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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by ImpinAintEZ

  1. Why you die server? Is server sad?

  2. Why you no make warclaim yet Oren?

    1. Servant of St. Owyn

      Servant of St. Owyn

      Waiting for Mog, From what I've heard.

    2. ImpinAintEZ


      Ah, I had thought as much.

  3. YAY! It's back online!

  4. Yes, but at least all the awesome landscape in the main land is good. I'm loving how it's been developing.

  5. Yes, I saw Caden there and Felore was talking with him. There were around 15-20 Wardens who came and took Caden away.

  6. Yes, I would like to join the rebellion. The Wardens do more damage than they do good.

  7. You all need to seriously shut up. The server is just trying to sleep and you're going to wake it up. *Says in a sarcastic way*

  8. You can now join the server again... YAY!

  9. You know... sometimes I just want to rage on people. There are just so many ignorant people out there.

  10. You mama's so fat that she fell asleep on Route 12. *Insert picture of Snorlax sleeping on the road.* (Only true Pokemon loves would get this.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ayresalex


      Thanks reddit.

    3. ImpinAintEZ


      <.< >.> *Whisper* Shhhhhhh... they can't know.

    4. EboBren'


      *Gets Pokeflute.

      *Uses Pokeflute.

      A wild mama apperead!

      I choose you, zubat!

      Zubat uses confusion!

      Wild mama is already confused!

      Wild mama hurts itself with it's confusion!

      Wild mama fainted!

  11. Your "My Information" section lies! You are NOT female! lol...

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