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Posts posted by Maur

  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    Name ((IC & OOC)):

    IC name: OrdenMarschall Garrus Azog
    OOC: maur0821



    Do ye abide by the rules?::


    Name: "Garrus"
    Surname/House: Azog
    Age: 236
    Gender: Male
    Race: Orc
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 9'2
    Weight: 400
    Eye Color: Black
    Hair Color: Bald
    Skin Color/Shade: Green.
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: "Garrus" has a black Teutonic Cross on the back of his neck.
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):Castle Greywynn
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Hanseti
    Profession/Occupation: Saraint.
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, "Garrus" Azog, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  3. Maur slumbers in his bed chamer, getting rest after a long time on working on building the fort. A Sariant runs into the room with a letter with an application, he walks over to Maur, and a few inches short from him he stops. He then hands the note over and then says "Applicant" he leaves the room and Maur begins to read the letter. He looks at the applicants name and his credentials, he then says "ACCEPTED" to himself, the word echoes off the walls of the inside of the glorious keep. He then walks out and he looks at the name one last time, he fetches for his ink and quill. He quickly finds a solid surface and writes "Accepted, report to the fort immediately, send me a bird if you have any questions" and then he attaches it to a bird, and sends the bird off. (Maur0821)

  4. *Maur Azog reads applications he has just received by one of the the new Plebeians "Great need new brothers,"  Maur begins to write a letter to both of the of the applicants "Thank you for sending a application to join our order, a few of our order members will be waiting in Oren, If you can still not contact us then send a bird to Eldak SongSteel ((Ballnazor))or Maur Azog ((maur0821))"

  5. *OrdenMarschell Maur looks up at the door then at Erik "What the **** is going on out there." Maur and Erik, stands up then walks towards the stairs, Maur pulling his war hammer from his back and, Erik uncliping his battle Axe*

  6. *OrdenMarschell Maur Azog sits at the embassy table cutting his steak, and then hears Dain ask for reports, Maur looks down at Dain*

    *Maur shakes his head*

    *Maur then looks at his brother Erik seeing that his armor is damaged pretty badly*

    *Maur swallows his steak before talking*

    "That Armour gunna last ya?"

    *Erik nods and continues to sharpen his battle axe*

    *Maur cuts his steak with his small dagger*

    *Maur pulls out a battle formation plan from his pocket and studying it*

  7. This week of 10/11/12 - 11/17/2012, I, Maur Azog, OrdenMarschell of the Teutonic Order have done the following things:

    1. Alerted the men when the Emperor was leading a attack to Eleven lands

    2. Assisted in the attack of eleven lands


    3. Participated in the sneak attack of the Elfs





    4. Harvested all of the farms made into bread.

    Kill count: 4 Elf's with the help of Erik




    Signed, OrdenMarshcell Maur.

  8. This week of 10/28/12 - 11/4/2012, I, Maur Azog, OrdenMarschell of the Teutonic Order have done the following things:

    1. lead many scout missions on finding the mage towers and names of mages

    2. in the arrest of Blundermore, and escorted him personally to fickloch.

    3. Participated in the attack of Ambros.

    4. Harvested all of the farms being made into bread right now.

    I have participated in few fights in the city of Arethor and Idlon, have I killed one rebel in Idlon.

    Signed, OrdenMarshcell Maur.

  9. Mi haz

    harvezt lutz uf wheat abuut half uf a azh chest eeeet make 9 bagz uf bread nuw in da chezt mi haz harvezt abuut a H'ash Futh uf meluns agh luts mi haz put sum signs in huuze tuu peep if huuze inactive sum mi haz went ta Zeventhz ta peep uf nub thing waz guing un dere nub thing lub uf strums haz happen mi haz guttin hit H' timezzzzz agh fuund mi haz abuut 22 diamundz in my blarg nub thing elze den diz Uh mi peep bird pazz uver mi blag da all. mi wi juzt make a chest full uf bread.

  10. *See this UAC guild*

    *Maur talks to himself*

    The UAC is back? They're just going to get disbanded just like FOA did. Everyone in FOA worked so hard to fight the Undead and we died for them.. We spent so much time in the guild just to get kicked out.

    *Starts to cry*

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