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Svengal Ulfhaedyn

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Everything posted by Svengal Ulfhaedyn

  1. Can you give my real forum account posting privileges back pllleeeeaaassseee? I promise ill never make a broke teh server joke again.

  2. Apparently I'm a serious troll, a hazard to the LotC community and should keep my mouth shut, hence I got forum banned (again). But my VA got accepted.

    ~ Bael

  3. You may take my posting rights... BUT YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY FREEDOM!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Svengal Ulfhaedyn

      Svengal Ulfhaedyn

      *rides kangaroo off into the sunset.*

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      *Joins him in riding kangaroos like a boss*

    4. MonkeyCoffee
  4. I'll go sleepies soon and see where I am in the morning...

  5. As if. No one is taking my stuff.

  6. I cant do anything on your server - talk, place blocks, break blocks, hit animals, hit people etc. NOTHING.

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