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Status Replies posted by DrHigginbotham

  1. Just got a new text to speech program. Now I dont have to read through big chunks of lore, but listen to it. :)

  2. I loved and lost, I've laughed and cried, but LOTC is now over for me. I've asked to be permanently banned without revoke. It's time for me to go, my days are long over and I must catch up to the others that have walked down the road I now travel.

  3. :( sometimes i wish i had my laptop next to me... Havent played minecraft in over 2 weeks!

    1. DrHigginbotham


      Be on in a few days :)

  4. I feel that all of Mojamgs coders should be fired and Mojamg hires all the moders.

  5. I hate when I try and cook eggs, and people move my pepper from it's spot...

  6. I don't know why, but I act as if inanimate objects have feelings. So if I say, threw a pillow at a wall, I'd feel bad for the pillow :/

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