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Status Updates posted by Akorta

  1. Day 32: It has been raining nonstop for about four weeks no, currently no signs of tornadoes, thankfully. May need to start working on plans for an ark.

    1. Kaiser


      Need an Ark?

      I Noah guy....

    2. Kaiser


      *Da Da trump*

  2. Define Brett "Brett Perea, the one and only true god of all of Aegis and Asulon! One day he shall return and grace us with his pressence!" ... I didn't make it up, I swear!

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Pfft, substitute Pip with Brett and you've got it.

  3. Derping on WoW.

  4. Derping on WoW.

  5. Diablo 3 Hell... Too tough... Oh god.

  6. Disconnecting every 30 seconds, **** just keeps getting better and better.

  7. Disconnecting every 30 seconds, **** just keeps getting better and better.

  8. Disliking all these restarts and crashes :(

    1. Alec


      Same here. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

  9. Disliking all these restarts and crashes :(

  10. Dodoodododododo MUSIC.

  11. Dodoodododododo MUSIC.

  12. Don't leave a stupid thread open to replies if you can't handle it...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. goldeagle409


      then punish them for breaking those rules. but as i said, dont punish the ones that dont break rules that do it on servers that are allowing it.

    3. FORƎST


      Friendly ribbing is NOT bullying. I truly hope, for your sake, that you understand this difference.

    4. Akorta
  13. Druken skype calls without alchole is :c *spots the bottle of Vodka*

  14. Druken skype calls without alchole is :c *spots the bottle of Vodka*

  15. Druken skype calls without alchole is :c *spots the bottle of Vodka*

  16. Drunken skype calls with my second true love, Tommy

  17. Due to last nights roleplay, I think I'm going to hang around the Mori for a while, see what happens ^_^

    1. Pnoynoy


      Now don't expecet to much :P

    2. Pnoynoy


      Now don't expecet to much :P

    3. Akorta


      Wasn't planning to. Just all I can eat and a army.

  18. Ehh... Should i attempt writing an AV Villain app or no... Hmm

  19. Ehh... Should i attempt writing an AV Villain app or no... Hmm

  20. Ehh... Someone go to work for me :c

  21. Even moar bandits!

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