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  1. Its not that I think you're a jerk, it's just that I've lost nearly everything worthwhile to me after months of playing on LotC, and the fact that I can't get a refund because I was flooded just ruined what inspiration it took for me to walk for two miles to play some video game on the library's computer.

  2. You had to log-out on me when I was still talking to you?

    Many players lost their things in Haven, and alot of them just continued on and gathered their things again, because technically it WAS RP.

    I gave you your belongings due to the bulk of items you lost... and you lost them again! I don't understand why you need to act as if i'm a jerk and out to get you. ...

  3. Hey! Hey Hey!! Hey Hey!

  4. The hills have eyes is the name of a zombie movie.
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