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kurk brak

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Status Replies posted by kurk brak

  1. This is a sopa-relevant status.

  2. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day everybody!

  3. This song makes me want to play WoW again :
  4. Okay, calm down. De-Whitelisted, or not. Vaq's on the case, it'll be fixed, no doubt. Just let him do his job, and be patient.

  5. IS THIS NAME BETTER? Will I now get spammed with "HI AUZZY!" and comments on my page? Come back, my loves~ *sob

  6. Seeerveeer, whyd'ya have to crash on us? We just love you. That's all. Do you not love us back? ;~;

  7. Seeerveeer, whyd'ya have to crash on us? We just love you. That's all. Do you not love us back? ;~;

  8. Seeerveeer, whyd'ya have to crash on us? We just love you. That's all. Do you not love us back? ;~;

  9. I've fished all day~ First for my mommy,. then for my favorite gypsy elf

  10. Working on a Prince skin for Ashur. Thinking of a leaf crown with a silver jewel. Thoughts?

  11. Server down - Vaq is fixing ^.^

  12. Will, y u so dense. I hate playing this character sometimes, because I /have/ to be stupid for most things.:/

  13. Will, y u so dense. I hate playing this character sometimes, because I /have/ to be stupid for most things.:/

  14. Server's down. Time to enjoy some covered-game-music. Enjoy it's endlessly looping sound. Her voice, I must have it .w. http://endlessvideo.com/watch?v=wr-buV4tYOA&feature=relmfu

  15. Everyone's complaining they're going back to school? *cough* i got a 6 week holiday..

  16. Ah, home at last. I love you all. . . Love you, LotC. Do you love meeee, tooo?

  17. Ah, home at last. I love you all. . . Love you, LotC. Do you love meeee, tooo?

  18. Ah, family reunions and crappy laptops used to update my status and family and love and not being in my own home. How could this be any worse?

  19. Ah, family reunions and crappy laptops used to update my status and family and love and not being in my own home. How could this be any worse?

  20. I just made a Pandora Christmas music channel. My body is ready for this festive cheer.

  21. Eoin is now my apprentice. :D

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