the day it comes out.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. The Manatee rise, fear our power and blubber!

  6. GAH! People are so annoying! I have people voting on my thread that they didn't like RPing with Number Three when they NEVER DID! Screw these people, I wish I could PVP them OOCly...

  7. Hey guys, quitting LoTC (Maybe Permanently, maybe not). Probably won't be on the forums or on TS, but I will make a post tomorrow explaining what happend to both my characters. I'd make my goodbye longer, but I am horrible at goodbyes. Bye to all my friends and good luck to all the new members!

  8. Gah! I really wanted the Idea for the "Numbers" to be accepted! They bring such fun RP! Till then, I am on complete overdrive when it comes to their lore. WIsh me luck!

  9. How do I get people to join ADELBAN! GAH!

    1. andyboy124


      Well, you kinda forced me to play one of your kids...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Rooster Teeth Fans and Mass Effect Fans... Watchi this video:

  11. Gettin ignored by GMs, looks like I'm not coming back.

  12. Lookin for people who want to help me write up some lore for a religion.... Comment if you're interested

    1. andyboy124


      Cant write lore, but that religion sounds interesting.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Nothing worse than wasting the gms time about a guy who runs into the temple to avoid death :/

  14. Wont be on much....server got boring...

    1. andyboy124


      ....I left twice? I'm pretty sure this is the first time i've officially left.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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