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Everything posted by Ogedi

  1. Mathias you are now head mage. And no the wandering wizard will not be coming back. He may find himself in a law suit soon however for back charging payments. This is not our concern, so it will be left at that. We will gladly help with he undead problem, please contact one of our members. Smithson welcome to the white ravens! I look forward to having you in my guild! Contact one of our members if you need help findin your new home
  2. Aww I'm sorry to hear this nikias. I hope one day you will come back vlathar you have been accepted!!! Welcome to the infamous white ravens
  3. I might be mistaken but if your the dusk walkers, you need to consult me before a battle can be placed on my keep. Thank you, and sorry if this is a misunderstanding.
  4. they can't take the hold with out consulting me first of rules of war. We are talking about the main keep with he castle and stronghold right?
  5. Gre we are far older then the to, more organized, and more pure.
  6. Indeed nikias, you are now one of my advisors!
  7. I now promote mathias as head Mage. Nikias is rather busy ATM.
  8. This is our old thread. Do not bump this again. If an fm could delete it that would be great.
  9. Shadow I apologize for he inconveinence. The ravens will always be here if you need them or wish to come back. And indeed, it took me a few times to get the architecture the way I wanted it, I feel that it turned out pretty good however. Arein you have been accepted! Welcome to the guild!!!
  10. Temple temple, there's aton of rooms and a head Mage room
  11. Lol ok. (btw made an app for gm, go check it out and let me know what u think!)
  12. I posted my app, please let me know what you think!
  13. I may be running for gm soon guys, please let me know about your thoughts and opinions on this. Positive or negative.
  14. "for now" When neph returns he may resume his position. And Burke id like to see you around the guild more.
  15. You have been accepted! Welcome to the white ravens! I look forward to having you in my guild.
  16. Our plan is to build a city and become the first nom race based nation and kingdom.
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