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Posts posted by SeventhCircle

  1. 2 hours ago, Adam_barnett said:

    Thats a very bad idea. There would literally just be war after war so one nation can claim the whole island. For example if Oren and Haria were put on the same island I think its very obvious what Oren would do.

    To be fair to Oren they haven't started a war in a long time. All of the last few wars have been defensive so honestly I think you would be fine. 

  2. *A note would be pinned to the bottom of the poster*

    "While I may just be a concerned elf but I remember the days before the monks gave out bread. Dark times! Full of mass starvation due to the lack of chef's being around all the time. I think the monk's work is necessary to avoid starvation! As such I recommend seeking work else where if the small amount of bread the monks give out is interfering with your own ability to work. Though thanks to the monks work you your self will never starve even if your out of work."

  3. Just now, Caelria said:

    So uh... where are the fast travels? How are those explained? Why would a city allow all manner of spooky scary skeletons into their walls through a carriage or boat of any kind? Would they simply be teleported through the use of vile magic?

    It's actually really well done. They made little caves and portal things that let you fast travel near capital citys

  4. Just now, TheElvenMage said:

    I noticed that a lot of weapons suddenly got 11 procent or 22 procent, where they were vastly superior beforehand...

    That was intended. To try and balance PVP a bit more they lowered all percents on weapons. (Minus bows)

  5. As I see it either remove nexus which I really don't think will happen which is fair or don't touch it. No skill reset because lets be honest it doesn't mean a damn thing. It isn't going to level the playing field at all. I know a few of the people who are in top spots and it honestly didn't take them all that long. Though I should note that's completely depends on the profession but I'm referring to mining breeding and stonemason. And really it took a few weeks. The issue really isn't about these people having a head start it's about the fact it's a grindy process. Also lets be honest I've been here for almost 5 years now and profession roleplay really never has been a thing so I really don't think removing nexus will create any more roleplay. Though I do agree it can be annoying dealing with craft times etc. But I personally love some of the new items that nexus crafting has added. In the end I think there's no real reason to wipe skills.

  6. MC Name:



    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]:



    Transformed Form:



    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Augurs are descendants who have shown their dedication to the aengul Yeu Rthulu. Meaning, they follow the 30 strictures and strive to uphold Yeu Rthulu’s mission: to help people achieve happiness and contemptness. To become an augur one would follow the strictures very closely and as they continue to help others to become content, Yeu Rthulu will try to connect with this person. Several months after this connection was created the descendant will have an urge to meditate and/or pray for a long period. This period of meditation is either brief or an experience lasting several days. Once complete the descendant will enter a deep trance that last ten to twenty elven minutes. During this trance, the descendant is extremely open to attack, as they are completely unable to react to what is going on around them. After the trace ends, the descendant will awake as an augur in a blinding flash of light. It should be noted that augurs can enter this trance once more to turn back into a descendant

    Augurs are freed from the anger and are instead filled with joy. Augur will avoid conflict to no end and will only ever raise a sword in the defense of themselves or someone they consider as completely innocent. Augur are a type of spectres, but also do have solid gold hands, shins, chest, head, and a few other body parts. Though it should be noted they have no feet as they have no need for them as they float. Augurs also need no food or water or rest as they are sustained by Yeu Rthulu. While augurs have undergone great physical changes, and even a few mental changes, they have the mind of the person they were before and only lack their anger. Augurs can take damage from gold weapons or regular weapons hitting any of their solid body parts. Fire and Fi magic are also quite powerful against them. As Fi magic will cut the augur off from Yeu Rthulu leaving the augur unconscious.


    Should an Augur transition back into their descendant form they simply enter the trance. Once in descendant form, there are several things that should be noted as they will not be the same person. For instance, they are completely infertile and they still will not feel anger. Instead, frustration, deep sadness, melancholy, horrible bouts of sleep paralysis, nocturnal and waking seizures will affect them. They will also need food and water once more as Yeu Rthulu will no longer be fueling them.



    *A poster gilded with gold and written with extremely detailed lettering would be hung on notice boards across Valior*


    Official Job Posting from The Sutican Ministry of Beauty and Architecture


    The ministry is currently looking to hire two architects. Their level of skill can be of a lower quality as onsite training will occur. No prior experience in the Sutican architectural style is needed.

    Some prior general architecture experience is needed.


    Payment is negotiable and is dependent on the level of activity and quality of architecture.

    Payment may not always be in the form of minas.


    Application for those who are interested.






    ((MC Name)):


    Please leave questions or applications either pinned to this poster or sent by bird to the Grand Architect of Sutica, Silv’ar Vanguard ((SeventhCircle))


  8. Honestly after seeing the statistics that Squirtgun gather I would love to see information on how our server is growing over time and a chart showing daily loggings for the month of april. As with only 21 new active players joining are we at a loss compared to how many players leave per month? If that is the case it means we have a shrinking player base which is very concerning. I honestly feel like the server needs more measurable indicators on how it is doing that way future problems are noticed and could possible be solved.

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