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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by ImpinAintEZ

  1. Come on guys! Let's get back to voting! :D

  2. Just ate a whole chocolate pound cake in like 30 minutes. My Saturday will consist of me just being fat... ALL DAY!

  3. Yes, I would like to join the rebellion. The Wardens do more damage than they do good.

  4. Yes, I saw Caden there and Felore was talking with him. There were around 15-20 Wardens who came and took Caden away.


  6. Your "My Information" section lies! You are NOT female! lol...

  7. Hey, I read your character's bio, and I would just like to say that it was great. I really liked it. I don't totally know if it was to the lore, but you should consider writing some cool lore stories or try to become a Lore Master when you get a little experience on the server. GOOD LUCK!

  8. Hey sexy,

    Long time no see...

    jk about the sexy part :D

  9. Anyway that we could raise the spawning rate on animals? I can't find them anywhere.

  10. Does anyone know LoTC's recipe for a saddle?

  11. Yes, but at least all the awesome landscape in the main land is good. I'm loving how it's been developing.


  13. Hahahahah.... HOLY CRAP. You're guys' leaving posts are SO FUNNY!

  14. Bright side to this whole thingy.... We get to see new leaders come about. At this point, I just hope it's not a troll cuz it'll cause more damage than if they really are leaving.

  15. Well, I'll be off on a camping trip till Saturday. See you guys later!

  16. A wild, annoying pokemon trend appeared! And I killed it...

  17. Next stop... NO VAs!!!

  18. Why you die server? Is server sad?

  19. The list has been updated fully! If you haven't left a reply to the list of all the characters of LoTC then please leave one now. Thank you. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/95060-updated-list-of-all-the-characters-of-lotc/page-1

  20. If you haven't left your info here, please do. Just trying to get everyone on the list. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/95060-updated-list-of-all-the-characters-of-lotc/

  21. Aaaaaand... boom goes the dynamite.

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