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Everything posted by blacktiger28

  1. sage arcadius the military sage said.... were part of the ascended army, mainly focused on defending the ascended during battle and doing special forces mission, that was what i talked to arcadius about, we are suppoesd to protect you on the battlefield supposedly i guess, if not we will still be part of the army focused on the special forces missions
  2. The using only Paladin tags was acctually Blaedr's idea. Too many people were confused. Anyway yes, we are the bodyguard of the ascended, and also their special forces!
  3. the difference is that we acctually are the designated army of the ascended (FOA), and we are also their special forces and bodyguards(Paladins), but yeah we serve the same purpose.... talk to FOA leader mcname-blaedr or me mcname-blacktiger28
  4. Cleared up, He will lead the Priests of Aerial
  5. i dont understand what your saying you were told to put what where?
  6. Hey blaedr if its ok can the paladins be recruited on this post too? could you just add a subject on the recruitment application that says wheather or not they would like to join the Paladin Special Forces(and can you explain that paladins are special forces FOA that also are bodyguards for the ascended during battles) or be main FOA
  7. there is already a leader blaedr leads the Main FOA and I lead the Paladin Special forces of the FOA(protect ascended during battles, bodyguards, and specialforces)
  8. Oh one more thing i forgot, Paladins will be the main army of the ascended when they return, this means that we must be ready to move and that are main job is protecting the ascended.
  9. Before the ascended returned to Haven, this group was discussed with a few of the important Sages...... Paladins were to be guards of the Ascended during all battles, defending them in battle to the last man, dwarf, orc, or elf. We recruit from the armies of Aegis only taking the most capable swordsmen, archers, mages, scouts, ect. Since the withdraw of the Ascended the group has decided to temporarily join the FOA(followers of Aeriel) We fight by their side to defend aegis from the darkness until we can hopefully one again resume our roles as protectors of the ascended. As we have an important job we are very selective of recruits. Recruits must be pure of heart and strong of mind. Joining this force means you are a force for pure good and we will not EVER tollerate any evil deeds. The ranks of the paladins are as follows Commanding General(s)- Paladin_High_Commander_(name) Generals-Paladin_Commander_(name) Captains-Paladin_Captain_(name) Regular Soldiers-Paladin_(name) Trainee-Paladin_Recruit_(name) At the moment as we are calaborating with the FOA we will take their ranks as well(highest FOA rank is major for the commanding generals) so a paladin high commander's name would be..... Paladin_High_Commander_FOAMajor_(name) ooc:note this group was made with inspiration from a friend who wanted to join Agith(the orginal person to attempt to invent paladins). Because of this Agith will be given the high commander rank if he wishes to join this group Remember this group is open to all who wish to repent for their mistakes and nobly protect the highest beings in all of aegis the ascended. For those who wish to join.... Name(rp) name(minecraft) Race Current job(ingame) Any evils you have comitted(so we may clense you of them) If you wish to join again post on the forums or PM-blacktiger28
  10. Also, this is a disaterous idea. A commoner doesnt know whats good for everyone as a whole. A king knows whats best for his country, a General knows whats best in war, these people are in power because they know whats best for their people. They can be removed at anytime if needed, but they are fair so they stay in power. o and this is treason as you were already removed from alkazar
  11. no the greeks (athens) were a direct democracy. The USA is a republic, and the closest thing to us was rome. In Athens everyone could vote on everything by themselves without representation. In a republic you vote to have people vote for you.
  12. This guy would be a terrible leader. Hes a nobody and doesnt understand anything about the military since he doesnt get why the elven military works. No i think the existing generals of the different nations should come to colead
  13. We cant make younger people grunts. There are some 12-15 year olds who did earn their ranks in the army. U cant just make them low level soldiers who take orders again. They deserve their rank! If u want to do this, ranks stay as they are and if a 12 year old commands an army cause hes a general he commands it. You cant demote him cause.of his irl age
  14. May i ask ur rank? Some of the stuff is classifed plusnive sent many recruits on protection missions for fellow elves and to train
  15. Im in charge of recruits or some of them at least
  16. OOC- just remember all victins must be allowed to respond before they are slain. There have been many issues with this
  17. People wishing to join the elven military please contact Kalen(501warhead) or lord blackthorn. I will also be able to assist you as i am making a recruiting program for the army.
  18. If i may ask what warden is this? Also, the wardens are fine, many of us are undercover, and are hidden doing missions at this time. I for one am training possible recruits. Also know the wardens are an elite group of the military, we are not large... We are as strong as we were ever save for the sad death of atles one of our main commanders.
  19. Name:Zaeren Sword Skill: Race starting level Archer Skill: Race starting level Note for both of these i am at the base level as far as i know unless i get pre buffed stats, but i am excelent at both even at the base levels(i have killed over 3 people who had twice my stats on another server at the same time. They all had diamond and i had iron and a bow). I wish to join because on all the other servers Ive evr played on, ive been part of an elite unit. This seems to be just that and so i wish to join
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