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Posts posted by Maur

  1. I have been in the FoA with Willy Since the UAC we are both sad to see the FoA Disband but it had to happen

    I will not be make a guild that follows aeriel but i will still believe in Aeriel I would like to thank eveyone of the FoA for join and helping us fight the Undead [[i will still be playing on this server]] this is Maur signing out

  2. Brief Character History: A aged dwarf who is looking to do some good in the world with his alhchemic skills

    Character Name (I.C.): Botar_Blackrock

    Character name (O.C.): Botar

    How much time do you spend on the server?: since the start

    Race: Dwarf

    IC Age: 287

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Soldier

    Goals in the FOA?: To heal and help who I can

    Good deeds you have done?: Helped out people whenever i can and try to be a nice person

    Have you done any bad deeds?: yes but in the far past... something Im trying to atone for

    How did you hear of us?: though one of your member's shoi

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: yes, because they have caused rampent and wanton chaos and death across the land while people fight or petty things, so some one has to do it

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Sword

    Are you a capable builder?: yes

    Can you wield any other weapons?: good with bow, noivce with ax

    Any special skills?: skilled medic and doctor

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I have faith in alot of things and in a few gods, it all depends what i have seen of them, and if asked i will share what i think

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: As a search and rescue troop or as a Docotr doing general healing where ever needed

    Please show more in your in your bio it's what have you done in the past
  3. Brief Character History: I was born outside of Orem, deep in the forest. I lived with my family until I was 24 and then my father and I worked as lumberjacks. His health started to fail him and he died, I moved back home to provide for my mother for as long as I could. I met an enlightened follower of Aeriel and I became friends with him. He showed me Alras and I became a guard. Ive been able to pay for my mothers house with the new job. Years passed and I met the Follower again and he taught me of Aeriel's love. I became a believer and wished to join him and the followers of Aeriel. So I followed his words wisely and took them to heart.

    Character Name (I.C.): Sir Draeon Wyvernos

    Character name (O.C.): Sir_Wyvernos

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 32

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I am a soldier through and through.

    Goals in the FOA?: Spread the love and word of Aeriel to those of the Aegis.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have protected Alras, helped FOA members, and helped builders of Alras.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: I used to dread having to take care of my mother, so at one point I quit my job as a lumberjack so I wouldnt have to pay for her house, but my friend reminded me of all she had done for me as a boy and I quickly went back to work.

    How did you hear of us?: An enlightened friend of mine told me of FOA.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am against wrong doing more so than the undead. I believe all beings have reason for their actions but I do not believe hurting the innocent is with logical reason.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I prefer the sword. Im a recruit, but I fight constantly on guard duty.(skills are broken)

    Are you a capable builder?: I believe I am capable of building.

    Can you wield any other weapons?: I can use a bow if I put my mind to it, but I am very good with an axe, as I was a lumberjack.

    Any special skills?: I do believe I am a very good guard.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I do have faith in Aeriel and I speak of Aeriel to some that I meet now. I believe because of what a member of FOA has taught me. He told me of Aeriels love and compassion for me in my life and how I am guided through by Aeriel and my faith.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will bind the words of my leaders to my heart and use what abilities I have to protect and serve Aerial and the followers. I will live wholly to spread the love of Aeriels people all across Aegis.

    You will make a very well FoA welcome to the FoA if you do not know where the fort is send me a bird ((maur0821))
  4. Brief Character History: Ahkrael was born in a small log cabin out in the wide open Northern Wilderness. His family consisted of a mother, a father, 2 older sisters and a younger brother. Ahkrael had a traumatic introduction to the undead, they killed his family in the middle of the night when he was at the age of 8, Luckily Ahkrael made it out alive by running for his life when his small log cabin was set ablaze by the evil undead who did it. Ahkrael grew up in a small Northern town as an orphan with no home for the longest time.. At 18 he then became a wandering mercenary, working simple jobs of guarding caravans that had little chance of being attacked.. It was at age 20 that Ahkrael felt that he could avenge his family without a high chance of death. Never has Ahkrael been in an actual church service in his life, and has only heard about Aeriel through the occasional Ascended he has met on his travels. Ahkrael feels that maybe this "divine power" will help him seek out his revenge against his wrongdoers, but perhaps Aeriel will help him see revenge is not the best path.. (Better now?)

    Character Name (I.C.):


    Character name (O.C.)



    IC Age: I'd like to put it as 27 but.. for some reason I can't change my age on my account..

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I'd like to apply Ahkrael as a soldier currently, but if possible for RP motives perhaps Ahkrael at a later age would prefer a life of preaching..?

    Goals in the FOA?: To kill the undead and maybe rise up a few ranks, Make a name for myself in the world of Aegis.

    Good deeds you have done?: I fought in the battle against the Undead Stronghold up north, I've also protected innocents on the road from the dead, not much else.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Killed an innocent man in a battle once, Ahkrael hasn't beaten himself up for it as the man was a thug (evil app) but feels a bit ashamed.

    How did you hear of us?: I've seen you guys around Al'khazar and in the Undead Stronghold battle.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Ahkrael is extremely due to the fact they killed his family.. He wants personal revenge and will stop at nothing to gain it.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):

    (Sword but when I began playing skill sets were broken.. so I have no skills... is this a problem?)

    Are you a capable builder?: Decent,

    Can you wield any other weapons?: Bow

    Any special skills?: I'd like to say I have the knack for being in places I shouldn't be via sneaking, but I only use it to sneak on the undead.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Ahkrael is a man of littler faith in anybody, but perhaps joining the FOA will give him a reason to believe in a divine power.. Maybe he'll even preach it when he's older.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will help beat the undead out of the world of Aegis, and even pursue them into the Nether! I will stop at nothing to help eradicate this scum out of our plane of existence!

    Welcome to the FoA


  5. --The Followers of Aeriel Ranks, Members, Divisions, and Allies--

    --FoA Commandng Ranks--

    Commander (1)

    Colonel (1)

    Major (2)

    Captain (3)

    FoA Officer Ranks

    Lieutenant (4)

    Drill Sergent (2)

    Sergeant (4)

    FoA Soldiers






    Elite Brigadier



    FoA Divisions



    Search & Rescue


    FoA Allies

    The Enlighted

    White Ravens

    Other Against the Undead

    *Guides of the Enlighted (Shoi, Garn, Selina, Zephyr, Jayius.) can overpower commands made by the FoA Commander.

    ((Promotions up to Ranks of Lieutenant or higher have to be discussed with myself or Tylos))

    ((Seeing as how ranks are new, all of the members that were members before the skill system came out do not adhere to this rule. As in, they wont be stripped of rank because they didn’t have the "appropriate" skill level. That is just silly . All new members will be required to have these skill levels (subject to change)))

    ((NOTE: Ranks are not just given to people if you achieve these skill levels, good RP, the following of orders of your COs, and other factors come into it as well))


    Captian or Major?









    Safen [X01]




    The army of the FoA. They ready to fight against the undead at the side of the Ascended.





    Search & Rescue

    Seek out the lost ascended, FoA, and help tainted seeking recovery, helping injured people from wars.


    Tom Fust


    [[natural healing only]]


    Rally defences at the encampment and do majority of repairs. Also build up new structures.

    Master Architect

    Taking place of a Lietenant

    Thaelen [grand_kevall]


    Gather Materials and trained in the art of ax fighting and close combat. Houses the Elite as last defence of the Encampment.



    Elite Brigadier

    Wall o' Honor:Wall o' Honor:

    Martin Benedict(Deceased), founder of the UAC, honorary Acolyte of the Ascended.

    Sornof(Deceased), former Governor of the UAC and Colonel of the FOA,Blaedr FoA Commander.

    The Wall o' Dishonor and Shame

    Chris Ford (Dishonorably banished for Iblees worshippin', assault on a dwarven council member, threats ta the King, treason, betrayal)

    Mor'Gunt (Dishonorably banished by Sage Arcadius for betrayal, disrespectin' the people and troops, and looking for a necromnicron, as well as other suspected villainous acts.)

  6. ((Please read before continuing: Hey everyone, maur here. I am sorry to have to say this but here it goes. Please, do not apply to this guild, or put in to your app, that your main goal or want is to just become Ascended. That is not our goal. We are the Ascendeds Army and RP as such. If that is your main reason for wanting to apply then please do not. Thanks again, and happy hunting/RPing))

    *You see a long scroll on the message board outside the Major City.

    Hail, people o' Aegis. I be Maur, Commander o' the Followers o' Aeriel. Recently, the Sages o' the Ascended 'ave decreed the UAC ta become the Followers o' Aeriel. This is a great honor and we shall remain as such ta lead the people o' Aegis

    We are now redoublin' our efforts and are open ta new recruits. If interested please let me know o' yer interest. ((/tell me in game my MC Name = maur0821 and apply on the forums here.))

    Thank ye, and may Aeriel watch over us, and everyone else, in our fight against the Undead. And may the Ascended rise once again, stronger than ever. Do not lose faith.

    -Signed by Maur, Commander o' the Followers o' Aeriel

    OOC Lore and Goals: This guild is the former UAC, or United Aegis Coalition. We have changed our name by decree of the Sages and are their army and prophets, as said so by them. This guild is all about fighting the Undead and spreading the word of Aeriel's warmth and news. We also will protect and serve the people of Aegis whenever they ask for it and will uphold this as one of our core values.

    Aeriel has whispered to some of our members, myself included, about how we are supposed to spread the news of how the Ascended are our Guardians and Saviors and that they will come back stronger than ever. ((And please do not post things like "lolz powergaming" this has actually happened to us! It was a very good RP event.))

    This is what our purpose is now. To continue to fight against the Undead while spreading the news of Aeriel's, and the Ascended's, greatness and love.

    Also, please do not wear our tag unless you have talked to me personally in game about it. We have a recruiting process for a reason, please adhere to it. Thank you.

    Guild Rules

    -Follow all server rules

    -No stealing from other players

    -No griefing

    -Must tell of Aeriels love for everyone in Aegis

    -No hurting and treating allys, other members, or any one else with disrespect.

    -Spies from evil guilds will be dealt with accordingly either by imprisoned, questioned, or given to the local guard.

    Information About Allying With Us: If you wish to ally with us, please write on the forums here of your alliance wishes or RP with me in game (No meta though if talking in game and please be IC on the forums). We will be trying to rally Aegis and get as many people following us and believing in the Ascended's true strength, return, and of Aeriels love for us.

    ---FOA Recruitment Application---

    ((**Note: IC apps are greatly appreciated and highly valued! Thanks for applying!))

    UPDATED:I have updated the app now -M

    Brief Character History:

    Character Name (I.C.):

    Character name (O.C.):

    How much time do you spend on the server?:


    IC Age:

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):

    Goals in the FOA?:

    Good deeds you have done?:

    Have you done any bad deeds?:

    How did you hear of us?:

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):

    Are you a capable builder?:

    Can you wield any other weapons?:

    Any special skills?:

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:

    ((Edited our recruitment questions slightly))

    ((We now have an official skin and uniform! It was made by TwilightStorm so thank him when you get the chance! I will link it below after the OOC brackets. Please also continue to be patient with your application. We need to go through them and evaluate them which does take time. I thank you for your patience and understanding.))

    ((Please edit the face!!! Do not use this skin without editing the face!))

    <!-- m -->FoA Skin Here<!-- m -->

    ((Please post below if there anything missing))

    ((App reviewers maur0821 and awesumninja123))

  7. Re-posted app beacose it was skiped.

    Brief Character History: I was born on a forest far away from society where my parents taught me how to survive on the wilderness. At my 19 years I started a trip to the society.

    Character Name (I.C.): Eusebio

    Character name (O.C.) Eusemaster

    Race: Human

    IC Age: 20

    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Soldied (If there's no space for more soldiers I can be a preacher)

    Goals in the FOA?: Help FOA to defeat Undead and all the enemies of aegis. ((RPing))

    Good deeds you have done?: Help defending village of the undead.

    Have you done any bad deeds?: I haven't done any serious crime.

    How did you hear of us?: A scroll on the mayor city.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes, beacose I have seen how they destroyed many very friendly cities.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): Sword and bow. ((Skills are broken))

    Are you a capable builder?: Yes

    Can you wield any other weapons?: No, just bows and swords.

    Any special skills?: I can survive on the wilderness.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes, beacose I have seen how the powers of Aeriel have be very effective against undead.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will do everything I will be told to do.

    denied Please show more bio in your char
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